Thursday, September 17, 2020

PsyOps Part 2 Skins and Content now available!

The PsyOps 2020 event continues with the release of a new set of PsyOps skins for Kayle, Pyke, Viktor, and Zed, new chromas, icons, and more!
Continue reading for a closer look!

Table of Contents

New Skins

Four skins are now available!

PsyOps Kayle

1350 RP
A self-described “savior” and powerful psionic swordswoman, Kayle views herself as an impartial judge in world affairs, appearing on wings powered by psychic energy as an angel of war. Her understanding of the world is black and white to a frightening extreme, and she has joined the paramilitary BRG to see her twisted vision realized.

PsyOps Pyke 

1350 RP
"A member of the Black Rose Group's leadership and a powerful spiritual medium, Pyke's mastery of psychic power allows him to jump across the barrier separating the living and the dead. This process has slowly eaten at his mind, leaving him a half-deranged killer screaming at literal ghosts."

PsyOps Viktor

1350 RP
"Leader of the rogue military known as the Black Rose Group, Viktor is a psychic technomancer whose vision for a utopian world was abandoned when he suddenly departed High Command decades prior. Obsessed with an alien 'gate' uncovered during the Arctic Ops event, his experiments into human bioweapons would allow him to breach it and upend the global order."

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