Thursday, November 7, 2019

11/7 PBE Update: Skin Bios & Preseason 2020 Balance

[STATUS: PBE is currently offline.]

The PBE has been updated! As we continue the 9.23 PBE cycle, today's patch includes new skin bios, Preseason 2020 balance testing, & more!
Continue reading for more information!

(Warning: PBE Content is tentative and subject to change - what you see below may not reflect what eventually gets pushed to live servers at the end of the cycle! Manage your expectations accordingly.)

Table of Contents


  • New skinlines and bios are now on the PBE:
    • Skinlines:
      • Cops and Robbers
      • Crimson Elite
      • Dreadknights
    • Bios:
      • Pulsefire Thresh: "As head of the Remembrancers, Thresh usually remains behind the scenes pulling the chains of time rather than stepping into the stream himself. Yet recent events have caused him to leave his temporal citadel, bringing his pulsefire lantern to bear."
      • Victorious Aatrox: "Victorious Aatrox was awarded to players who reached Gold or higher in the 2019 season. With arm and sword sculpted from crystal quartz, he stands as a monument to all who wish to achieve greatness."
      • Captain Volibear: "For Volibear's years of service on the Force, he was awarded the honorary title of Captain. For his utter incompetence in the field, it was made certain he would remain on desk duty for the rest of his career. Even so, he and Constable Trundle always end up patrolling the streets with mountains of paperwork left in their wake."
      • Constable Trundle: "Constable Trundle's definition of keeping the peace translates to barking insults at jaywalkers, haphazardly placing cones in the street, and perhaps worst of all, plundering doughnuts from all the local bakeries. Needless to say, this behavior results in some very stern browbeatings from Piltover Yard."
      • Dreadknight Nasus: "Dreadknight Nasus serves as keeper of the forgotten texts deep within the catacombs of his Master's labyrinthine library. It is said that within lies the secret of the Dreadknights' undoing, but no living soul has yet verified whether this is truth or fable."
      • Dreadknight Garen: "Once a valiant hero, Dreadknight Garen fell to the promise of power great enough to save his land. Now, twisted by the corrupting magic of his Master, he commands the frozen legions in their march upon the living. Only desolation remains in his wake."
      • Crimson Elite Talon: "The Crimson Elite cannot confirm or deny the existence of the agent known as Talon. The bloody trail left behind him serves as a sinister warning to all. Perhaps more disconcerting are the hundreds of undocumented cases that remain undiscovered."
      • Crimson Elite Riven: "Though officially listed as killed in action, the rogue operative with the broken blade harbors no regrets for abandoning her comrades in their most dire moment. A turncoat become mercenary, she operates in the outer limits of civil society, lending her blade to the highest bidder."

Balance Changes

NOTE*: The PBE is a testing grounds for new, tentative, & experimental changes. Be aware that what you see below may be relative to other changes earlier this cycle! These are not official notes.

Edge of Night
  • AD lowered from 55 to 50
  • Lethality is now a unique passive again

Sanguine Blade
  • Lethality lowered from 18 to 10
  • Unique Passive: Unquenched now also gives 8 Lethality when near a visible enemy champion

Umbral Glaive
  • Renamed from Umbral Blade
  • Lethality is now a Unique Passive

Youmuu's Ghostblade
  • Unique active now allows you to move through units.

Context & Notes

1) For full details on Preseason testing check out this thread from Riot ScruffyPreseason: Rise of the Elements on PBE!

Check out [THIS PAGEfor a comprehensive list of the new content & changes currently on the PBE as a part of this cycle or catch up with the individual update links below !


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