Friday, October 2, 2020

10/2 PBE Update: Tentative Balance Changes

The PBE has been updated! As we continue the 10.21 PBE cycle, today's patch includes tentative balance changes!
Continue reading for more information!

(Warning: PBE Content is tentative and subject to change - what you see below may not reflect what eventually gets pushed to live servers at the end of the cycle! Manage your expectations accordingly.)

Table of Contents


  • Descriptions for Victorious and Triumphant Hauntlings added:
    • Triumphant Hauntling was awarded to players who reached Gold or higher in both ranked stages of Set 3, Galaxies. The spookiest galaxies swirled together to form these terrifyingly adorable space wraiths-- they roam the vast reaches of the universe searching for golden spatulas and friendship.
    • Victorious Hauntling was awarded to players who reached Gold or higher in at least one ranked stage of Set 3, Galaxies. The spookiest galaxies swirled together to form these terrifyingly adorable space wraiths-- they roam the vast reaches of the universe searching for golden spatulas and friendship.

Balance Changes

NOTE*: The PBE is a testing grounds for new, tentative, & potentially experimental changes. Be aware that what you see below may be relative to other changes from earlier this cycle! These are not official notes and may be incomplete.

[Evelynn has other changes in testing on the PBE!]
  • Mana per level reverted from 62 to 42
  • MP5 increased from 8.108 to 8.11

[Nidalee has other changes in testing on the PBE!]
  • Mana per level reverted from 65 to 45

TFT Traits

  • Bonus damage changed:
    • 2 units lowered from 175% to 150%
    • 4 units increased from 175% to 200%
    • 5 units increased from 175% to 225%

[Divine has a changed effect in testing on the PBE!]
  • Reduced damage increased from 50% to 66%
  • 2 unit duration increased from 3s to 4s
  • 4 unit duration increased from 6s to 7s
  • 8 unit duration lowered from 15s to 13s

[Moonlight has a changed effect in testing on the PBE!]
  • 5 unit star up increased from 2 champions to 3 champions

TFT Champions

Tier 1
  • Ability total damage increased from 450/675/1125 to 450/675/1350

Tier 2
Jarvan IV
  • Ability damage increased from 175/250/500 to 175/250/750

Tier 3
  • Ability damage increased from 300/450/900 to 300/450/1350

Context & Notes

1) Riot Scruffy commented on Preseason iterations:
"There are many iterations coming to PBE preseason but the top three we’re focusing on are: 
1. Major tuning pass to all items to avoid power creep 
2. Better supporting an AP+healer fantasy in mythics 
3. Giving tank mythics shaper resist profiles to better adapt to enemy comps"

2) Check out Riot Scruffy's quick gameplay thoughts for October 2nd, covering Preseason on the PBE: 

These posts will often contain talk about future work we're doing, or planning to do, that isn't yet guaranteed to ship. The work or goals could change depending on what we discover, and projects mentioned may get delayed or even stopped. That said, I believe it’s important to share as much as we can even if plans may change. 
Preseason PBE 
It has already been quite a crazy week with Preseason going to PBE. We are poring through tons of feedback and assessing any changes we should be making. If you missed them, here are our PBE feedback threads for Item Systems and The Shop and Icons
Because we want to have Preseason on PBE for an extended period of time, it leads to a slightly more complex schedule so that we can also have PBE time for each patch (10.21, 10.22). It should look something like this: 
  • Week 1 - Preseason
  • Week 2 - Patch 10.21
  • Week 3 - Preseason
  • Week 4 - Patch 10.22
  • Week 5 & 6 - Preseason 
With the scope and impact of these item changes this preseason, we are dedicating extra time and resources to respond to feedback and resolve unforeseen issues. In a typical year, we begin early work on the next year’s preseason in December, shortly after the last one has shipped. 
This time around we are specifically having the full team focus entirely on needed follow up for the Item System overhaul after launch. This means that the full team of Designers, QA, Engineers, and Artists will be available to make adjustments and improvements to any of the features we don’t think quite hit the mark. Without any other projects on their plate we hope for a fast follow up that gets the game into a fresh but stable state ASAP. 
We want to always be reaching for big and impactful improvements to keep pushing League to be the best competitive game in the world, but we also are mindful of not undermining what is great about the game today. 
Thanks again everyone for playing. Stay safe out there." 
Check out [THIS PAGEfor a comprehensive list of the new content & changes currently on the PBE as a part of this cycle or catch up with the individual update links below !


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