Continue reading for more information!

- Red Post Collection: TFT Interface Update & New Little Legends, Universe Update, Snowdown Merch, & More
- Aphelios, the Weapon of the Faithful, now available!
- 12/11 PBE Update: New Champion Sett, New Mecha Kingdoms + Dragonslayer + Guardian of the Sands, Skins & Much More
- Night & Dawn Event: New Skins, Chroma, Loot & Much More
Table of Contents:
The End of Year Prestige Shop is Open!
As mentioned previously, the end of year Prestige Shop is now open! This shop features many items for 1 to 50 prestige points including summoner icons, prestige themed ward skin, emote, & icon, and several previous jackpot bags from previous events!
"The end-of-year Prestige shop is open! Here's the list of items on offer in addition to the 2019 Prestige Point skins:
- PROJECT 2019 Jackpot Bag - 50 PP
- Contains 3 skin shards of the same tier (750 RP, 975 RP, 1350 RP, or 1820 RP) and 1050 Orange Essence
- Revel Grab Bag - 50 PP
- Contains a 520 RP skin shard, 750 RP skin shard, 975 RP skin shard, 1350 RP skin shard, and 1820 RP skin shard
- Arcade 2019 Jackpot Bag - 50 PP
- Contains 3 legacy skin shards (one guaranteed 975 RP or higher) and 1520 Orange Essence same as the project 2019 jackpot bag
- Prestige Ahri Animated Emote - 25 PP
- Prestige 2019 Ward Skin - 15 PP
- Prestige 2019 Icon - 10 PP
- Golden Trials 2019 Icon - 5 PP
- Arcade Star Icon - 5 PP
- PROJECT: Reckoning Icon - 5 PP
- Worlds 2019 Prestige Points Icon - 5 PP
- Hextech Key - 3 PPA
- 30 Orange Essence - 1 PP
2019 Prestige Points expire February 3 2020, 13:00 PM PT so use 'em if you got 'em. This is a few days later than the previously-announced January 31, 11:59 PM PT date.
Early 2020 Prestige Info
You'll be able to pick up 2020 Prestige Points from Masterwork Chest bundles starting January 15, 2020 with the first event of the year. The 2019 bundles will still be available at that time, but the 2020 versions will have updated visuals to make it clear which year's points you're purchasing. 2020 Prestige Points will expire January 28 2021, 13:00 PT.
As previously announced, all 2020 Prestige event token skins will be returning at the end of the year for purchase with Prestige points, but won't grant their original event borders OR the gold Prestige point border. We'll be back in January with a list of champions getting Prestige skins in the first half of 2020. Until then, happy blinging!"You can find the Prestige Point items in the client by clicking on your Prestige Points in your loot tab!
Ask Riot: Preseason & Aphelios
Check out this week's Ask Riot - topics include "Why’d you make Omnistone? How do Elemental Rifts affect champion win rates? Aphelios’ mastery curve?"Today it’s all about the gameplay.
Do any champions have a much higher or lower win rate on different elemental rifts? Like does Rengar have a higher win rate on the ocean one?
AIn general, champions don’t have significant winrate swings based on the elemental rift (the most significant cases are 1% change). We think this is ideal because the different rifts create fresh layouts to play around, but don’t swing the game too heavily for or against one team.
As an additional balancing factor, the elemental rifts that create tighter, darker, maps great for ambushes (ocean, mountain) are paired with buffs that boost defenses. In the end the effects mostly cancel out.
Rengar, who we all thought might be insane on Ocean actually is slightly worse on that map. His best map is Infernal, likely from the damage buff synergy with his bursty kit. But even for Rengar his worst map is -0.25% and his best is +0.31% so it’s really more about how you play it, not which map you get.
Lead Gameplay Designer
Why did you make Omnistone?
ALet’s start with why we removed Kleptomancy. Klepto had two identities: give you consumables to play around and give you gold long-term. By the end of Season 8, it became pretty apparent that neither of these strengths were impactful enough that you would ever consider this rune on any champion other than the few that could proc it way more than anyone else. Therefore in Season 9 we decided to try to focus on one of these identities and broaden it so that someone other than Ezreal and Gangplank would consider it when presented with the ideal situation.
Consumables in League are pretty bland for gameplay (they’re just stats or regen in some form or another), so we tried out Klepto as the greed farming rune that granted you a gold advantage. While it definitely hit the strategic layer of “take this to punish boring farm lanes,” we feel that experience is just a bit too miserable for opponents, as it mostly just made range mismatch lanes really punishing.
Without existing consumables we were happy with—and because we were unwilling to keep Klepto as an economy rune—we knew we needed to do something larger scope.
The first step was to explore and see if we could actually create cool, short-term bonuses: If we aren’t limited to existing consumables in League, can we come up with satisfying gameplay? Iterations in that space ended up reasonably fruitful. At one point, the rune granted you one of five possible buffs every minute that had explicit strengths, such as “Amb(r)ush: Gain a damage and haste buff when you exit a brush,” and “Conquest: Deal bonus damage to objectives.” But we generally understood that buffs like this were too complex for the rune system. Granting other keystones was a natural step from there—it’s lower complexity because it’s not actually introducing something new to learn while giving players the opportunity to make clever choices.
