Tuesday, May 21, 2019

5/21 PBE Update: Chroma Tweaks & Tentative Balance Changes

[Recent NewsTrials Standings: Week Two]

The PBE has been updated! As we continue the 9.11 PBE cycle, today's patch includes continued tweaks to Little Demon Tristana's chroma and more tentative balance changes!
Continue reading for more information!

(Warning: PBE Content is tentative and subject to change - what you see below may not reflect what eventually gets pushed to live servers at the end of the cycle! Manage your expectations accordingly.)

Table of Contents


  • As noted by Riot Lexical, Little Demon Tristana's chroma have been tweaked again:


Balance Changes

NOTE*: The PBE is a testing grounds for new, tentative, & experimental changes. Be aware that what you see below may be relative to other changes earlier this cycle! These are not official notes.

[Janna has other changes in testing on the PBE!]
  • Zephyr (W) mana cost reverted from 60/70/80/90/100 to 50/60/70/80/90

[Malphite has extensive changes in testing on the PBE!]
  • Seismic Shard (Q) 
    • [Removed] no longer slows target
    • Missile speed reverted from 1400 to 1200 

[Context & Changelist - Wukong has tons of changes testing on the PBE!]
  • Strength of Stone (Passive)
    • "Damage amp no longer affects structures (was unintended that it ever did and Wukong’s pushing power's going up with new W a lot already)."
    • "Damage amp no longer increases true damage (never intended to, damage amps and damage reduction don't affect true damage)."
  • (Q)
    • "Q magic damage now has an AD ratio attached. Currently 0.2 bonus AD. Base damage is down from 20-100 to 20-80."
    • "Q mana cost is 25-45 (was in the previous version too, forgot to include it in the notes however)"
    • "Now has the truly inspired name of ‘PLACEHOLDER NAME’. Looking for a replacement name here at some point."
  • Warrior Trickster (W)
    • "Now casts in the direction of the cursor, rather than going off Wukong’s facing"
    • "Now goes through thin walls. Not sure this is the right call yet, wall crossing does mean he’s put one of his most potent tools on CD though and it’s thin walls only right now. Also allows for some nice mind games running at a wall and then hitting ‘S’ potentially".
    • "Clone now gets the E Attack Speed buff if Wukong has it when he casts W"
    • "Clone now gets the Q on next hit buff if Wukong has it when he casts W"
  • Cyclone (R)
    • "R CD now starts immediately so Presence of Mind works with it. Can still be cancelled by reactivating the R though. This is a change we’ll put into 9.11, since it’s a bug fix and low power impact, so doesn’t need to be balanced around."

  • Base HP increased from 432.36 to 460
  • You and Me! (W) now also provides a flat 5 adaptive stats in addition to % of Attached's stats.

Context & Notes

1) Meddler noted some further changes coming to test for Wukong - "Wukong Prototype on PBE: Additional changes"
"Hi folks, 
Thanks for all the feedback so far, especially those of you who’ve got games in on the PBE. Update to the Wukong changes on PBE below, these should be there sometime later today. A few reminders before we get to the changelist itself: 
  • These changes will sit on PBE for a while (about 3 more weeks), then come off PBE. We’ll then make a call on whether to make the art for them or not. Means it’ll be a while until they’re live if we decided to go ahead with them.
  • Numbers here are still pretty approximate (they haven’t been through a serious balancing pass yet). Feedback on the general direction is helpful, especially what functionality a skill has. Things like comments on whether a 0.2 or a 0.3 ratio would be most appropriate aren’t helpful yet by contrast.
  • PBE is a messy environment, where many players don’t play seriously, we don’t have much match history to base matchmaking off, many people are playing with much more ping than normal etc. Feedback from it’s useful, but needs to be treated with a lot of caution when it comes to perception of power in particular.
  • Damage amp no longer affects structures (was unintended that it ever did and Wukong’s pushing power's going up with new W a lot already).
  • Damage amp no longer increases true damage (never intended to, damage amps and damage reduction don't affect true damage).
  • Q magic damage now has an AD ratio attached. Currently 0.2 bonus AD. Base damage is down from 20-100 to 20-80.
  • Q mana cost is 25-45 (was in the previous version too, forgot to include it in the notes however)
  • Now has the truly inspired name of ‘PLACEHOLDER NAME’. Looking for a replacement name here at some point.
  • Now casts in the direction of the cursor, rather than going off Wukong’s facing
  • Now goes through thin walls. Not sure this is the right call yet, wall crossing does mean he’s put one of his most potent tools on CD though and it’s thin walls only right now. Also allows for some nice mind games running at a wall and then hitting ‘S’ potentially.
  • Clone now gets the E Attack Speed buff if Wukong has it when he casts W
  • Clone now gets the Q on next hit buff if Wukong has it when he casts W
  • R CD now starts immediately so Presence of Mind works with it. Can still be cancelled by reactivating the R though. This is a change we’ll put into 9.11, since it’s a bug fix and low power impact, so doesn’t need to be balanced around. 
Not changed: 
A bug where Wukong can get stuck in the W spin animation occasionally until he casts W again. Would fix it before going live of course, isn’t severe enough to interfere with playtesting though so not spending the time on it right now. Hope you enjoy the ballerina impression in the meantime!"

Check out [THIS PAGEfor a comprehensive list of the new content & changes currently on the PBE as a part of this cycle or catch up with the individual update links below !


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