Thursday, November 5, 2020

Red Post Collection: 2020 All-Star Announcement and more!

This afternoon's red post collection includes the 2020 All-Star Event announcement & mention of the upcoming charity Elderwood Ornn skin and a ton of miscellaneous news from the last few days, and more!
Continue reading for more information!

2020 All-Star Event Announcement

Here's details on the 2020 All Star event, running from December 18-20, which mentions a new and upcoming charity skin, Elderwood Ornn!
"We’re excited to announce that the 2020 League of Legends All-Star Event will take place from December 18-20! To cap off a unique season, the event will be pivoting to an online format. 
All-Star is a celebration of our sport’s most-loved personalities. We know fans look forward to ASE as a time to come together for some friendly global competition - so we aimed to include as much inter-regional gameplay as possible. 
With All-Star going online, pros and influencers will be playing from their home or regional studio. That means a new format, divided into two stages: Underdog Uprising and Superstar Showdown.

Underdog Uprising 
Friday, December 18th will be a packed day of head-to-head matches between neighboring regions, with smaller regions aiming to upset their nearest powerhouse. Teams will be made up of top pros as voted by fans. 
Superstar Showdown 
December 19th-20th will feature three superteams each from the LCK, LCS, LEC, and LPL. LCK and LPL will take the virtual stage on Saturday, while the LCS and LEC will play Sunday. 
A special Red Bull 1v1 Competition will also take place within each of these four regions, with the first stage broadcast on the 18th and Semis/Finals on the 19-20th. 
LCK & LPL - Saturday, Dec. 19 
Queue Kings & Legends 
Non-pros will compete in a Bo1 each on Summoner’s Rift.

The five top-voted pros from the LCK and LPL will play in a best-of-three showdown. But these won’t be just any SR matches - it wouldn’t be All-Star if we didn’t add a twist or two.

LCS & LEC - Sunday, Dec. 20 
Queue Kings & Legends 
Non-pros will compete in a Bo1 each on Summoner’s Rift.

The top vote getters from the LCS and LEC will draft “dream teams” consisting of five players total. To mix things up a bit, each captain will pick at least 2 pros from each region. These teams will then compete in a Bo3. 
The LCS & LEC pros will also be contending with some... non-standard match formats. 
Charity Stakes 
Most matches played at this year’s ASE will have prize money for charity on the line. Tune in to see which charities the teams have chosen to support and how much is earned for each good cause! 
About the Ping 
Due to the physical limitations of cross-regional online play (we can't travel faster than the speed of light), we will be on higher ping than for our normal in-person events. That said, matchups have been specifically selected to offer a fun experience for all players - and viewers. We’ll be working closely with regions to pick the best server location for every game individually so we can optimize ping as much as possible under these circumstances. 
See below for the 2020 All-Star broadcast schedule:
You can catch every match on
All-Star Voting Powered by Alienware will take place from November 9-16. This year, you’ll be able to vote for one pro in each role from as many leagues as you’d like. 
Follow us @lolesports and keep an eye on for more details to come! 
Elderwood Ornn Charity Skin 
Arriving just in time for All-Stars, Ornn will be getting a special charity skin! Elderwood Ornn will be available for 1350 RP in the Shop starting December 16th. 100% of the proceeds will go towards The Riot Games Social Impact Fund at ImpactAssets, our charitable financial partner. More info will be released closer to the event!"
Bellisimoh noted:
"The skin will be available after the charity event."

For a refresher, Elderwood Ornn was mentioned back in January's Skins & Events in Season 2020 Dev video where a concept art was previewed around the 1:30 mark.


"10.23 Patch Preview - PRESEASON! 
It's a big preseason, so much is changing that we don't have our typical champion buffs and nerfs.  
We'll be watching everything very closely after Preseason ships to be ready for hotfixing bugs, items, and champions that we need to."

  • As you may have already saw in PBE coverage, Scruffy tweeted out a full Seraphine changelist for this 10.23, aimed at pushing her more towards Mid:

"First patch is showing us that Seraphine has been skewed towards Support more than intended so we're adding  adjustments to 10.23 to shift her primary position to Mid. 

Support is quite good right now, so these shouldn't remove the position, just bring it to a reasonable state."

  • Over on twitter, Scruffy commented on URF and the preseason change of changing CDR to Ability Haste:
"One of the interesting and positive side effects of the CDR to Ability Haste conversion is that URF using Ability Haste allows for way more interesting item builds. 
Removes the problem we have today where CDR in URF is a totally dead stat."

Continuing the topic of preseason, he also commented on item haste:

 "A detail you may have missed on Preseason PBE - Item Haste (like from cosmic insight) affects both item actives and passives. 

This really lets you invest in item proc/active builds if they're big for your playstyle."

  • Kiwikid noted that Battlecast Zac's splash art was going to be tweaked, making it lighter to better reflect the in-game model.
  • Over on reddit, Reav3 noted they plan on buffing mid-lane Seraphine

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