Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Patch 9.5 Notes

Patch 9.5 is on the way and the official patch notes have been posted!
Continue reading for more information!

Check out the Patch 9.5 notes (be sure to check regional editions for slight variations!):
"Hey nerds. Let's all welcome our updated seraphim sisters, Kayle and Morgana!

Not too many crazy new changes this patch, but we're following up with champs like Akali and Sylas, and tuning Conqueror. We're also throwing a bone to the Vi mains and taking a pass at changing up Skarner's Spires. There are a couple of other champions we're monitoring due to their reliance on Conqueror, but until those changes to the rune settle in, we won't be taking any immediate action. (Also, we're gonna nerf Ezreal in 9.6. Still deciding if it'll be via double Tear or Ez directly, but one way or the other... Ezreal nerfs.)

Let's git it."
Paul "Aether" Perscheid 
Hanna “shio shoujo” Woo 

[Check out the full Patch 9.5 notes here!]

Points of Interest from the 9.5 PBE Cycle

Here's a brief look at many of the new things included in patch 9.5. This coverage includes preview screen shots and video taken during the 9.5 PBE cycle and may vary slightly from what is pushed to live.

Champion Update: Kayle

Kayle and Morgana's champion updates will be heading to live with Patch 9.5!

Kayle, the Righteous

Silver Kayle

Viridian Kayle

Forest Elves are long lived compared to the humans they live among, and many delve into centuries-long explorations for even a scrap of their empires' lost magic. Those who find it, such as Kayle, are gifted with incredible powers over the natural world.

Transcended Kayle

[formerly Unmasked Kayle]
Having cast aside her humanity, Kayle has transcended and fully assumed her mother's mantle as the divine Aspect of Justice. She is aware of her mortal origins, but views it as something distant that she left behind very long ago.

Battleborn Kayle

Kayle is a benevolent goddess in times of peace, and a terrifying battle spirit in times of war. She wears the traditional warpaint of her people as a living record of their victories and power.

Judgement Kayle

Kayle is a benevolent goddess in times of peace, and a terrifying battle spirit in times of war. She wears the traditional warpaint of her people as a living record of their victories and power.

Aether Wing Kayle

Kayle is a benevolent goddess in times of peace, and a terrifying battle spirit in times of war. She wears the traditional warpaint of her people as a living record of their victories and power.

Riot Kayle

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