Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Red Post Collection: Teamfight Tactics Extravaganza

Today's red post collection in jam-packed with TFT info, including release schedule, details on Little Legends and their eggs, data on top players on the PBE, and much more!
Continue reading for more information!

Table of Contents

[TFT] Teamfight Tactics Release Timeline and Temporary Restrictions 

Here's Riot Beernana with details on TFT release schedules and more:
"Hey Everyone, 
Here’s some information about how Teamfight Tactics will be rolling out over the course of this week. We’re releasing TFT on a deliberate timeline and with temporary restrictions to keep the servers stable as y’all show them your love in the early hours of TFT’s release. Keep in mind that TFT is still in a “Beta” period. We'll be looking to ship bug fixes and balance changes daily if need be. 
Timeline (Pacific Timezone) 
This is the plan, exact timing may vary. 
Tuesday (6/25) 
Note: There’ll be a Level 10 requirement for TFT on the first day and game starts will be throttled.
  • OCE
  • JP
Wednesday (6/26) 
  • NA
  • TR
  • RU
Thursday (6/27)
  • TH
  • PH
  • SG
  • KR
  • VN
  • TW
Friday (6/28)
  • BR
  • LAN
  • LAS
Missions and Modes: 
In some regions, (NA,EUW/N, KR, VN, TW, LAN and LAS) TFT’s missions and client hub will be enabled one week after the mode is released. We want to be sure that the missions and beta pass are functioning as intended. We don’t want you to think you’ve completed missions to get your free Little Legend only to have them break. Once we’re confident that everything is working, we’ll get the pass and missions to all regions. Note: you will not earn progress towards the free “Beta Pass” until this system is up and running. This means that your free Little Legend, emotes, icon, and board skin will be delayed. 
Level Cap 
TFT will be temporarily restricted to level 10+ accounts on the OCE and JP servers. 
General Measures 
We’re doing a few things in all regions to help with the expected increase in server load. 
  • Transfers are disabled until July 1st
  • Practice Tool is disabled
  • Custom modes are limited to 10 players minimum 
We understand that some of these changes will have a significant impact on many of you. We’re excited to get TFT into your hands, so thank you for your patience as we get this thing out the door."

Teamfight Tactics Landing Page

A landing page is now up for Teamfight Tactics ahead of its release! Check out the gameplay trailer and guide below!

Gameplay Trailer

Teamfight Tactics Gameplay Guide

Looking for a full guide on playing Teamfight Tactics ahead of its release in your region? Check out this guide:
"Set in the fractured, dream-like Convergence, Teamfight Tactics is a new game mode in League that pits you against seven opponents in a free-for-all war for supremacy. Build the ultimate team, power-up your forces, then watch the battle unfold.

Do you have what it takes to be the last player standing?"

[View Full Guide Here!] 

