Friday, November 10, 2017

Best and Worst Maps For Pharah In Overwatch

Soaring through the air in her combat armor, and armed with a launcher that lays down high-explosive rockets, Pharah is a force to be reckoned with. 
Pharah relies on playing from above and utilizing her hover and jump jet abilities, however, at the same rate, maps that are too spacious are actually not so good for her, as she also depends on making use of structures for cover.
Let's first review the lowest tier maps, and the reasons they are not good for Pharah. 
Nepal Rating: Poor
This is a poor map for Pharah because it is far too cramped and allows little room for justice to rain from above. The structures obscure your view when using your jet abilities and makes it difficult to pin down targets.
Rating: Poor
Much like with Nepal, the problem with Hanamura is that the points are in very sheltered, covered areas, which conceal enemies and make it very difficult for Pharah to utilize her abilities properly and well.
Next we will review the maps that are decent, yet not optimal, for Pharah.
Ilios Ruin
Rating: Average
This map has a lot of space for Pharah to fly around! Too much open space, in fact.
There is not enough environment to use as cover, and this map leaves Pharah very vulnerable. While it is not the worst map for her, is it not the best due to the vulnerability. 
Dorado Rating: Average
Pharah is a fantastic hero on this map when trying to defend the first point, however, after this mark, she falls off.  The second and third points, especially the former, are much more difficult as you are forced in a ton open space, therefore making this map in its entirety only mediocre for Pharah. 
 Route 66
Rating: Average
Again, a very open map with very little environment to utilize and keep safe with. Like with Dorado, both high-grounds can be difficult to control as Pharah, leaving this map with only an average rating for her.
Finally, let's discuss the BEST maps for Pharah!
Lijiang Tower (Garden Stage)
Rating: Great
While it does have many open spaces- something that is usually not that great for Pharah, due to the nature of attacks and the structural positioning on this map, she can really shine. Once you have control of the capture point, Pharah is able to make it very difficult for enemies to get past the bridge choke points, as well as the cramped back entrance doorway.
King's Row Rating: Great
This map has an abundance of high-ground safe places, structures to use as cover, and flanking locations, making this map extremely optimal for Pharah. This map is useful for utilizing every part of her kit, making the possibilities endless.
Temple of Anubis Rating: Great
Much like King's Row, this map hosts plenty of phenomenal flank routes, environment to use as cover, and fantastic choke points. 


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