Monday, May 13, 2019

Champion & Skin Sale: Week of May 13th

The sales for the week of May 13th are now in the shop! Each week an assortment of skins and champions will be on sale for up to 60% off! Check out this week's sales, featuring 15 skins and 5 Champions!
Continue reading for a look at the items on sale!

Table of Contents


Five champions are on sale this week for up to 50% off their RP Price!


Fifteen skins are on sale this week for up to 60% off their RP price!

Battle Boss Blitzcrank / 675 RP (-50%)

Bear Cavalry Sejuani / 540 RP (-60%)

Blood Moon Kennen / 585 RP (-40%)

Blood Moon Shen / 412 RP (-45%)

Chemtech Tryndamere / 487 RP (-50%)

Coven Camille / 975 RP (-27%)

Full Metal Pantheon / 438 RP (-55%)

Karate Kennen / 260 RP (-50%)

Omega Squad Veigar / 675 RP (-50%)

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