/Dev: Little Legends in Teamfight Tactics

Here's Lunchboy with a /Dev blog on Little Legends in TFT - "Everything you need to know about earning and evolving your TFT buddy.":
"Yo! I’m LUNCHBOY, a product manager working on everything you can personalize in Teamfight Tactics. Today I’m pumped to be talking to you about our first customizable feature in TFT—Little Legends. We’re going to break down what they are, why we made ‘em the way we did, and how you can get some of your own. We’ll also give a sneak peek into our plans for Arena skins, an upcoming feature that’ll allow you to customize your TFT board. 
What Are Little Legends? 
Little Legends are the cutest darn critters in all of League (sorry poros). They’re a highly-expressive and diverse bunch that’ll function as your avatar in Teamfight Tactics and cheer you on in ARAMs. TFT is a highly social game, and Little Legends are at the center of every interaction you have with other players. Your Little Legend will race opponents to nab Yasuo in the shared draft, dab on enemies after a close victory, and flash your Yikes emote after losing to a player who’s definitely high-rolling. 
We’re launching with six Little Legends, each with their own unique taunts, dances, and personalities: Silverwing, Furyhorn, Runespirit, Hauntling, Molediver, and Featherknight. 
You’ll be able to unlock any of these (and their matching icon) for 750 RP. We’ll also be including a Little Legend Egg as a reward in the free TFT Beta Pass. After playing a few games, you’ll be able to select from the Silverwing, Runespirit, or Molediver as your starter Little Legend. (Insert Pokémon joke.) 
The Buddy System 
When designing Little Legends, we were inspired by some of the feelings we had while playing TFT, and we wanted the Little Legends system to capture those same feelings. For starters, we really enjoyed the moment when you can finally upgrade that one-star Tristana you started the game with to a three-star powerhouse. This is why we wanted you to be able to evolve your Little Legends—so you can watch your humble one-star Pengu Featherknight grow into a much cooler three-star one. 
We also wanted to mimic that feeling of seeing the clutch tier-5 unit you need to win in the shop, and we hope you can feel some of that same joy when you get an unexpectedly rare drop from a Little Legends egg. Finally, we hope that your Little Legends collection feels unique and special to you, just like you’re able to construct a one-of-a-kind team comp in TFT. 
With all this in mind, let’s talk a bit more about the three aspects of Little Legends that’ll help us hit those goals: variants, Series Rare Eggs, and star-ups
Variants: To bring in that feeling that comes with getting rare things, we’re launching with six variants (including the basic version) of each species. Some of these variants are rarer than others, and you don’t have to own the basic version of a species to get its rarer variants. 
Each of these variants has its own unique flair and identity. For example, we all know the Ravenlord Featherknight is eagerly plotting world domination: 
While the Extra Spicy Featherknight is oblivious to his inevitable demise as a tasty dinner:
These variants, and many others, will drop out of Rare Eggs that you can buy for 490 RP. 
Series Rare Eggs: While we love the feeling that comes with getting rare content, we wanted to balance it with your ability to have control over what type of Little Legend you’re getting. This is why there will be two varieties of Rare Eggs you can buy at launch—the Series One Egg that can hatch Silverwings, Furyhorns, or Hauntlings, and the Series Two Egg that can hatch Runespirits, Featherknights, or Moledivers. Each egg contains six variants of each species within it, including the species’ base variant, so there are 18 total variants that can be hatched out of each egg type. 
We want every egg you open to give you a new Little Legend that you can immediately take into game, so each time you open an egg, you will get an unowned Little Legends variant or a star-up for a variant you already have. Once a variant reaches three stars, it won’t hatch from any future eggs you open, so you’ll be more likely to get the remaining variants when you open more eggs from that series. 
Star-Ups: Collecting multiples of the same Little Legend variant will star-up and “evolve” your Little Legend, just as collecting multiples of a champion in TFT increases their star level. If you’re familiar with how TFT works, then you’re probably thinking “3 one-stars = a two-star, and 3 two-stars = a three-star, so I’ll need 9 of the same Little Legend to get the final form.” But we think it feels better if every egg you open gives you something you can use right away, which is why each duplicate of a Little Legends variant you acquire increases its star level by one
In other words… 
Every Little Legend starts as a one-star—that’s your buddy in its base form: 
Once you collect two of ‘em, your Little Legend will evolve into a two-star—a more grown-up version of your pal, with an enhanced model:
And once you collect the same variant a third time, they’ll evolve once again into a three-star—the flashy final form of a Little Legend that stands apart with added VFX shine, kind of like a holographic trading card. 
Each Little Legend variant stars up uniquely, meaning you can have a one-star Ravenlord Featherknight and a three-star Extra Spicy Featherknight. Leveling a Little Legend to a higher star level still gives you access to its earlier forms, so if you’re feeling like baby Lost Silverwing some days but shiny Lost Silverwing on others, you’ve got options. 
What’s Next? 
In addition to the new Little Legends we’ll be delivering throughout the year, we’re also exploring ways for players to customize their personal Arena to really make that space their home. For now, there will be a few Arena skins available to earn in the free Beta Pass, but we hope to deliver more complex and differentiated Arenas in the future. These Arena skins will draw inspiration from the League multiverse, from Shurima to Star Guardian. We’d love to hear what else you’d like to customize in TFT and what you think of the first group of Little Legends, so feel free to hit us up with feedback and ideas in the comments. 

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