Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Red Post Collection: Universe Update, K/DA Tweets & More

Today's red post collection includes a new story on the Universe featuring Ziggs, new K/DA tweets, loads of updates on other Riot games, and more!
Continue reading for a closer look!

Table of Contents

Universe Update

The Universe has been updated with a new story featuring Ziggs!
"Okay, Zaun. I’m here, I’m fuzzy, and I’m ready to explode stuff. 
All that time up there in Piltover serving high-quality pyrotechnics to ungrateful snoots, Heimerdinger making me hide behind that dumb glamour, never allowed to do what I want... It’s left me with a thirst for KA-BOOM! 
But was Jinx right? Is the gloomy, stinking undercity teeming with whizz-bang potential? 
Let’s see what we’ve got here. What am I looking at? Nondescript building, nondescript building, slightly bigger nondescript building, an explosives factory, another nondescript building, nondes—WAIT, WHAT? 
Explosives factory?! Dreams can come true!"


"10.21 Patch Preview -  
This won't change worlds in any way but we're keeping things as balanced as we can for end of the ranked season.  
Long term we're shifting Pantheon away from support and back into solo lanes."
  • The next issue of K/DA: Harmonies is now up! Check out Episode 5: Ahri - "Ahri reflects on the long road that led to her forming K/DA."

Other Games

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