Friday, September 27, 2019

Red Post Collection: Mid-Patch Updates, TFT Numbers & What's Next, & More

Today's red post collection includes 9.19 mid-patch updates, an update on TFT numbers and what's next, TwitchCon details, and more!
Continue reading for more information!

Table of Contents

9.19 Mid Patch Updates

A handful of mid-patch updates went out on 9/26:
"9/26/2019 Updates

[ALLIED] CHAT DISABLE BUG [Allied] Chat no longer disables itself after patching to 9.19 
  • Q - ROCKET GRAB RANGE BUGFIX Fixed a bug where Blitzcrank's hook range was longer than intended against bigger targets
We're reverting some of Sylas' nerfs! Since the combination of his armor and passive nerfs ended up being too much, we're pulling back on one of them.
  • BASE ARMOR 28 ⇒ 32
  • BASE ARMOR GROWTH 2.5 ⇒ 3"

TFT Update: Numbers & What's Next

Here's Riot Maple Nectar with the most recent update on TFT - "Why we think TFT has long-term potential and where we’re headed in 2020."
"Hey everyone! 
With Kai’Sa and the Sparring Glove items having shipped in patch 9.19, we’ve reached the last of the major gameplay changes for Set 1 of Teamfight Tactics. We’re going to do a deep gameplay dive that will go over what we learned from the design of Set 1 and what we applied to Set 2 next month, but today we want to take a moment to reflect on the scale of the community we’ve all built together. As game developers, it’s a dream to create experiences that impact the lives of players all over the globe, and it’s been especially exciting to build and refine TFT with all of you. 
We’ve shipped a variety of game modes over the years, and Teamfight Tactics is the first one since ARAM to show the potential to be a huge, long-term addition to League. As a result of your continued excitement for the mode—as seen by the hours you spend playing, watching, and talking about it—we feel confident in really doubling down on TFT’s development. We’ve started working on some pretty big plans to make this an experience you want to invest in for years to come. 
I don’t want to spoil everything, but I will say that we’re committing to building a competitive scene for TFT starting in 2020. The hunger is definitely there—the proportion of ranked to normal games of TFT is 4:1, and the mode is incredibly resonant in some of our most competitive regions like Korea. We want to provide an experience worthy of the players that have dedicated themselves to being the best in the world. 
We’ll also be continuing to expand the game in ways that excite players who continue to look to TFT for a less intense and more social experience—more details on that to come! 
This chart represents the total number of game hours played per day per mode post launch.
I want to try to put into perspective just how large the TFT community is to help highlight why we’re going to be investing more into the mode. Let’s talk some numbers: 
  1. There’s over 33 million of you playing TFT every month (almost the population of Canada!). In addition, you’ve racked up a collective 1,725,000,000 hours of game time since launch, with 720,000,000 hours coming from the last 30 days alone.
  2. The global average peak concurrent players in League increased by 30% when TFT hit live servers. This trend continues through today.
  3. The region with the most League players and game hours is China (by far). This region saw a 35% growth in total game hours after launch, which still holds true months later.
It’s been an incredible experience so far, and on behalf of the entire Teamfight Tactics team, I want to thank you for your patience, passion, and dedication as we worked out many of the kinks over the past few months. For those of you who waited in 36 hour PBE queues to get a chance to play, to those who endured the early bugs when we shipped, and to everyone who has provided their feedback on how to make the game better—thank you. We look forward to continuing building this game with you and are excited about the stories you’ll be able to tell about your TFT experience many years from now."

We’re going to TwitchCon! 

Here's Riot Zephyr with details on Riot's presence at TwitchCon:
"Hey Twitch streamers, memers, and lurkers! We’re going to TwitchCon 2019 in San Diego, CA on September 27-29. Here’s where you can find us in the sea of purple. 
Friday - September 27, 2019 
Come find us at the Alienware booth on the expo floor 10 AM - 12 PM PT. We’ll be giving away t-shirts, lanyards, and champion skins to League players as Voyboy streams and shows us those 200 IQ plays. 
Saturday - September 28, 2019 
Starting bright and early at 9:30 AM, you can watch the NA versus EU Bo3 showmatch as we prove once and for all that NA > EU. Kappa 
Here are the teams representing both regions: 
After a classic clash of the two regions, we’ll return to last year’s “Rumble on the Rift” format with a Bo3 NA streamer showmatch. Here’s who’s playing: 
Do you prefer Teamfight Tactics to Summoner’s Rift nowadays? We’ve got just the thing for you! 
Starting at 9 AM PT on Saturday, we’ll begin sign-ups for all Twitch Partners and Affiliates who want to play in the Open Qualifiers for the TFT Twitch Rivals event. Drop by for a chance to participate. The Open Qualifier events will start at 10 AM as we find the last few participants for our TFT Finals event, which starts at 3:45 PM PT on Saturday. If you’re not attending TwitchCon, you can watch the Open Qualifier finalists face off against 
DisguisedToast, Scarra, Dogdog, itsHafu, Becca, TidesofTime, LotharHS, Wickd, Uthenera, Gotaga, MisterMV, DeliciousMilkGG, Jac0b0, k3sojuu, FujitoraHS, Souless, Keanelol, DarkHydra, and YoDa on the Twitch Rivals channel
See you at the event or in chat!


"Your semi-weekly dose of server problem-os, NA League news, and other! (Delayed a few days because life happened)
Worlds group stages have just been drawn, there’s a free TFT capsule with Twitch Prime, some updates to peering may help lower ping for some players, and final tweaks for 9.19 are on PBE. 
  • Mac voice still not working properly (Bug grouped with other Mac bugs)
  • None
Server Stuff:
  • Backup databases unable to backup(9/10, ~80 minutes) Automated alerting notifies the NOC that ping loss is high on a backup database. A technician on site uncovers that the physical host is down. A brief diagnostic of the chassis points to a bad power supply. The technician replaces the bad power supply, drains a backup battery supply, then reboots the backup successfully.
  • Leagues error causes players to be unable to join Clash testing(9/16, ~37 minutes) A change to networking routes causes programs to send data to the wrong location. Because of this, players would be unable to join Clash tournaments (due to the request ending up in a black hole of nothingness). Fixing the network route enables players to connect to Clash tournaments properly.
  • Ranked not enabled after maintenance window(9/18, ~29 minutes) Maintenance is completed early in the morning. However, implementer of various checklist items did not fully complete the checklist (forgot to re-enable ranked queues). The error was noticed shortly after completion, a quick oops caused by human error.
  • Twitch Prime promo in store leads to 404 error (9/18, ~2 hours) Banner was changed in the League client pointing to the Twitch Prime promo. The NOC is notified that clicking on the promotion leads to nowhere. NOC alerts the proper team, which shows the banner was put up too early. Banner is later enabled at proper time when link works again.
Game Stuff:
  • Micropatch causes game to end in error(9/11, ~4 hours) A micropatch for TFT goes out, and automated monitoring doesn’t trigger for several hours (alarm finally activated when the level was high enough). NOC manually kills all bad ghost games, and investigation shows the micropatch caused the freezing.
"Hiya folks, Brian "Penrif" Bossé, your local friendly Tech Lead of League here. I'm taking some time in between matches of TFT to wax philosophic about game engines and how we on League make decisions around what direction to take our custom game engine. Join me on a moderately long look at one dimension of game engine design, where League currently exists on that dimension, and where we're taking the game from there. 
There are many different axes one could choose to evaluate a game engine against - performance, platform support, and graphics fidelity are all useful metrics. The particular dimension I want to look at in this article is how an engine captures the complexity of the games implemented on it."

[Check out the full article here!] 

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