Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Red Post Collection: 9.16 TFT Patch Notes, /Dev: Exploring Eternals, & More

Today's red post collection includes the 9.16 TFT Patch Notes, a /Dev on the new Eternals feature, Meddler's quick gameplay thoughts for August 9th, and much more!
Continue reading for more information!

Table of Contents

Teamfight Tactics patch 9.16 notes 

Here's Riot Beernana with the Patch 9.16 TFT notes:
"Hey Tacticians, welcome to the Teamfight Tactics patch 9.16 notes.

The headliner for this patch is the introduction of the Hextech origin bringing Camille, Jayce, Vi, and Jinx to the Convergence. Building Hextechs into your team composition will provide answers to enemy teams relying on a single champion stacked with items. On the flip side, when playing against Hextechs be prepared to spread your items out between your champions to mitigate their disruption.

In addition to the fun new stuff, we're also making a few less flashy (but hopefully just as satisfying) improvements to a few systems in Teamfight Tactics. The randomized round-by-round matchmaking system will no longer pit you against the same player multiple times in a row. Additionally, we're limiting the number of round ties by adding the whole new URF Overtime buff that activates at the end of long battles. We've been pretty happy with the player damage changes from patch 9.15, but we've added some base player damage to keep close end games from going too long. Last but not least, three new Little Legends and the second beta pass round out the new stuff in this patch.

Take this portal if you're looking for League's patch notes!

Now, let's get into it."
Blake "Riot Beernana" Edwards

[Full 9.16 TFT Patch Notes here!] 

TFT Update: Hextech Heroics 

Here's Tummers and Riot Beernana with details on the new Origin for TFT, Hextech:
"Hextech has entered the game. 
The Hextechs are a group of champs specializing in knocking your well-equipped enemies down to size. At the beginning of combat, they'll throw out a bomb that disables enemy items in an area for a limited amount of time. This bonus kicks in once you've deployed two Hextechs and becomes stronger once you've deployed all four
Take down the enemy team before their items come back online! 
The Champions:
  • Camille
    • Camille is a Blademaster that excels in taking down single targets with her allies. Camille's ability, The Hextech Ultimatum, roots an enemy and forces her in-range teammates to target whomever she's fighting. Think about Camille's positioning carefully to get your team to focus their firepower on a specific enemy.
    • Class: Blademaster
    • Cost: 1
  • Jayce
    • Jayce is a shapeshifter who excels at disrupting the enemy frontline by knocking back an enemy unit with his Thundering Blow. Once the defenses are open, he switches to his Mercury Cannon bringing increased attack speed and ranged damage to the battle.
    • Class: Shapeshifter
    • Cost: 2
  • Vi
    • If you absolutely have to get to the enemy backline, you better bring Vi. This Brawler targets the farthest enemy and charges towards them, knocking aside and damaging every enemy along the way. Once she gets there she knocks her target up and damages them.
    • Class: Brawler
    • Cost: 3
  • Jinx
    • Jinx is a high risk, high reward Gunslinger that ramps up through the course of a fight. She Gets Excited after her first takedown, gaining bonus attack speed. If she scores a second takedown she pulls out Fishbones, her rocket launcher, causing her attacks to deal AoE damage. Keep Jinx fully equipped and supported and she'll carry your team to victory.
    • Class: Gunslinger
    • Cost: 4"

TFT Beta Pass V.2 Coming Soon! 

Tummers and Beernana also provided details on the TFT Beta Pass v.2 coming with 9.16:
"The second Teamfight Tactics beta pass is coming! For the next eight weeks, you’ll earn icons, emotes, and arena chromas by completing missions and playing TFT. 
Here's how it works: 
Timing: You can start earning beta pass XP in patch 9.16 in all regions. The pass ends with the start of patch 9.20. 
Rewards and XP: By leveling up your pass you'll be able to unlock six icons, three map chromas, and four emotes. There’s 9280 XP available to earn over the course of eight weeks, and it’ll cost 6800 XP to unlock all of the rewards. 
Orb of Enlightenment: We reworked the Orb of Enlightenment to reward you for playing multiple games. You'll receive 70 XP just for logging in, and 10 additional XP for each of your next five games. Not including the missions you complete, you can earn 120 XP every day by logging in and finishing five games. 
Missions: Every week, you'll get six missions that you can complete to earn XP. Two will be relatively easy and should be completable in one session. Two will be based on completing a certain number of games. The last two will be more difficult, requiring you to complete something challenging or stretch your understanding of rules or strategy within Teamfight Tactics. Three missions will be active at any given time, and once one is completed another will automatically take its place. Missions rotate every week around the same time that a patch would drop. 
Best of luck in the Convergence!"

