Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Patch 10.22 & TFT Notes

Patch 10.22 is scheduled for Wednesday, October 28th and the official patch notes and TFT patch notes have been posted!
Continue reading for a full look the patch notes & previews, including Seraphine, K/DA ALL OUT skins, and more!

Table of Contents

Patch 10.22 Notes

Check out the Patch Notes:
"Here we go— one last light patch for the books before we switch gears into heavy-duty preseason changes! Kick back, put on some tunes (we’ve got a new pop star in our midst, after all), you know the drill. 
First off, we attacked the Fire Nation and changed some things (not everything). These tweaks should help our favorite fire friends’ (Annie and Brand) skills feel more intuitive, find more flexibility in their roles, and kick their strength up a notch. We also made a couple more clarity checks (Amumu, Jinx, Galio), and wrapped it all up with the usual balance changes: firing up recent outcasts like Sejuani and LeBlanc, and nudging prominent champs like Samira and Karthus off their steamrollers. 
One last clerical note: we’ve completed our test changes regarding matchmaking. Now, all players in ranked queues will more often experience being grouped up with similarly ranked people. This should result in matches that appear closer by rank.  
And that’s it! We hope the rest of your October is more treat than trick. See ya in the next one. 
Take this portal if you're looking for TFT's patch notes!

Tricia "mom cat" Tan
Hanna "shio shoujo" Woo

Patch Highlights
K/DA ALL OUT Seraphine, K/DA ALL OUT Ahri, K/DA ALL OUT Kai'Sa, K/DA ALL OUT Evelynn, K/DA ALL OUT Akali, and K/DA ALL OUT Kai'Sa Prestige Edition will be available on October 29th, 2020. 
The Starry-Eyed Songstress 
Runeterra's premier idol takes the stage in 10.22!
High-res versions of Seraphine’s splashes are available on League Displays!
R now stuns enemies. 
Improving clarity on Amumu’s ult, which should also lead to a minor bump up in his mojo. 

R - Curse of the Sad Mummy 
  • [UPD] CROWD CONTROL :: Roots and disarms enemies for 2 seconds >>> Stuns enemies for 2 seconds
E now provides a shield instead of damage reduction; shield can now be cast on target ally champions; shield animation updated; cost and range increased; shield always applies to Tibbers when he's summoned 
We’re giving Annie more ways to use her shield while keeping it a simple and intuitive defense when Annie just wants to play on her own.

E - Molten Shield 
  • [NEW] SHIELD :: Grants Annie 13/17/21/25/29% damage reduction for 3 seconds >>> Grants any target ally champion a 40/90/140/190/240 (+0.4 ability power) <strong>shield</strong> for 3 seconds <em>(bonus movement speed buff is applied to the shielded target)</em>
  • [UPD] SHIELD VFX :: Annie’s E now has a new animation
  • COST :: 20 mana >>> 40 mana
  • RANGE :: 400 (self cast) >>> 800 (self or ally targeted)
  • [UPD] TARGETING :: Will cast on ally if targeted or if very close to targeting them (within a range of 225); otherwise will self cast 
  • [NEW] PROTECC TIBBERS :: TIbbers always gains the benefits of the shield, regardless of target 
W arrows now increase per rank-up.  
Adding more satisfaction and experiential variety to her main skill to get more bang for your buck rank ups. 

