Wednesday, April 17, 2019

4/17 PBE Update: Tentative Balance Changes

The PBE has been updated! As we continue the 9.9 PBE cycle, today's patch includes tentative balance changes for Aatrox & Rakan!
Continue reading for more information!

(Warning: PBE Content is tentative and subject to change - what you see below may not reflect what eventually gets pushed to live servers at the end of the cycle! Manage your expectations accordingly.)

Table of Contents

Balance Changes

NOTE*: The PBE is a testing grounds for new, tentative, & experimental changes. Be aware that what you see below may be relative to other changes earlier this cycle! These are not official notes.

[Changelist / Context]
  • Deathbringer Stance (P)
    • Now also heals Aatrox for the bonus damage dealt
    • Attack frame adjusted to more closely match other basic attacks
      • "Looking to address frequency of passive attacks being cancelled unintentionally"
  • Umbral Dash (E)
    • Passive healing increased from 20/22.5/25/27.5/30% to 20/25/30/35/40%
    • Passive healing source changed from [physical champion damage] to [All non-periodic champion damage]
  • World Ender (R)
    • [New] Aatrox now only revives if he gets a takedown during World Ender
    • [New] Takedowns extend World Ender by 6 seconds and reset The Darkin Blade (Q)'s Cooldown
    • Cooldown lowered from 160/140/120 to 140/120/100
    • Bonus movement speed (on cast and out of combat) increased from 120/180/240 to 150/200/250
    • Increased total attack damage increased from 20/25/30% to 25/30/35%
    • Cast time lowered from .5s to .25s
    • Revive self slow increased from 25% to 99%
    • Revive heal changed from [10-50% Max HP] to [50% Max HP]
    • [Removed] No longer fears allied Minions
    • [Removed] Blood Well

[Changelist / Context - Rakan has other changes in testing on the PBE!]
  • Base HP increased from 480 to 540
  • Base Armor increased from 29 to 32
  • Base AD lowered from 70 to 58
  • Base MR increased from 30 to 32
  • MR growth increased from .5 to 1.25
  • Grand Entrance (W) dash speed increased from 1500 to 1850
  • The Quickness (R)
    • "Rakan has a .5s cast time (he can still move) where he can no longer use his 2 or Flash"

Context & Notes

1) Riot Sirhaian noted more tweaks for Caitlyn VFX (full thread):
Following player feedback, I've cleaned up and tweaked the basic attack projectiles for base Caitlyn a bit to reduce the fiery/magic feel. Should be on the PBE tomorrow! (Screens are Normal, Crit and Headshot)

2) Squad5 provided a new Rakan changelist that should be on the PBE today:
[1] Ok, putting in a new Rakan changelist today. Much lighter hit to the R in exchange for 2 of the things I heard the most for Rakan - more durability and W speed buff. For the R context - think of his R having a "cast while moving" cast time that aligns with his animation.
[2] Also, the R charm will immediately take place still, if he uses R on someone they are affected immediately. 
[3] The risk with this changelist is if this change doesn't keep his power in line for the highest levels of play. Will need to get testing and feedback around whether or not we think this makes enough of a difference. My gut says giving .5s to react should go a long way though.
[4] Adding in another change to the list for Rakan on PBE today.  
Base AD nerfed from 70 > 58  
MR adjusted to be standard melee champion MR Base
MR 30 > 32
MR growth .5 > 1.25  
This is in addition to the stuff from earlier.
3) Riot Repertoir provided a new Aatrox changelist that should be on the PBE today:
[1] Thanks for the Aatrox suggestions so far. The consistent suggestions we've observed have been: 
1 - emphasize juggernauty, less divery
2 - emphasize his drain tanking
3 - fix his passive attack frame 
Made some changes based on this and here's what goes to PBE today:
[2] The big change from what we last showed is that E CD paradigm appears as it is on Live (not a charge model). We're still happy to do E charges (with of course a longer recharge timer as it previously was) if that's what we thought players overwhelmingly wanted.
Check out [THIS PAGEfor a comprehensive list of the new content & changes currently on the PBE as a part of this cycle or catch up with the individual update links below !


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