/Dev: Exploring Eternals

Here's KenAdamsNSA with a /Dev blog on a new feature, Eternals:
"Hey everyone! Eternals, our new champion-based achievement feature that lets you showcase personal accomplishments for your favorite champs, is heading to PBE for release on 9.17. You can read all about how to unlock and equip Eternals in the FAQ. In this post, we’ll be talking more in-depth about Eternals, including details on our goals, how we designed these new achievements, and what the future holds. 
Why’d You Want to Make Eternals? 
Every couple months, we send surveys to players all over the world asking what types of new personalization features they’d like to see in League. One of the top requests is always for champion-based achievements. We decided to explore what we could do in the space, knowing that we’d have to push through some challenges. Not only is it tricky to add meaningful achievements for 140+ champs, but we also wanted to push the envelope on what this kind of game system could deliver for League. 
After a lot of exploration, we landed on a few core goals that we wanted to hit:
  • Provide players a way to show off their achievements in and out of game
  • Give players a new progression system beyond Mastery and Ranked
  • Reward players with unique perks for their success 
With these in mind, we invited players to Riot to help lock down some of the details. For example, we worked with players to find the right balance between broadly-appealing accomplishments, like kills and takedowns, and unique, champion-specific moments, like Sylas’s “Stop Hitting Yourself,” an Eternal which tracks how many times Sylas kills an enemy with their own ultimate. 
Will Eternals Encourage Bad Behavior? 
We do a game design review for every Eternal we create to ensure that, on paper, it’s not incentivizing a suboptimal playstyle. Then we follow this up with playtests to validate “in the moment” feels. This process has been hugely helpful in refining our designs to hit the goal of Eternals—they should reward positive play patterns that are exciting and meaningful to achieve. Balancing positive intent with satisfying Eternal design has been a challenge, so be sure to give us feedback once you’ve played with them if you feel we’ve swung too hard in either direction. 
Additionally, we’ve taken several steps to minimize objective-setting with Eternals in game. You can always check how close you are to the next Eternals milestone with the hover tooltip in game, but a tracker isn’t always front-and-center. (At one point, we actually tried removing all ways to track your milestone progress in-game, but that felt pretty bad, so we compromised with the tooltips.) 
Much like the Missions and Mastery systems in the past, we expect we’ll refine Eternals over time and tune them based on your feedback. We’ll keep an eye on how things are going after launch, and if you see players acting in bad faith to min-max their Eternals, feel free to report them in game and let us know. 
Why are Eternals Only Available for RP? 
We took a look at how other games have tackled similar systems to see what felt good and what could use some improvement. Existing systems like Counter-Strike: Global Offensive’s loot boxes for StatTrak weapons and Dota 2’s subscription model for Hero Relics showed us that rarity was a core component for these types of systems. As a result of what we were seeing, we initially designed an early version of Eternals with a loot-based system, but it felt overly complicated and too punishing to be a satisfying approach for League. As a result, we went back to the basics: We’d package sets of three Eternals for players to get with RP. 
Additionally—and for complete transparency—Eternals were a huge undertaking to build. The system has a significant amount of new tech powering it to ensure that it works consistently and reliably. We also want to support and expand upon this feature for years to come, and with so many champions to build and maintain Eternals for, the only way we could justify supporting the feature was to attach an RP price to it. 
What’s Up With All the Statues? 
We wanted to create different visual representations of the types of achievements you’ll be showing off on the Rift. To do that, we explored the idea of appeasing ancient Runeterran gods that responded to your accomplishments, which allowed us to create multiple types of Eternals, with each representing different gameplay pillars. 
Here’s a breakdown of each Eternal and the accomplishments they represent:

The Warden
  • Controlling champions in fights via CC
  • Motto: “You play on MY terms.”
  • Sample Champions: Sejuani, Nunu
The Protector
  • Damage / CC mitigation via tanking, shielding, or prevention
  • Motto: “Not today.”
  • Sample Champions: Braum, Shen
The Empress
  • Superior micro / macro; flawless play or decision-making
  • Motto: “Big brains. Big plays.”
  • Sample Champions: Fiora, Ezreal
The Guide
  • Enabling teammates to make plays and stay in the fight
  • Motto: “TAKE THE LANTERN.”
  • Sample Champions: Soraka, Sona
The Warrior
  • Harm in the most brutal, straightforward way possible
  • Motto: “Rekt.”
  • Sample Champions: Mordekaiser, Darius
The Trickster
  • Deceitful, manipulative mind games
  • Motto: “/all ?”
  • Sample Champions: Shaco, Teemo
It’s important to note that these aren’t hard and fast rules. There were several Eternals that we heavily debated when assigning their alignments, like Shen’s Eternal, “Party Crasher.” 
“Party Crasher” is a Protector Eternal that increments when you ult to an ally then taunt an enemy within a few seconds of arriving. You could make the argument that this is actually a Trickster


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