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- Red Post Collection: Ranked 2019 - /dev Update #2, Quick Gameplay Thoughts: Feb 1, & more
- 2/7 PBE Update: Tentative Balance Changes
- 2/8 PBE Update: Papercraft Splash Art
Table of Contents
- PBE: League Director and the Replay API (new content creation tools)
- Quick Gameplay Thoughts: February 8
- Ask Riot: Ranked and more Ranked
- Miscellaneous
- Reminders
PBE: League Director and the Replay API (new content creation tools)
Here's Riot ThEntropist with details on a new Replay API and League director tool:"Hey content creators! Over the last year, we've been trying to improve our creator support programs, with a focus on leveling up globally.
Hopefully you've seen global initiatives like the League Partner Program and checked out the new All-Star Event format in 2018. With those, we want to help connect streamers and video creators to each other and to Riot, but for this post, we're gonna look to the future and talk about our plans around the bread and butter of content creation: actually making cool shit.
Enter: the new Replay API and League Director.
League Director is a downloadable content creation tool that hooks up to the new Replay API on League (more on this below). Play a replay from your match history, boot up League Director, and you'll have access to a timeline, camera tools, video exporting, and a lot more.
Here are a few of the features we'd love for you to try out:
Free camera movement
Element visibility
Timeline editing
Video exporting
We're happy to also announce that League Director will be open source, meaning community developers can create their own copies with new features and modify and release them as they wish as long it's free and fully available. The current landscape of community-created tools require a lot of manual fixes by their devs as League patches, while League Director should require minimal upkeep (fingers crossed).
League Director is just one example of a tool that community developers could make using the newly-released Replay API. We're really excited to see everyone get stuck in and get creative with the tools we're opening up to the public. Read more about that here.
One note on League Director: consider this release a jumping off point for the community; we're likely not going to keep updating the public tool with large content updates. For the public release, we hope the community can continue owning and developing League Director beyond its current capabilities through the Replay API, but please give us your feedback on what works and what doesn't!
Right now, the tool is only available in English, but will be usable on replays on all servers from the current patch. We hope to release the tool for all live servers during patch 9.4.
Before we go, we all want to give a huge thank you to the work that community creators like SkinSpotlightsand League of Editing have been doing over the last few years to push the boundaries of what's possible in League's engine. We have been using SkinSpotlights' Creator Suite alongside our own tools and art internally for a while now - gameplay trailers like Sylas, The Day Before Snowdown, and The Coven and the Eclipse would not have been possible without resources from the League community.
Download League Director from Riot Github (PBE only for now, full release in patch 9.4)
Check out the Replay API on Riot Developer Portal"He added:
One of the Gameplay Capture Artist on our team made some simple tutorial videos, check them out if your interested in learning the basics of the tool:
Feature Rundown
Example Shot Walk through"
Quick Gameplay Thoughts: February 8
Make sure to check out Meddler's quick gameplay thoughts for February 8th:"Hi folks,
Usual Disclaimers
These posts will often contain talk about future work we're doing, or planning to do, that isn't yet guaranteed to ship. The nature of the work could change or, depending on what we discover, projects mentioned may get delayed or even stopped. If you'd like to see a Tweet whenever a new one of these posts goes up:
Loading Screen
As some of you will have seen by now we've got the first update to the loading screen live in NA at this point. We’re working on a couple of issues that have cropped up, expectation is we’ll be able to turn it on elsewhere as well fairly soon once everything is functioning as intended. We're still aiming to add some additional features to it as well, like a team chat window, in upcoming patches. Those patches will also be a great time to make any other needed changes, so feedback on what's there already much appreciated.
We've got a pass on Rek'Sai underway at the moment, hoping to ship some changes in 9.4. Focus is overall on feel more than power, aiming to improve how it feels to play her primarily. The other piece of work we'd like to do on Rek'Sai is some power shifting so she's not a bit weak in average MMR while strong in high. While it's possible some clarity/QoL changes might help out a bit in that regard expectation is that will probably need to be separate work still at some point too.