Beyond that, Omnistone is also more of an exploration into a “player style rune” rather than a “champion rune.” We know some players will find it fun to play with, but we also know that this kind of mini-game isn’t for everyone. Ideally it’s a viable rune that no one feels pressured to take. It’s not quite hitting that bar right now, but luckily we patch the game regularly. Keystone and champion tuning has become really intertwined in a way that often limits the player choice we’ve always wanted with runes—here’s to hoping Omnistone can break that mold.
Associate Game Designer
What do you think Aphelios’ mastery curve will be like?
AA great question, with some debate! But first, let’s talk about mastery curve. Meddler has spoke a bit about this in past “Quick Gameplay Thoughts” posts, but here’s a refresher:
Mastery curve is a measure of how much a champion’s performance increases based on the number of games one has played as them. We tend to care about how much this changes over 30 games to represent experienced players and 100 games to represent master players.
Certain champions grow a LOT on their journey to becoming experienced (Zoe and Azir grow by ~11% win rate in 30 games, for example). These sorts of champions tend to have challenging to execute patterns with a high chance of failure— as you get reps on it and reduce your failure rate, you gain extreme returns quickly. Other champions have larger error margins, so don’t grow as much (Varus and Brand, for example, grow by ~2-4%).
After 30 games, most champions’ performance starts to plateau and additional games mean less and less. Some champions, however, continue to grow significantly past this point, occasionally even beyond the 100 and 200 game marks. Very subjectively, I think this is where the real “mastery” happens. The first 30 games are “learning the ropes” and mostly reducing one’s error rate. Then, once you get the basics down and stop making errors, the next 100 games is when you start to really master the champion and begin to leverage every possible part of their kit.
Some champions have a steep 30 game curve but a flat 100 game curve; others have the opposite. Let’s get into some more examples to illustrate how these differ. I include the 30-game and 200-game marks here, to really illustrate the difference:
- Renekton grows by 4% in his first 30, and another 4% in his next 170.
- Anivia grows by ~10% in her 30, but only another ~2% over the next 170 games.
- Rengar grows by 8% in his first 30, and then another 7% in his next 170!
So, with all this in mind, let’s go back to Aphelios. As we’ve said many times, he’s very hard to play, so the subject matter experts predict that he will grow by ~10-12% in 30 games, and another ~4-5% by 100 games. This puts him at just about… the steepest mastery curve in the game.
But like I said, there’s some debate here! Personally, I expect his first 30 to move quite a bit less than those projections because I believe his propensity for failure is significantly lower than the other champions in that high-mastery camp; if you just play him like a traditional marksman, you’ll still find some success. However, fully understanding every weapon and how to master the order and plan ahead or react appropriately is a very difficult skillset that will continue to pay dividends for a lonnnnnnngggg time. That’s why I believe he will be one of those champions that continues to grow past 100 and 200 games, and I expect there he will differentiate himself as the most challenging champion in the game to fully master!
Game Designer
Have a question? Click on the button below, sign into your League account, and ask away.
We’ll do our best to read every question, but we can’t guarantee they’ll all get answers. Some questions may already be answered elsewhere, and some won’t be right for Ask Riot. This isn’t the best place to announce new features, for example, and we might skip conversations on issues we’ve talked about in depth before (though we can clarify individual points).
We are listening, though, so keep asking. We’ll make sure your questions are heard by the Rioters working on the stuff you’re curious about."
TFT Update: Savage Twilight
Get ready for a new TFT element and two new champions in 10.1 with this look at Savage Twilight with Riot Jag and Riot Beernana:"Leona and Karma are bringing the power of the moon to Teamfight Tactics. As Lunar champions, they’ll continuously protect and empower their allies. They'll hit live servers with patch 10.1.
Here's how they work:
(2): Every 7 seconds, your team gains 20% Critical Strike Chance, 20% Critical Strike Damage, and 20% Spell Power (Stacks up to 4 times).
Moonlight transforms unit durability into a win condition for team comps that are built with drawn out battles in mind.
Skin: Lunar Eclipse
Cost: 1
Origin: Lunar
Class: Warden
Ability: Lunar Eclipse
- Leona reduces all damage by 35/70/105 for 5 seconds.
Leona is the frontline unit for the Lunar trait. She’s especially strong when deflecting lots of small instances of damage, so she should be quite sturdy against Summoners and low-threat units like other Wardens or Mystics. She’ll help buy the time you need to get the Moonlight blessing on all of your allies.
Skin: Dawnbringer
Cost: 3
Origin: Lunar
Class: Mystic
Ability: Inspire
- At the start of combat, Karma tethers to her closest ally. Karma shields the tethered ally (or a random one if the tether is dead) for 5 seconds, absorbing the next 200/350/500 damage. While the shield holds, the ally receives 50/75/100% bonus Attack Speed.
Karma is top-tier at protecting and enhancing carries, so think carefully when determining her placement. With Karma on your team, you’ll always know where your star is—standing right next to her. "
TFT: What's Coming for Items in 10.1!
Here's Llord Llama on the dev corner with more information on upcoming item changes and additions aimed at patch 10.1!"TL;DR: We’re hitting the items in TFT - adding some
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