Monday, May 13, 2019

Patch 9.10 Notes

Patch 9.10 is on the way and the official patch notes have been posted!
Meow! Continue reading for more information!

Check out the Patch 9.10 notes (be sure to check regional editions for slight variations!):
"Hello fur-ends! Welcome to 9.10, the one where we greet the one, the only, the purr-fectly wonderful, Yuumi! 
This patch, while smaller than the last, contains changes to some of the more spicy champions across various skill brackets like Master Yi, Riven, and Vayne. We're also following up on the changes we made to Soraka last patch to continue to encourage her ally-supporting playstyle and buffing a few champions who've been faltering as of late. 
In addition, we've made some adjustments to Conqueror and Guinsoo's Rageblade due to their overperformance and must-pick natures for their core users. 
Meow, let's jump right in!"
Paul "Aether" Perscheid 
Hanna “shio shoujo” Woo

[Full Patch 9.10 Notes here!]


New Champion: Yuumi

Our newest champion, Yuumi, the Magical Cat, will be available in patch 9.10!

Yuumi, the Magical Cat

"A magical cat from Bandle City, Yuumi was once the familiar of a yordle enchantress, Norra. When her master mysteriously disappeared, Yuumi became the Keeper of Norra's sentient Book of Thresholds, traveling through portals in its pages to search for her. Yearning for affection, Yuumi seeks friendly companions to partner with on her journey, protecting them with luminous shields and fierce resolve. While Book strives to keep her on task, Yuumi is often drawn to worldly comforts, such as naps and fish. In the end, however, she always returns to her quest to find her friend."

 Yuumi's release skin is Battle Principal Yuumi!

Battle Principal Yuumi

1350 RP
"Following the disappearance of two principals, Yuumi has stepped in as the acting head of Durandal Academy until either individual can be found and re-instated. As a powerful channeler of magic, she uses the academic registry book as a focus object to generate apocalyptic levels of energy\u2026 often while perched on a terrified student's head."

Champion Skins

Six new skins will be available in Patch 9.10, all from the new Battle Academia skin line:

Battle Academia Ezreal

1820 RP (Legendary)
"A young orphan initially thought devoid of any superhuman abilities, Ezreal had resigned himself to a normal life once he graduated middle school. But an encounter with a deadly threat awakened his slumbering potential, and now he finds himself a 1st year at the prestigious Durandal God-Weapon Academy, where he's joined the ragtag Battle Club."

Battle Academia Jayce

1350 RP
"A prestigious 2nd year whose face is known throughout the wider city of Durandal, Jayce is the class president, head of the world-renowned Luminary Club, and prodigious inventor of miraculous Jayce-branded technologies. He hopes his inventions will prevent the kind of tragedy that struck him in his youth, though he refuses to speak about what that was."

Battle Academia Katarina

1350 RP
"Katarina is a rough-edged loner who stays far away from the politics of Durandal Academy. A 2nd year student with a chip on her shoulder, she is also a top member of the Assassin Club-- the only club on campus allowed to kill opponents in school-sanctioned duels. Few other students ever dare approach her."

Battle Academia Lux

1350 RP
"A 1st year at the Durandal God-Weapon Academy, Lux maintains an upbeat attitude no matter the odds. Despite her freshman position in the Sorcery Club, Lux wields a tremendous amount of magical power that even the Academy's senior staff can't quite explain."

Battle Academia Lux Prestige Edition

[No details on availability just yet!]

Battle Professor Graves

1350 RP
"Graves is a salty ex-soldier who served in the Durandal military before he reluctantly became a professor. Following his discovery of something deep behind enemy lines, he received an offer to teach at the Academy from the God-Weapon itself. His hallmark cigar-munching, dispassionate teaching etiquette is a small price to pay for his decades of experience."


Four of the Battle Academia skins have new sets of chroma available in Patch 9.10

Battle Academia Jayce
(8 + LPP Exclusive Emerald Chroma)

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