W - Volley
  • ARROWS PER VOLLEY :: 9 at all ranks >>> 7/8/9/10/11 
Passive explosion damage decreased. E blaze spread now always spreads to nearby enemies; blaze spread radius increased; indicator now displays blaze spread radius. R fireball can now bounce back to Brand; bounce priority updated. 
Once upon a time, Brand was a mid laner—but in recent history, he’s found a comfortable home as a support. To give him some steam, we’re firing up his offense to promote a more aggressive playstyle. In addition, we tapped down the percentage damage that support Brands typically rely on in order to even out his overall power. Altogether, this should help Brand feel equipped to blaze back into mid without overstepping his current strength as a support.  
Passive - Blaze
  • MARKED EXPLOSION DAMAGE :: 12-16% (+0.015 per 100 ability power) >>> 10-14% (+0.02 per 100 ability power) 
E - Conflagration
  • [NEW] BLAZE SPREAD :: Spreads to nearby units when cast on a blazed target >>> Now always spreads to nearby enemies 
  • [UPD] BLAZE SPREAD RADIUS :: When cast on a blazed target, spreads to units within 375 range >>> When cast on a blazed target, spreads to units within <strong>600</strong> range. When cast on a normal target, spreads to units within <strong>300</strong> range.
  • [NEW] BLAZE SPREAD RADIUS INDICATOR :: Now displays a brief indicator for the spread range 
R - Pyroclasm 
  • [NEW] FIREBALL BOUNCE :: Pyroclasm can now bounce back to Brand <em>(bounces off Brand will “stick” to Brand slightly longer to temper 0-distance instant bursts)</em>
  • [UPD] BOUNCE PRIORITY :: Enemy champions > Brand > Any valid bounce target 
E now has a minimum dash distance. 
A consistency change to ensure players don’t accidentally zero-cast their dash, while also giving Galio’s enemies more opportunities to dodge it.  
E - Justice Punch
  • [NEW] WIND IT UP :: Justice Punch now has a minimum 250 dash distance (starting from E origination, not the dashback) 
E now deals all damage upfront. 
This clarity tweak on Jinx’s Chompers should provide more visible and appreciable damage.

E - Flame Chompers! 
  • [UPD] EXPLOSION BURN :: Deals damage over 1.5 seconds >>> Deals all damage upfront
Q base damage reduced.  
Karthus is too reliable of a jungle, mid, and bot pick because he can permashove waves and permaclear camps with little to no cost. We’re lowering his ability to deal sustained damage and gain massive leads so that his opponents have a chance to fight back. 
Q - Lay Waste
  • BASE DAMAGE :: 50/70/90/110/130 >>> 45/65/85/105/125
E cost decreased; E base damage increased; E delayed damage increased. 
Smoke and mirrors aside, LeBlanc has been in a weak spot across all levels of play. We’re giving her another trick up her sleeve by jazzing up one of her more underwhelming and underappreciated abilities. This should encourage players to rely more on her E, which is often left at rank one until late in the game.  
E - Ethereal Chains
  • COST :: 70 mana >>> 50 mana
  • BASE DAMAGE :: 40/60/80/100/120 >>> 50/70/90/110/130
  • DELAYED DAMAGE :: 70/110/150/190/230 >>> 80/120/160/200/240
Q base damage decreased later.  
Top Lulu has been doing too well in Skilled play, and all that glitters is not gold. We’re reducing her scaling damage to mitigate her ability to consistently harass opponents and waveclear.  
Q - Glitterlance 
  • BASE DAMAGE :: 80/125/170/215/260 >>> 80/115/150/185/220
R bonus resistances increased; bonus resistances per second removed.  
One more clarity check, this time to make Nasus’ ultimate feel more intuitive. We also don’t think he’d be able to resist the overall buff. 
R - Fury of the Sands
  • BONUS RESISTANCES :: 15/35/55 >> 40/55/70
  • [REM] BONUS RESISTANCES PER SECOND :: Nasus no longer gains 1/2/3 bonus resistances per second
Base attack damage and armor reduced.  
Samira has quickly made her mark as a powerhouse ADC who can effortlessly slash, bash, and dash into a snowbally lead. We’re pulling out some of her early brawling power to reduce her reliability.  
Base Stats
  • ATTACK DAMAGE :: 59 >>> 57
  • ARMOR :: 28 >>> 26
R base and max damage increased. 
The jungle meta has turned a cold shoulder to Sejuani. It's finally time to give our favorite boar some love and release Sejuani and Bristle from their <strike>cages</strike> glacial prison. 
R - Glacial Prison 
  • BASE DAMAGE :: 100/125/150 >>> 125/150/175
  • MAXIMUM DAMAGE :: 150/250/350 >>> 200/300/400 (same values for explosion damage) 
Base attack speed growth increased. 

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