Thursday, July 12, 2018

Red Post Collection: God-King Darius Triumphs, Tooltips Update, Quick Gameplay Thoughts: July 11th, and more!

Today's red post collection includes God-King Darius as our VS 2018 event winner, a tentative look at future tooltip updates, Meddler's quick gameplay thoughts for July 11th, a /dev on forging Ornn's music, a new /Ask Riot, and more!
Continue reading for more information!

Table of Contents

VS 2018: God-King Darius triumphs 

God-King Darius has triumphed in the VS 2018 event! Here's Kantayams with more:
"God-King Darius prevails. Complete your final mission by July 23, 2018 at 11:59 PM PT to earn the Endless War Icon, as well as 1000 Blue Essence for choosing God-King Darius. Make sure to also craft all loot from the event before they expire on July 31, 2018 at 11:59 PM PT.
Learn more about VS 2018 and revisit the action in Where Power Lies. Thank you for participating!"

With Darius as the winner, one final mission will be available to earn the ENDLESS WAR summoner icon - players who chose God-King Darius during the event will also get 1000 blue essence.

Tooltips Update 

As first seen with the Aatrox champion update, updated tooltips are in internal testing including features like holding shift to expand for more information! Here's Riot Reinboom with all the details of what's being worked on and a tentative look at what to expect in the future:
"Tooltips Update 
Hi! Riot Reinboom here bringing you an update about tooltips. 
Tooltips in League are both one of the most important features in the game as well as, somehow, one of the least updated. They have gone from the time before season 1 to now with nary a change beyond some color changes and a couple lines added to keep things separated. 
That lack of change wasn’t without reason. Each attempt at them was met with the scary overbearing cloud of “Wow, that’s a lot of champions. And a lot of languages to translate those changes into. Oh no.” 
Well, we’ve decided to finally take that plunge into updating them, and trying to solve one of the bigger problems the LoL tooltips face. 
This dev corner covers the problems we’re trying to solve, the current progress, and some future looking things. And to call out that for those future looking things, this is all very much a work in progress we would love your feedback on. :) 
The Big Problem 
For League, tooltips serve two major use cases: 
In the moment - “What’s the main thing that happens if I press this button?” With a bit more familiarity this becomes more nuanced like “what’s my cooldown?” or “what’s my highest damage skill?” 
All the details - “How do I maximize this ability’s potential and use it most effectively?” 
There’s a lot of parts to League, from items to which position you’re in, and understanding how those parts hook together requires a lot more detailed information. 
By trying to serve both cases the current tooltips manage to serve neither very well. 
Perhaps the clearest example of this are scaling values (aka ratios). Let's look at Ezreal's Mystic Shot:
Pretty simple tooltip, but there’s some problems. “dealing 15 (+89)(+0) physical damage” lets us math out that it deals 114 damage (before mitigation) pretty easily, sure, but doing the math can still take up time when every moment counts. Worse though is if you want to know what you should buy. To arrive at that Mystic Shot has 1.1x Attack Damage ratio requires an annoying bit of division and you entirely don’t get to know what the Ability Power ratio is until you buy an item. 
So, here we're off the mark with "In the moment" and completely missed with "All the details". If we try to fill the tooltip to the brim with information to solve for “All the details” we will end up a cluttered mess unless we sacrifice showing your current damage that “In the moment” asks for. Either way, we lose the “In the moment” case needed for faster decision making. This problem isn’t exclusive to how abilities scale, either. Many tooltips tread the line between the two worlds poorly even when describing the non-numerical parts of how a spell functions. 
Proposed Solution 
We think we can tackle these issues by presenting two options; one option to show the "RIGHT NOW" and another option to deep dive further. 
Enter "Press [Shift] for more info"
We just give each ability two tooltips serving each need. 
There’s a preview of this feature with the Aatrox update:
Future Looking 
This type of feature isn't new to other games. But, it's still new to League and we really need your feedback on where to take it for the sake of LoL specifically. Consider Aatrox more like the "first flare for feedback" rather than a declaration of where all tooltips will go. 
With each champion update and new champion we will take another attempt at landing in a better spot about what the correct mix of information is, and potentially other small new features. All the more feedback on these you can provide, the better we will get them. 
One clear example of feedback we’ll be acting on is the demand for “let me just always see more info!”. Look forward to the option for exactly that in an upcoming patch.
Future Future Looking 
Unfortunately, there’s some parts of the tooltips we simply can’t upgrade due to constraints imposed by how we originally built them... for now. 
We’re in the middle of tearing apart the pieces of every tooltip in the game and reconstructing them in a very VERY new way behind the scenes. Some new things (like “Press [Shift] for more info”) we can release individually, but many new features we cannot. Once everything is over to the new system though (tentative sometime during preseason) you can look forward to some larger scale changes! 
And to really hit that idea, here’s a look at Ezreal's Mystic Shot we're testing internally (VERY WORK-IN-PROGRESS): 
 ("In the Moment" version)
 ("All the details" version. Note: The "+1.1" and "+0.4" are ratios and not totals). 
And that's where the tooltip update project is at right now! Let us know your thoughts, and what use cases you want tooltips to serve!"

