Table of Contents
- Eternals Explained Video
- /Dev: Your Eternals Feedback in Action
Eternals Explained
Check out this video for a quick explanation and look at Eternals:Learn about Eternals, League’s new champion-based stat trackers.
/Dev: Your Eternals Feedback in Action
Here's a /Dev blog from Riot KenAdamsNSA with the full details and changes to Eternals - "Thanks to your feedback, Eternals are launching with more unique stats & ways to earn without RP.""When we announced Eternals last year, we were really excited to bring champion-specific stat-trackers to League of Legends. Eternals introduced more reasons to play your favorite champs, new ways to flex on your foes, and a novel form of progression that made the game more fun. However, it was clear from your feedback after our PBE reveal that we missed the mark in a few key areas.
As a result, we made the call to delay our launch while we took a step back and identified three ways to make Eternals a better experience:
- Create more skill-expressive and exciting stats to track
- Offer ways to earn Eternals without spending RP
- Provide discounts for players with broad champion pools
Before we get into specifics on how we’re addressing these goals, let’s cover the basics: What are Eternals? And why are we excited about them?
What Are Eternals?
In a nutshell, Eternals are champion-specific stat-trackers that capture, celebrate, and flex your moments of glory in and out of game.
Check out this video for the TL;DR!
At launch, there will be two Eternals series available: a Starter Series (more on this later) and Series 1. Each series contains a set of three Eternals per champion, and we’ll release more over time as we see what stats players enjoy tracking.
Stats begin tracking as soon as you unlock them. When you pass a milestone, like 50 Bicycle Kicks on Lee Sin, a callout pops up in game that all players can see to celebrate the moment.
Note: The in-game callout is smaller than what’s represented here!
Eternals are also visible to other players alongside Champion Mastery in your Player Showcase. The Player Showcase is visible in two places: on the back of your champion card in the loading screen and on your opponent’s death screen after you kill them or assist in their death. The first set of Eternals you unlock for each champion are featured automatically, but you can customize which Eternals you want to feature. If you don’t have any Eternals, no problem, we’ll still show off your Champion Mastery just like on the loading screen.
Here’s how your featured Eternals look on the back of your champion card:
And finally, here’s what your enemy will see when you kill or assist in killing them:
A set can contain two types of Eternals, Common and Unique:
- Common Eternals track stats that aren’t specific to any one champion.
- For example, Takedowns and Epic Monsters Killed.
- Unique Eternals track unique stats that are specific to a champion.
- For example, “Stun Sniper” for Ashe tracks how many times you’ve landed an ultra long-range ultimate.
If you're curious, you can see the full list of Unique Eternals for all champions here.
The price of each set is determined by how many Common or Unique Eternals it has. Common Eternals add 75 RP each, while Unique Eternals add 200 RP each.
For example, Series 1 contains sets with 3 Uniques and will cost 600 RP per champ, while a hypothetical future set with 2 Commons and 1 Unique would cost 350 RP.
Common vs. Unique Eternals
Eternals also have exclusive unlockable perks you can earn by hitting milestones within a series. Hit 5 milestones on a single Eternal, and you’ll start tracking your Personal Best for that stat. Beat your Personal Best in a match, and you’ll get a special milestone callout to show it off to other players in game!
Additionally, if you hit 15 milestones across any of the Eternals in a set, you’ll upgrade your Mastery Emote with an exclusive fiery effect. You can upgrade your Mastery Emote multiple times, so the more sets you complete, the cooler your mastery emote will look for that champion.
Now that we’ve explained how Eternals work, let’s talk about how your feedback helped make Eternals better.
What Did We Change (and Why)?
