Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Riot Pls: 10th Anniversary Edition - Senna, Preseason 2020, Legends of Runeterra, LoL: Wild Rift, Arcane, and much more announced!

The 10th anniversary Riot Pls  has landed with with it comes a TON of news including our next LoL champion Senna, a preview of preseason 2020, what's next in TFT, upcoming anniversary gifts, and more! We also have several other surprise announcements from Riot Games including the Legends of Runeterra card game, League of Legends: Wild Rift for consoles & mobile, the new Arcane animated series, and several other unnamed projects!
Continue reading and buckle up for a huge recap of the exciting news and game announcements!

Table of Contents

Riot Pls 10th Anniversary Edition VOD

First up, here's the full VOD of the Riot Pls: 10th Anniversary Edition - over 45 minutes of announcements and news!

"We’re celebrating 10 years of League and sharing a sneak peek of what’s to come in 2020 and beyond."

Riot Pls Anniversary Edition Recap 

The Riot Games anniversary recap article also includes a run down of all the upcoming player rewards for playing a game each day mentioned - including a new skin, Annie-versary, given out as a gift on day 11!
"The 10th Anniversary Edition of Riot Pls is over. If you didn’t watch the stream live, go check out the VOD now. We want to sincerely thank all of our players for the last 10 years of League of Legends. None of this would have been possible without your support, feedback, and passion. 
Check out some of the highlights from the stream below: 
League of Legends
League of Legends is 10 years old! Instead of League getting gifts for its birthday, we wanted to give back to the players who made all of this a reality. During 10 Days of Gifting (from 10/17–10/27) you can play a game to receive a daily gift, culminating in a very special surprise on League’s birthday. Don't worry if you miss a day, they'll last for a little while. See the gifts below: 
  • Day 1: Anniversary Icon, Emote, and Ward Skin
  • Day 2: 6300 Blue Essence
  • Day 3: Masterwork Chest + Hextech Key
  • Day 4: Little Legends Rare Egg
  • Day 5: 3000 Orange Essence
  • Day 6: 4 Skin Shards
  • Day 7: 25 Prestige Points
  • Day 8: 200 Worlds 2019 Tokens
  • Day 9: 2 Gemstones
  • Day 10: Legendary Skin
  • Day 11: Annie-versary + Birthday Border + Icon 
Preseason 2020 is around the corner! We're introducing more means of mastery and variety in every game on Summoner's Rift. We also teased our 146th champion, Senna. She’ll be coming to the Rift next month. And finally, you’ve asked for it... non-stop. URF is returning to League! 
Teamfight Tactics 
Keeping with the theme, Teamfight Tactics announced Set 2, “Rise of the Elements” which introduces new origins, classes, and champions (and updates a few current ones). Set 2 hits the Public Beta Environment on October 22. But that’s not all... 
Teamfight Tactics is going mobile! The standalone app will feature cross-platform play, so you can battle for the Convergence against your friends on PC from the palm of your hand. 
League of Legends: Wild Rift
League of Legends: Wild Rift, a redesigned 5v5 League of Legends MOBA, is coming to iOS, Android, and console. Wild Rift isn’t a League PC port—it’s been rebuilt from the ground up and designed specifically for new platforms. Head over to the Wild Rift website for more gameplay, features, and info about Alpha and beyond. 
Legends of Runeterra 
Set in the world of League of Legends, Legends of Runeterra is the strategy card game where skill, creativity, and cleverness determine your success. Choose your champions and combine cards from different regions—each with their own style and strategic advantage—then build the perfect deck to take down the rest. 
Pre-register for the beta now with a chance to participate in a special preview of the game from 10/15 to 10/20. Pre-registration also unlocks the Moonstruck Poro at launch! 
Project A 
Project A is a stylish, competitive, character-based tactical shooter. Follow @RiotGames on Twitter for new updates. 
And More!

You probably saw more than what we mentioned above. No, you’re not crazy. Yes, you saw it. Tons of Rioters have been working hard to create awesome experiences—both in-game and out—for players everywhere. We’re not ready to share more than the snippets you saw, but we’ll be sure to update you as soon as everything’s ready. 
Thanks again for an incredible 10 years. Here’s to the next!

Note: All launch timing is subject to change and may vary across global regions."
Prefer an abbreviated video summary? They got that too:

League News

Tons of info on upcoming League of Legends content was released in the Anniversary Riot Pls including a cinematic announcing Senna busting out of Thresh's lantern as our next champion, details on what preseason 2020 holds for Summoner's Rift, anniversary gifts, the return of Urf, and much more!

Senna, Shadow's Embrace

Senna joins our cast of champions! Check out her animated trailer featuring a face off between Lucian and Thresh:
"LoL is introducing a new champion to the Rift, Senna. Originally one of the many souls trapped in Thresh’s lantern and a fan favorite since her introduction in Lucian's story, Senna is the newest support to join LoL’s roster of more than 140 champions and will uniquely embody a marksman-like playstyle. She will hit the Public Beta Environment on October 29th and live servers on November 10th."

Preseason 2020 Gameplay: Rise of the Elements

Big changes are coming to the Rift in Preseason 2020! Check out this post from the Summoner's Rift team for a full rundown on what to expect including new Elemental Rifts, new Dragon related mechanics, new sidelane alcoves & brush, item changes, and more!
"Welcome to Preseason 2020: Rise of the Elements! In our high-level goals blog, we revealed that this year’s preseason would be transformative but left the details hiding in the fog of war. Then we shared a video preview during the 10th Anniversary Edition of Riot Pls. And now, the full reveal is here. 
Elemental Rifts 
GOAL: Every game, Summoner's Rift presents a variety of distinct and memorable environments for players to master. 
Rise of the Elements will bring SR to life as the primal magic of the Elemental Drakes changes the landscape each game. The third drake transforms the Rift before it spawns and after that, its element will be the only one to spawn for the remainder of the game. 
Infernal Rift 
The Infernal Drake sunders the Rift, creating new pathways through buff camps and burning away their brush. In addition, the dragon pit itself becomes the Infernal Drake’s molten domain, crumbling the walls at the mouth of the pit. New paths make opportunities for a quick flank or sidestep that your opponent isn’t expecting. 
Ocean Rift 
The Ocean Drake brings new life to the Rift, causing existing brush to expand, fresh patches of brush to grow around the dragon pit, and the environment to flood with pools of water. In addition, Honeyfruit plants sprout up in each jungle quadrant. Sneak around the jungle or look for a new ambush opportunity. 
Cloud Rift 
The Cloud Drake’s power spawns air currents flowing through the jungle and dragon pit, speeding up champions in the vicinity. Dodge skillshots or make a swift collapse on your enemies trying to sneak a far away objective. 
Mountainous Rift 
The Mountain Drake triggers a seismic shift throughout the Rift. Bluffs of rock erupt from the earth, making for some scary new choke points and ambush locations, most notably across the mouth of the dragon pit itself. Extra tight spaces give opportunities for big AOE wombos and create some interesting new hiding spots with fog of war. 
We wanted to make sure the Elemental Rifts are fair to both teams regardless of whether one team is ahead on drakes. Keeping your head in the game if you fall behind early can be hard enough as-is; we didn't want to make it feel like the map itself was trying to make you lose, too. When creating new layouts for the Rifts, we wanted to make sure each of them would be as exciting and fair as the base SR map. Both teams have the opportunity to exploit and master the new terrain equally, so the outcomes are still in players' hands regardless of which Elemental Rift takes shape. 


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