Thursday, February 21, 2019

Papercraft Skins now available!

"Before we can save the world, first we gotta see it!" - Papercraft Anivia and Papercraft Nunu & Willump are now available! New sets of chroma and summoner icons are also available!
Continue reading for more information!

Table of Contents

  • Release Announcement
  • Champion Skins
    • Papercraft Anivia
    • Papercraft Nunu & Willump
  • Chromas
  • Summoner Icons

Release Announcement

From the release announcement - "New Epic skins - Papercraft Anivia and Nunu"

"What began as delicate, through many folds, became unbreakable."
Papercraft Anivia
1350 RP 
Papercraft Nunu & Willump
1350 RP

Set Bundles 
Available until March 7th at 10:00AM PT. 
Papercraft Anivia Set
2815 RP (3210 RP if you need Anivia)
  • Papercraft Anivia
  • Papercraft Anivia Icon
  • Seven chromas, including the exclusive Ruby chroma

Papercraft Nunu & Willump Set
2940 RP (3070 RP if you need Nunu & Willump)
  • Papercraft Nunu & Willump
  • Papercraft Nunu Icon
  • Papercraft Willump Icon
  • Seven chromas, including the exclusive Ruby chroma

Papercraft Anivia Chroma Bundle
3085 RP
  • Anivia (50% off)
  • Papercraft Anivia
  • All individually sold chromas
  • Bundle-exclusive Ruby chroma

Individual chromas also available for 290 RP each
  • Papercraft Anivia (Catseye)
  • Papercraft Anivia (Pearl)
  • Papercraft Anivia (Obsidian)
  • Papercraft Anivia (Tanzanite)
  • Papercraft Anivia (Rose Quartz)
  • Papercraft Anivia (Rainbow)
Papercraft Nunu & Willump Bundle
2820 RP
  • Nunu & Willump (50% off)
  • Papercraft Nunu & Willump
  • All individually sold chromas
  • Bundle-exclusive Ruby chroma

Individual chromas also available for 290 RP each
  • Papercraft Nunu & Willump (Pearl)
  • Papercraft Nunu & Willump (Aquamarine)
  • Papercraft Nunu & Willump (Obsidian)
  • Papercraft Nunu & Willump (Amethyst)
  • Papercraft Nunu & Willump (Rose Quartz)
  • Papercraft Nunu & Willump (Catseye)"

Champion Skins

Two new skins are now available - Papercraft Anivia and Papercraft Nunu & Willump:

Papercraft Anivia

1350 RP
At the tallest paper mountain in the whole paper world, Nunu and Willump found a great paper phoenix. "You cannot go to the top of the mountain," said the phoenix, "or your mother will be very angry." So Nunu and Willump thought and thought, but they couldn't find any way to get past...

Papercraft Nunu & Willump

1350 RP
Papercraft Nunu & Willump
One day, Nunu awoke to a world made entirely of paper, with his mother nowhere to be seen. He took a square off the wall, folded it into a wild Willump, and said "Now we will go find mom!" Willump agreed, and the two embarked upon a grand adventure... 


Each new skin this cycle has a set of chroma - 7 for Papercraft Anivia, and 7 for Papercraft Nunu & Willump:

Papercraft Anivia

Papercraft Nunu & Willump

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