Quick Gameplay Thoughts: July 11 

Check out Meddler's quick gameplay thoughts for July 11th, including thoughts on gold funneling changes planed for 8.14, nerfs to Conqueror, and more:
"Hi folks, 
Usual Disclaimers 
These posts will often contain talk about future work we're doing, or planning to do, that isn't yet guaranteed to ship. The nature of the work could change or, depending on what we discover, projects mentioned may get put delayed or even stopped. If you'd like to see a Tweet whenever a new one of these posts goes up: 
Gold funneling 
We're aiming to have a nerf to mid/jungle gold funneling in 8.14. It's an issue we've been looking at for a little while now, given it creates lanes without much interaction and putting two income streams on one champion produces a range of balance issues. We haven't been able to find a fix that's low enough on collateral damage to regular jungle play, low enough on disruption for a regular patch and that meets our design values, especially on things like intuitiveness and clarity. 
We're at the point though where we don't think we should let the issue persist while we continue to work on those constraints. We'll be going with a temporary solution as a result that's pretty ugly on the intuitiveness/clarity side, with the intention of replacing it come preseason when it's more appropriate to make larger changes. That temporary solution is heavily reduced gold from lane minions if you have a T1 or T2 jungle item and have the most gold on your team. 
We're targeting gold on the champ being funneled to here because that's where the biggest discrepancy lies, with that champ having around 50% more gold at the 15 minute mark than the opposing mid laner. We also took a look at solutions that involved hitting XP instead, difference there's much smaller most of the time though (~10%). We considered nerfs to the support items too, to hit the other side of the equation, but conclusion was that wouldn't actually address the issue, given how impactful the gold lead on the champ funneled to would still be regardless. A penalty to lane gold when ahead by contrast is, despite being rather ugly and heavy handed, targeted directly at both funneling and the resource (gold) that's causing the problems. From internal testing so far affect on junglers who aren't funneling's been very small to non existent. 
Nerfing Conqueror 
We're planning on nerfing Conqueror somewhat. That probably happens in 8.15, though there's a slim change it slips into 8.14 still depending on how work this week goes. Details at time of writing still to be determined. One of our primary goals though is to get tanks back into a more appropriate spot, with things having swung too hard against them. Doing so initially by looking at systemic things like Conqueror that affect all of them, before getting into individual champion changes. 
Runes selection UI 
Not sure yet exactly when, but at some point after the cursor changes are out we'll be doing some work on the runes selection UI. At a minimum that will involve looking at which rune gets replaced when you're trying to change your secondaries. Might also do some work on things like color coding of rune trees, not sure yet. Possible it takes a while to happen, given we've got a few other projects also on the team doing that stuff, definitely planning to do so though. 
Non LoL: Game Design Links 
For anyone interested in discussions around game design and development processes the site below's worth a read. Covers some useful topics in pretty clear and concise way. Linked pages are the ones that particularly leapt out to me, many of the other sections are good too though: 
Iterative approach:
Decision Making:
Different kinds of fun:
Different types of player:"

When asked about the Lissandra passive in internal testing, Meddler replied:

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