Based on your PBE feedback, we identified three ways to make Eternals a better experience:
- Create more skill-expressive and exciting stats to track
- Offer ways to earn Eternals without spending RP
- Provide discounts for players with broad champion pools
Goal 1: Create more skill-expressive and exciting stats to track
Many of you told us our first series of Eternals wasn’t exciting enough and didn’t let you show off your skill in the ways you wanted. To address this, we've added two more Unique Eternals per champion to their launch sets, with an emphasis on capturing the high moments unique to each champion. Here’s an example of how one champion’s set evolved to be more skill expressive based on this feedback:
Vladimir’s Original Series 1 Set:
Vladimir’s New Series 1 Set:
- Multiple (2+) enemy champions hit by Hemoplague (R)
- Duration of enemy champions slowed by abilities, items, and runes
- Enemy champions killed
- Multiple (2+) enemy champions hit by Hemoplague (R)
- Transfusions (Q) empowered by Crimson Rush (QP) used on enemy champions
- Skillshot missiles dodged with Sanguine Pool (W)
We also took some time during development to post our designs for all 435 of the new unique Eternals to get players’ feedback on where we were headed. It was really fun to work directly with you on designs, and it ultimately resulted in a bunch of modifications to the launch series. Here are a few more examples of the changes we made based directly on your feedback:
- Anivia’s “Kills to enemies with Glacial Storm (R)” was removed and replaced with “Number of champions knocked aside by Crystallize (W)”
- Poppy’s “Number of bucklers thrown with Iron Ambassador (P)” was changed to “Amount of damage blocked by Iron Ambassador’s (P) shield”
- Lulu’s “Number of champions knocked up by Wild Growth (R)” was changed to “Number of times 2+ enemy champions have been knocked up by Wild Growth (R)”
There were so many great ideas that you shared with us during our discussions that we couldn’t fit into our initial release, so we’re really looking forward to making them for future series. In the meantime, let us know what other top moments about playing your favorite champion you’d want to track and flex with Eternals. They could make their way into the next series!
Goal 2: Offer ways to earn Eternals without spending RP
This one comes in two parts: what we’re doing immediately at launch and what we’re doing in the months following release. Let’s talk about what we’re doing at launch first.
We think League will be a lot more fun for everyone if more players have access to Eternals, so we’ve created a Starter Series for every champion in the game.
Sets in the Starter Series are unlocked per champion, and are permanently available for 2500 Blue Essence or 225 RP. The Starter Series features the following Common Eternals:
- Takedowns (kills + assists)
- Structures Destroyed (turrets and inhibitors)
- Epic Monsters Killed (Baron, dragons, and Rift Heralds)
We specifically chose these stats because they encourage teamplay and are applicable to all champions in the game. You won’t need to last hit a turret or dragon to get credit for these, so long as you participate in taking the objective or kill, your stats will go up.
Sets in the Starter Series behave just like any other set: hitting 15 milestones across any of the Eternals in a Starter Series set will upgrade your Mastery Emote. You can also unlock Personal Best for all of these stats by hitting milestone 5 on each of them.
In addition to the Starter Series, we’ll also be releasing Eternal Capsules as an additional free reward in Ranked Splits.
Eternal Capsules contain Orange Essence and two random Set Shards, which behave similarly to Skin Shards. A Set Shard will unlock an Eternals set for a specific champion when upgraded with Orange Essence. You’ll also be able to disenchant unwanted Set Shards for Orange Essence if you so choose.
With these updates, players will have multiple ways to unlock Eternals without spending RP. We’ll have more to share on Eternal Capsules and Set Shards after launch.
Goal 3: Provide discounts for players with broad champion pools
When we announced Eternals, we got lots of feedback saying that players with large champion pools didn’t have a great way to get Eternals for their entire roster without breaking the bank. Originally, we anticipated players would only unlock Eternals for one or two champs, but we realized we could do much better for players who want Eternals on every champion (or a whole lot of ‘em).
So at launch, you can grab a Series Pass that instantly unlocks all the Eternals in a Series for every champion at a massive discount.
You’ll have two options to unlock Eternals:
- Unlock sets one champion at a time if you only care about your mains. This is the best option if you only want Eternals on a couple champions.
- For players who want it all, you can pick up a Series Pass that instantly unlocks all Eternals in a particular Series for all champions, forever.
- That means that if you buy the Series 1 Pass, you’ll get all Series 1 Eternals for every champ that currently exists and all new champs we release in the future.
The Series 1 Pass will be priced at 5850 RP, which is more than a 90% discount compared to buying individually. The Series Pass is also available for the Starter Series, so if you want to get the Starter Series for every champ in the game using Blue Essence in a single purchase, you can do that with an even deeper discount. The Starter Series Pass will be available for 14750 Blue Essence or 1350 RP.
We’re really excited about all of these changes to Eternals, and can’t wait to see how high you push all of your stats in the years to come. Thank you so much for all of the feedback on Eternals thus far, and be sure to let us know if you have any more ideas on how we can continue to improve. Also, hit up our FAQ if you still have questions about how certain parts of Eternals work or if you want to know more about the lore behind them.
See you on the Rift!"
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