Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Patch 10.16 & TFT Notes

Patch 10.16 is scheduled for Wednesday, August 5th and the official patch notes and TFT patch notes have been posted!
Continue reading for a full look the patch notes & previews, including Yone & upcoming Spirit Blossom skins for Ahri, Cassiopeia, Kindred, Riven, & more!

Table of Contents

Patch 10.16 Notes

Check out the Patch 10.16 notes:
"Okay, this is a long one. We've got a big list of small tweaks to bring more razzle dazzle as we gear up for Worlds! We think the meta’s at a good place, so we’re carefully mixing things up without throwing caution to the wind (although Yasuo’s down there somewhere…).  
This means we’re bringing up the zhuzh, from marksfolks (Miss Fortune, Lucian, Tristana) to junglefolks (Evelynn, Hecarim, Skarner). Which also means we’re un-zhuzhing those who have been omnipresent picks (Karma, Syndra, Volibear) to open up their counterpicks and to give their enemies more chances to retaliate.  
We’re also tidying up some champions by giving them more cohesive identities and sharpening their strengths, while giving others more clarity in their kits.  
Finally, on a housekeeping note, the dev team is taking some AFK time in the near future. For League, this means 10.16 will last twice as long as a normal patch and we'll be skipping patch 10.17. We're planning to ship a set of balance changes around the time 10.17 would have launched, though, so keep an eye out for those details. The next full patch will be 10.18! 
So zoom your way down—and once you’re well-read, you’ll be well-ready to take on the third ranked split of the season, the world, etc, etc.    
Take this portal if you're looking for TFT's patch notes!"
Tricia "mom cat" Tan
Hanna "shio shoujo" Woo 
Patch Highlights
Spirit Blossom Riven, Spirit Blossom Cassiopeia, Spirit Blossom Ahri, Spirit Blossom Kindred, and Spirit Blossom Yone will be available on August 6th, 2020. 
Summoner's Rift Ranked Split 3 Begins! 
On August 9th at 11:59 PM local time, the third and final ranked split of the season will begin, but with a little something extra this time! In addition to the usual split rewards, we'll also be granting a random series 1 Eternal capsule to anyone earning 750 Split points.
[NEW] Yone
The Unforgotten 
Yone wields his swords in 10.16!
High-res versions of Yone's splashes are available on League Displays!
Q base damage increased. E damage type changed. 
Now that Akali’s been in the shadows of Pro, we can help her hit the (assassin's) mark for all levels of play by bringing up her early game damage. We’re also streamlining the damage type in her kit so that she’s able to itemize more effectively and deal more to enemies who aren’t building defensively.  
Q - Five Point Strike 
  • BASE DAMAGE ::  30/55/80/105/130 >>> 35/60/85/110/135
E - Shuriken Flip
  • DAMAGE TYPE :: Physical >>> Magic
Q bonus attack speed decreased later. 
We’re pulling back on a scaling Ashe buff we gave her in 10.8 to make more space for other marksmen with less early game power and utility to shine late game against her. 
Q - Ranger’s Focus 
  • BONUS ATTACK SPEED :: 20/30/40/50/60% >>> 20/25/30/35/40%
Base health decreased. W maximum heal decreased.  
Bard has been chiming in quite a bit, especially in Pro play, so we’re toning down his power in early game to open up more avenues for counter picks and in-lane pressure. 
Base Stats
  • HEALTH :: 575 >>> 560
W - Caretaker’s Shrine
  • MAXIMUM HEAL :: 70/110/150/190/230 >>> 55/95/135/175/215
Q cooldown decreased; hitting a monster no longer refunds 50% of its cooldown. 
Spiking some power into Eve’s Q so that she can bring her charm into the jungle and in early skirmishes. We’ve also found that her Q cooldown refund from monsters has been a source of confusion and annoyance for players, so we’re taking that out for more gameplay clarity.  
Q - Hate Spike 
  • COOLDOWN :: 8 seconds >>> 4 seconds
  • [Removed] NO MORE HATE :: Hitting a monster no longer refunds 50% of Hate Spike’s cooldown
