Wednesday, February 20, 2019

2/20 PBE Update: Kayle & Morgana Champion Update, New Skins, Chroma, and more!

[WIP!] [STATUS: PBE is currently online.]

The PBE has been updated! As we start the 9.5 PBE cycle, today's patch includes the Kayle & Morgana champion update, new skins, chroma, icons, and more!
Continue reading for more information!

(Warning: PBE Content is tentative and subject to change - what you see below may not reflect what eventually gets pushed to live servers at the end of the cycle! Manage your expectations accordingly.)

Table of Contents

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Champion Update: Morgana, the Fallen

Before we get started, here's Riot August with a gameplay feedback thread for Morgana's small set of changes:
"Henlo frens, 
Morgana should be out on the PBE today. Please go play her and tell us what you think.
Would love some feedback on her spells and abilities. Am particularly interested in how you feel about the W change (more damage vs. low health targets, less damage vs high health). Do you want this? Does it make the W better? 
If you find any bugs please report them here 
Planned changelist for Morgana:
  • Stats
    • Base MS: 335 >>> 330
  • W
    • Min DPS: 16-80 (+.22 AP) >>> 12-60 (+.16 AP)
    • Missing health amp: 50% >>> 170%
    • Max DPS: 24-120 (+.33 AP) >>> 32-162 (+.43 AP)
  • R
    • New effect: Morgana gains 5/30/55% movement speed towards enemies she has tethered to."
Check out Kayle & Morgana's shared bug report thread here!

Morgana, the Fallen

Stats & Abilities


Full Voiceover:

Pick Quote: "I am bound, but I will not break."

Ban Quote: "Your worst decisions will haunt you."

Kayle and Morgana Special Interactions:

Non-English voiceover:


Check out Morgana's Updated bio over on the Universe!

Client bio:
"Conflicted between her celestial and mortal natures, Morgana bound her wings to embrace humanity, and inflicts her pain and bitterness upon the dishonest and the corrupt. She rejects laws and traditions she believes are unjust, and fights for truth from the shadows of Demacia-- even as others seek to repress it-- by casting shields and chains of dark fire. More than anything else, Morgana truly believes that even the banished and outcast may one day rise again."

Updated Skins

Each of Morgana's skins have been updated:

Exiled Morgana

Sinful Succulence Morgana

Blade Mistress Morgana

Blackthorn Morgana

Ghost Bride Morgana

Victorious Morgana

Lunar Wraith Morgana

Bewitching Morgana

Updated Chroma

Morgana's three base chroma were updated:

Champion Update: Kayle, the Righteous

Before we get started, here's Riot August with a gameplay feedback thread for Kayle's changes:
"Henlo frens, 
Kayle should be out on the PBE today. Please go play her and tell us what you think. You'll be able to find patch notes on her here as we continue to iterate. 
Would love some feedback on the feel of her spells and abilities. Anything you're really loving? Any mechanic that feels off or could use improvement? Let us know! 
If you find any bugs please report them here"
Check out Kayle Morgana's shared bug report thread here!

Kayle, the Righteous

Stats & Abilities


Full Voiceover:

Choose Quote: "They shall tremble at my perfection!"

Ban Quote: "I see you lack judgement."

Kayle and Morgana Special Interactions:

Non-English voiceover:

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