Friday, November 10, 2017

Best ADCs For Beginners In League of Legends

League of Legends has approximately 139 different champions to choose from, sixteen of those are considered to be Attack Damage Carries for the bottom lane.
When first starting to play League of Legends, the amount of champions to try out can be a little overwhelming, and also figuring out who is suited for you. 
This article is to help introduce new players to a few of the ADCs that are easier to learn and fun to play!
Ashe is a master archer and is Queen of the Frejlord. She was one of the first champions released in the game, meaning her kit is a bit more simple and straight-forward in comparison to newer champions. She is a great champion for beginners because her abilities are very easy to understand and to use. She is also a support-esque champion due to her also being able to stun/slow enemies.
Her abilities include her passive, Frost Shot, er basic auto attacks slow enemies slightly. Her Q, Ranger's Focus, when activated, causes her attack speed to greatly increase. Her W, Volley, fires arrows in a cone, dealing damage and also slowing enemies. Her E, Hawkshot, works as a ward. Everything along its path of fire will be revealed for Ashe and her teammates for a couple of seconds. Her ultimate ability (R), Enchancted Crystal Arrow, fires a massive arrow in a straight line that will deal damage and stun all enemies hit.
Watch the Ashe Spotlight video below!
Caitlyn is determined and skilled investigator, and is one of the sheriffs of Piltover. She is another champion good for beginners due to her massive range and simple abilities. She is able to play extremely safely and far back all the while still deal insane amounts of damage.
Her abilities include passive, Headshot, which empowers her basic attacks when she reaches 6 auto-attack stacks, or when a champion is effect by her W or E.
Her Q Piltover Peacemaker, a projectile that fires straight forward. Her W is Yordle Snap Trap, a circular trap that when stepped on by enemies, immobilizes them for a short period of time. Her E, 90 Caliber Net, fires a net forwards and causes her to move 400 units in the opposite direction, making it a great way to get out of sticky situations. Her ultimate (R), Ace in the Hole, is where she locks onto a target, that never misses. The only way the target doesn't get hit is if another enemy champion intercepts the shot, and takes the damage instead.
Watch the Caitlyn spotlight video below!
A manic and impulsive criminal from Zaun, Jinx lives to wreak havoc without care for the consequences. She on a similar tier of Jhin in regards to difficulty, but unlike Jhin, she can become quite mobile whenever her mobile thanks to her passive.
Jinx's passive is Get Excited! Whenever an enemy champion, turret or inhibitor dies within 3 seconds of being damaged by Jinx, she gains 175% bonus movement speed which decays over 6 seconds.
Jinx's Q switches between two weapon modes, Fishbones and her normal auto-attacks (Pow-Pow). With Fishbones, her auto-attack range is increased, deal additional damage, yet are slower and cost mana.
For Jinx's W, Zap, she shoots a shock blast in a straight, slim line that slows and reveals any enemy struck.
Her E is called Flame Chompers. She throws out 3 chompers onto the ground and any enemy who steps on them becomes immobilized. 
Jinx's ultimate, Super Mega Death Rocket, is similar to Ashe's in the sense that it is fired and can travel globally, but only in a straight line. Unlike Ashe's, it doesn't stun, but it the damage output does increase based on distance traveled.
Watch the Jinx spotlight video below!


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