Q cooldown decreased; on-hit cooldown reduction decreased. 
As we near the big games, we’ve identified a lack of scaling skirmishers who can keep pressure in a side lane. Because of this, we want to keep Fiora in tip-top form, and to be able to offer teams more strategy. We’re helping her <em>strike quickly, strike deftly!</em> in early fights, along with increasing her mobility for split pushing. To balance it out, we’re also lightly tapping down her cooldown refund. 
Q - Lunge
  • COOLDOWN :: 16/14/12/10/8 seconds >>> 13/11.25/9.5/7.75/6 seconds
  • ENEMY HIT COOLDOWN REDUCTION :: 60% (enemy hits refund 6.4/5.6/4.8/4/3.2 seconds) >>> 50% (enemy hits refund 6.5/5.63/4.75/3.9/3 seconds)
E bonus movement speed increased over time. 
The Horseman’s been at a trot, so we’re ponying up by boosting his potential for ganks and engage. Note that this added movement speed procs his passive for that sweet, sweet bonus damage.  
E - Devastating Charge
  • BONUS MOVEMENT SPEED :: 25-75% (over the first 3 seconds, with fourth second at maximum value) >>> 25-100% (over the first 3 seconds, with fourth second at maximum value) 
E cooldown decreased.  
Now, it’s Jax’s turn! Similar to Fiora, we’re hoping to bring the Grandmaster back onto the scene by making him a more viable counterpick... with more counterstrikes. With his E more readily available, he’ll be able to see fights through in a different manner. 
E - Counterstrike
  • COOLDOWN :: 16/14/12/10/8 seconds >>> 14/12.5/11/9.5/8 seconds
Passive final shot critical damage against structures increased. 
Jhin hasn’t been able to call the shots, especially around towers. We’re loosening his passive crit damage restriction from all the way back in 6.4 so that he can take down structures more effectively and keep up with peers with expanded abilities for damaging towers. 
Passive - Whisper
  • FINAL SHOT DAMAGE TO STRUCTURES :: 1.2 total attack damage >>> 1.5 total attack damage (now the same damage as a normal critical strike)
R bonus damage now uncapped. 
Fixed a bug in Jinx’s R where the damage cap against monsters was capped against champions instead, majorly impacting her power against enemies with high health. We’re bringing the super, the mega, and the death by uncapping the damage against all targets!  
R - Super Mega Death Rocket! 
  • BONUS DAMAGE CAP BUGFIX :: 375 for main target against champions >>> Now uncapped against all targets
Q cost now flat; cooldown increased. 
Karma has continued to be a strong multi-role flex champion who tends to have too much control and safety, so we’re trimming down her solo lane agency by pulling back on a spell that she relies on for waveclear. 
Q - Inner Flame 
  • COST :: 50/55/60/65/70 mana >>> 65 mana
  • COOLDOWN :: 7/6.5/6/5.5/5 seconds >>> 9/8.5/8/7.5/7 seconds
Q damage ratio decreased. 
Now that we’re seeing an increase in Karthus players and higher win rates, we’re walking back one of the bigger buffs from 10.14 that’s lent him more strength than anticipated. 
Q - Lay Waste
  • DAMAGE RATIO :: 0.35 ability power >>> 0.3 ability power 
Q isolated target bonus damage decreased. 
The bug consumed, and the bug adapted. Over the course of the past few patches and our last buff, Kha’Zix has crept above the pack for our skilled players, so we're pulling slightly back on the same lever in 10.14 to find a happy middle ground. 
Q - Taste Their Fear
Q damage increased. R total shots fired increased. 
Lucian has been out of meta for a while, losing consistently to his more meta peers with longer ranges, even in beginning phases of the game. We’re putting him back on the path of vengeance by increasing his power. 
Q - Piercing Light
  • DAMAGE :: 85/120/155/190/225 >>> 95/130/16 /200/235
R - The Culling
  • TOTAL SHOTS FIRED :: 20/25/30 >>> 22/28/34
Miss Fortune
Base attack damage increased. 
Pirate lady’s been in a misfortunate place, and she’s no fool. We’re giving her a small love tap to make sure she’s relevant as an early game marksman. 

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