Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Patch 9.18 Notes

Patch 9.18 is on the way and the official patch notes have been posted!
Continue reading for more information!

Check out the Patch 9.18 notes (be sure to check regional editions for slight variations!):
"Hey patch notes readers, want to form a contract with me? 
We're coming down to the final stretch! 9.19 will be the patch Worlds is played on, so we're adding in some changes that shouldn't rock the boat too much, but helps get us to place that encourages champion diversity and fun times during the most hype event of the year ~ 
With that in mind, in this patch we're taking another look at Aatrox and Akali specifically to make sure they don't completely dominate the meta, since they've been seeing high picks and play time in pro throughout the year. 
See you in another two weeks! But if you decide to die for the good of the universe, call me anytime."
Hanna “shio shoujo” Woo 
Paul "Aether" Perscheid

[Check out the full 9.18 Patch Notes here!]

Points of Interest from the 9.18 PBE Cycle

Here's a brief look at many of the new things included in patch 9.18. This coverage includes preview screen shots and video taken during the 9.18 PBE cycle and may vary slightly from what is pushed to live.

Champion Skins

Five new Star Guardian skins will be available sometime this cycle:

Star Guardian Neeko

1350 RP
"A member of Ahri's original team of Star Guardians, Neeko watched her teammates fall against Zoe's dark powers, going into hiding when she, too, was thought dead. Revealing herself to the newly assembled Star Guardians at the eve of their greatest battle, the wide-eyed adventurer has vowed that this time, she won't run."

Star Guardian Neeko Prestige Edition

[No release details yet!]

Star Guardian Rakan

1820 RP (Legendary)
"Many years ago, Rakan was destroyed in the fight against Zoe, alongside his lover Xayah. The pair were then resurrected and turned against their allies -- a fact Rakan seems keenly aware of. Biding his time to strike, he has a plan to purify the darkness from Xayah's heart... though the price may be losing himself to evil forever."

Star Guardian Xayah

1820 RP
"Many years ago, Xayah was destroyed in the fight against Zoe, alongside her lover Rakan. The pair were then resurrected and turned against their allies -- a change Xayah seems almost happy about. Blaming the Star Guardians for abandoning her to die, she has taken a bitter, personal stand against them, even as doubts begin to creep in..."

As Star Guardian Rakan & Xayah are legendary tier skins, they each have new sets of special interactions, as well as shared lines:

Star Guardian Zoe

1350 RP
"A member of the ancient, first group of Star Guardians, Zoe's heart desired not love, but chaos -- twisting her newfound power into a malignant expression of cosmic madness. After numberless eons of hunting the First Star's chosen, she has finally come to Valoran City, hoping to destroy the latest generation of Guardians as she has countless others." 


New chromas will be available this cycle:

Star Guardian Rakan 
[3 Chromas]

Star Guardian Xayah
[3 Chromas]

Star Guardian Zoe
[8 Chromas]

New Summoner Icons

New summoner icons will be available sometime this cycle:

Star Guardian 2019 Icon, Saki Icon, Riku Icon

Ran Icon, Towa Icon, Star Guardian Xayah Icon

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