Biggest changes are:
- R only being dodgeable if someone teleports a larger distance away (1000 units +, so similar behavior to other targeted dashes).
- Burrowed Q grants 25 Fury like other spells do
Those are then paired with some smaller adjustments to things like Fury bar color when full, clearer Tremor Sense VFX for champions, auto burrow on respawn.
We've got some Conqueror changes likely for 9.4. Those are part of our ongoing work on hitting problematic damage cases or lack of effective enough defensive options, alongside things like the Ignite/Smite upgrade changes, revised crit items, nerfs to out of line damage heavy champs like Brand/Zyra etc. They're also targeted at addressing some more Conqueror specific problems:
- Lack of windows playing against Conqueror (it's almost always up)
- Conqueror negates intended weaknesses on some champion's kits too strongly (bad against tanks primarily)
- For a rune intended to be chosen for its sustained damage Conqueror's output's often quite bursty.
Direction we're trying as a result:
- Gives Adaptive stacks on damaging champions with spells or abilities, making damage output backloaded and not something you can prepare with minion combat.
- Now requires max stacks (5 at present) to trigger true damage conversion and converts 10% instead of 20%, substantially reducing Conqueror's ability to negate defenses by itself while still hopefully serving as a useful safety valve on defense stacking.
- At max stacks also heals for same amount converted to true damage, moving some of its power to keeping users healthy enough to stay in sustained fights longer, rather than in dealing enough damage to make those fights shorter.
9.3 follow up
Thoughts on a few champs post 9.3 now it’s been out a few days
- Akali - As expected is in a very weak spot. Our plan is still to put power back in once we’ve got a good on the most appropriate ways to do so (don’t want to just reintroduce her as a major problem). Looking into that already, timeline’s uncertain (9.5 more likely than 9.4)
- Kai’Sa - Seems to be struggling a bit post item changes. Not confident yet how much of that to attribute to items just leaving her in a weak state versus builds having not yet shifted to whatever her new optimal is. She tends to get affected harder than most by changes to items given the breakpoints she needs to hit for her abilities. Open to buffing her if needs be, but don’t want to do so before we’ve seen a bit more play and adaptation to the changed state of things.
- Yasuo - Looks too strong post crit item changes, also not unexpected. We talked about whether we should bundle nerfs in with 9.3 but concluded we were better off seeing where he landed to understand how much power to take out. Nerfs expected in 9.4."
Meddler commented on the changes testing on the PBE for Conqueror:
"Possibly we'll need another balance lever to balance out melee and ranged. So far stack duration's been testing pretty well to control that, not opposed to varying number of stacks gained in some way if needed though."
He continued:
"We're testing the healing there because we want to offer power in longer fights without pushing more damage into it. Stripping off the healing means we either just leave it weak so you simply shouldn't take it or buff the AD/AP and/or true damage conversion."
Meddler went on:
"Continuing to land AAs and spell hits that stack Conqueror in the first place will extend its duration. We're talking at present about whether or not DoTs/periodic damage (e.g. Sunfire) should refresh stack duration or not even though they won't add stacks.
Galio wise still discussing what we should/shouldn't do. Changes certainly hit him hard, very convinced he was quite out of line though beforehand."
On Yasuo, Meddler commented:
"Our starting point with Yasuo nerfs will be to look at the buffs he got middle of last year, see whether we should revert or partially revert them. Can't guarantee we'll go down that path yet, but definitely look at that before assessing other options."
On Akali, Meddler replied:
"We don't want to just put power back into Akali without some confidence we're doing so in a healthier way. Realize that sucks for a couple of patches and apologies. Goal is a better long term state so her balance doesn't bounce back and forth constantly."
On Evelynn, Meddler noted:
"We've got a meaningful bugfix or two in 9.4, nothing planned beyond that though, not seeing indications she's struggling at present."
As for Riven, Meddler commented:
"We took a look at Riven during 9.3's development. Conclusion was we should wait and see how the ER/Spear of Shojin change affected her, then nerf if needs be. Spear's better for her in some regards, weaker in others. Will assess for 9.4 as a result."
On Aatrox, Meddler commented:
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