Tuesday, October 15, 2019

League 10th Anniversary Celebration!

October 15th is here and we're celebrating the 10th anniversary of League of Legends! Throughout the day you can find a smorgasbord of Riot livestreams leading up to the in the 10th Anniversary Riot Pls broadcast at 6PM PDT!
Continue reading for a schedule, stream list, and more!

 Riot Games Twitch:


As a refresher, here is the previous announcement of what to expect throughout the day leading up to the Riot Pls: 10th Anniversary Edition at 6 PM PDT!

"The 10-Year Anniversary of League of Legends is nearly upon us, and we're planning a celebration for all of you who've built this game together with us. 
Be sure to mark your calendars for Tuesday, October 15th for the kickoff of the League of Legends 10-Year Celebration. 
Rioters around the world will be spending the whole day celebrating with streamed activities and digital experiences. Many of our regional offices are also planning in-person events and activities. Check your local League of Legends channels on 10/15 to discover what's happening in your region. We look forward to making this a special day with you! 
And don't forget to tune in for the main event: starting at 6 PM PDT there'll be a livestream showing of the 10th Anniversary Edition of Riot Pls. Among other things, we'll be sharing a first look at this year's SR preseason update and TFT's "set two" content. 
Here are just a few of the things planned in North America! All times PDT. 
  • 10 AM - Rioters worldwide kick off a day of celebrating with you - in game and across digital platforms.
  • 2:30 PM - League and TFT showmatches airing live Twitch and YouTube
  • 5 PM - League 10-Year Celebration pre-show hosted by Dash
  • 6 PM - Riot Pls: 10th Anniversary Edition 
For anyone who can't make the livestream, we'll be sure to share VODs out after the show. 
See you on October 15th! #League10"

Throughout the day you'll also be able to find a ton of streams celebrating the 10th ranging from Rioters playing games and chatting to a Twitch controlled robot roaming around the Riot office.

Here's a thread from the official League of Legends Reddit account sharing details:
"Come play games and hang out with us ON STREAM before the 10th Anniversary Edition of Riot Pls! 
Our 10th Anniversary Edition of Riot Pls will be at 6pm PDT at twitch.tv/RiotGames. But we are so excited that we wanted to get the celebration started a little early!
Tune in to celebrate with us on stream throughout the day and check out some fun things we’re doing at Riot HQ for our 10th Anniversary. In addition to a whole bunch of activities on social media, these streaming channels below will be live from 2:30-5:15pm PDT
https://www.twitch.tv/RiotGames - Starting at 2:30pm PDT we will be hanging out with you all and playing games of League and TFT to celebrate 10 years! 
https://www.twitch.tv/League10_Evolution - Hang out and ask Rioters about the history of your favorite skin, champion, gameplay component, or aspect of The Rift! 
https://www.twitch.tv/League10_Music - Rioters from all different departments provide a mini concert to celebrate the music of League throughout the past 10 years. 
https://www.twitch.tv/League10_Play - Open call to play with a Rioter. We will be playing League all day, come join us! 
https://www.twitch.tv/League10_Robot - Twitch Plays Riot! Participate in chat to control a robot moving around our campus and take a look at Riot HQ and what’s going on that day. 
https://www.twitch.tv/League10_Skins - Have you always had the best idea ever for a funny skin? Stop by to have Riot artists conceptualize some truly meme-worthy skins. 
https://www.twitch.tv/League10_Tattoo - We get so many requests for tattoo art, so we’d love to make some of them come to life! 
https://www.twitch.tv/League10_nicolo - Come watch players stomp our execs in TFT. This channel will only be live from 4-4:45pm PDT
https://www.twitch.tv/RiotGames - Starting at 5:15pm PDT we will be a pre-show event hosted by Dash. 
https://www.twitch.tv/RiotGames - Starting at 6pm PDT will be the 10th Anniversary Riot Pls! 
And keep an eye out for more information tomorrow as we celebrate 10 years of League!"

Also on Reddit, several AMAs will be up and running, where the teams will be answering questions throughout the day:
"Hey reddit! To celebrate 10 years of League with you today, we'll be jumping into threads and setting up a few of our own to hang out, answer questions, and see if you’re really as good at champion design as you say you are! Here's what we've got planned: 
9:00 PDT - Champion Design AMA: How do we approach champion and VGU development? What are our overall strategy and goals when we introduce new champions to the game? We’ll be taking your questions throughout the morning.
Link: https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/di9yjx/got_questions_about_champions_ama/?st=k1s2lix0&sh=1107a911 

10:30 PDT - League Game Engineers AMA: If you’ve ever wondered how League works under the hood, this is your chance to ask! 
12:00 PDT - League Data AMA: Are you curious if your duo partner is really bringing you down? We’ll be pulling back-end data from League to answer your questions and perhaps dispel some myths along the way. 
14:00 PDT - Reddit Designs a Champion: We’ll be taking ideas from r/leagueoflegends to build a Champion concept together in real time complete with concept art, abilities, and lore. What could go wrong? 
....plus a few other small surprises. Maybe. 
We hope you can join us throughout the day and don’t forget—our 10th Anniversary Edition of Riot Pls will air tonight at 6pm PDT at twitch.tv/RiotGames!"

Over on the LoL Boards, Riot Scruffy and the team are spending League's 10th working with players to squash in-game bugs! - Bring Us Your Bugs!! Celebrating 10 Years of LoL:
"Hey everyone! 
We are so excited to be celebrating 10 years of League of Legends with all of you and as part of this, we wanted to spend some of our time working directly with you to make the game better. Today, we’ve gathered a group of Designers, Engineers, and QA from across League to squash the bugs that matter to you most. Drop a post here with a description of any in-game issue that you want to see fixed and we’ll respond in the thread as we fix them! We're not the full dev team so in particular champion and Item bugs are the things we're most likely to address. 
To help us out, please be as specific as you can about each bug and include any other information you can think of that might help. Videos/gifs/replays are all super useful for us to narrow down whether we are fixing the right thing. Based on our patch scheduling, we expect that most of what we fix here will be shipping in the 9.22 patch and the more risky issues might take longer than that. We won’t be able to tackle everything that gets posted here, but we’re looking forward to improving the game for you in any way we can. 
Without further ado, let the bug squashing commence! 
-Lol Devs and Fans"

Look for more information as we get closer to the 10th Anniversary Riot Pls stream!


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