Monday, April 29, 2019

Champion & Skin Sale: Week of April 29th

The sales for the week of April 29th are now in the shop! Each week an assortment of skins and champions will be on sale for up to 60% off! Check out this week's sales, featuring 15 skins and 5 Champions!
Continue reading for a look at the items on sale!

Table of Contents

  • Champions
  • Skins
    • Commando Galio
    • Coven Lissandra
    • Dragonslayer Pantheon 
    • Dynasty Ahri
    • God Staff Jax
    • Ironside Malphite
    • Karthus Lightsbane
    • Mafia Graves
    • Northern Front Swain
    • Panda Teemo
    • Pickpocket Twitch
    • Pug'Maw
    • Queen of Diamonds Syndra 
    • Ryze Whitebeard
    • Uncle Ryze
  • Sale & Skin Related News


Five champions are on sale this week for up to 60% off their RP Price!


Fifteen skins are on sale this week for up to 60% off their RP price!

Commando Galio / 260 RP (-50%)

Coven Lissandra / 975 RP (-27%)

Dragonslayer Pantheon / 742 RP (-45%)

Dynasty Ahri / 487 RP (-50%)

God Staff Jax / 877 RP (-35%)

Ironside Malphite / 487 RP (-50%)

Karthus Lightsbane / 487 RP (-50%)

Mafia Graves / 438 RP (-55%)

Northern Front Swain / 375 RP (-50%)

Panda Teemo / 487 RP (-50%)

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