Thursday, December 13, 2018

Red Post Collection: Ranked Changes - Update & Known Issues #2, Quick Gameplay Thoughts: 12/12 and More!

Today's red post collection includes an update on Ranked changes issues from Riot SapMagic, Meddler's quick gameplay thoughts for December 12th, ending support for Windows XP and Vista in 2019, and more!
Continue reading for more information!

Table of Contents

Ranked Changes - Update & Known Issues #2 

Check out the second update on Ranked changes and known issues with them from Riot SapMagic:
"Hey everyone, Ed “SapMagic” Altorfer here on behalf of the Ranked team. Last week, we started rolling out the first batch of Ranked changes to live—Iron and Grandmaster tiers, the removal of Division V, Ranked Armor, and new placements. Most of the features are live and working well, but we’re still working through a handful of issues. Today I want to give you a quick update on those and let you know when you can expect fixes. 
Issue: Some players are experiencing low LP gains and/or high LP losses. 
When we added Iron and Grandmaster, we bumped many players up from Division V to IV, which affected LP gains. We also experienced a glitch where some players saw a dramatic increase in LP gains, allowing them to get a couple divisions above where they should be based on their skill. We corrected this, so it’s not happening to anyone else. But since some players now have an inflated rank, they’re seeing larger LP losses and smaller gains than they usually do. 
On a related note, later today we’re planning to switch Ranked over to newer tech we’ve been using in other queues to prepare for position ranks next year. When we do that, some additional players may experience unexpected changes to their LP gains and losses. 
We know this doesn’t feel great, but discovering these issues in Preseason helps us ensure they don’t happen at season start. These issues will correct themselves because of the season reset, so the current plan is not to make changes. If you’re experiencing a different issue that’s still related to LP, hit us up in the comments. 
Status: Resolved, No Changes 
Issue: Returning Ranked players get a provisional rank of Iron IV after one game. 
This is due to a bug with the changes to placements. Returning Ranked players—that is, players who have ever had a rank—should be seeded based on their past rank/MMR. 
We’re planning to correct this in 9.1, so returning players who play placements after that will seed based on their MMR. Starting next week, players who completed their placements in 8.24 and ended up miscalibrated (e.g., Bronze rank but playing in Platinum or Diamond games—sorry Rush) can open a ticket with Riot Games Support and one of our agents will help make corrections. For players who don’t, that’s ok—the issue will correct itself during the season reset. 
Status: In Progress (Target 9.1) 
Issue: Players smurfing on fresh accounts seed in Iron and climb too slowly. 
We made a change so new accounts seed in Iron to improve the onboarding experience of Ranked. This had an unintended side effect for some smurf accounts where a player’s rank and MMR could desync (e.g., Bronze rank but playing in Gold or Platinum games), making the climb feel very grindy and unfair. Sorry CoreJJ. 
Starting new accounts with no prior Ranked games in Iron helps avoid new players seeding in Silver and demoting rapidly to Iron or Bronze. The climb for smurfs will a bit more grindy as a result, but at the same time we want to avoid smurfs playing in Gold or Platinum games while still in Bronze. We’ll be accelerating LP gains for these players so their ranks and MMRs stay closer together. After the season starts, we’ll add even more mechanisms—things like the ability to start with some bonus LP after promoting and more aggressive division skipping—to further increase the speed at which these players climb. 
Status: In Progress (Target 9.1+) 
Issue: Players are able to see provisional ranks on third party sites. 
We’re aware of an issue where players are able to see your provisional rank through third party sites. 
We’ll correct this by the time the season starts so that provisional ranks are private and only visible to you. 
Status: In Progress (Target 9.2) 
UI Bugs 
In a few places, players have reported confusing or broken UI elements: 
  • [Fix for 9.1] The profile tooltip displaying past rank is incorrect for some players
  • [Fix for 9.1] The profile tooltip currently says “Past Highest Rank” - we’re planning to change it to “Last Season’s Rank” reflect what it is: your highest ending rank of all queues from the previous season
  • [Not Started] When clicking a different player on the ladder on the Ranked dashboard the summoner name is not displayed 
As I mentioned in my previous post, if you’re seeing other issues that aren’t captured here or you just have feedback about how things are going so far, let us know in the comments. We know these issues are inconvenient and we’re focused on fixing them as soon as possible. Thanks for all your help and feedback, and we’ll see you on the Rift!"

Quick Gameplay Thoughts: December 12

Here's Meddler's quick gameplay thoughts for December 12th, including details on patch 8.24B, champion mastery curves after reworks, and more:
Hi folks, 
Usual Disclaimers 
These posts will often contain talk about future work we're doing, or planning to do, that isn't yet guaranteed to ship. The nature of the work could change or, depending on what we discover, projects mentioned may get delayed or even stopped. If you'd like to see a Tweet whenever a new one of these posts goes up: 
Mastery curves for recent updates 
Last time we looked at some mastery curves we were too close to the release of various updates to compare how the champions performed pre and post update. It's been a while since then though, so wanted to take a look at how Akali, Aatrox and Nunu compare before and after. 
Post explaining Mastery curves for anyone who missed it: 

And another with some additional curves in it: 

Aatrox, Akali and Nunu pre update
Aatrox, Akali and Nunu/Willump post update
Aatrox - Ends up with more climb in the later parts of his curve, suggesting players are getting more benefit from their ongoing learnings with him between games 30 and 50. Trend suggests there's likely ongoing performance gain beyond 50 games, whereas old Aatrox had mainly flattened off by that point. Mechanical mastery seems a likely cause. 
Akali - Very similar curve overall. 
Nunu and Willump - Had a steeper curve than you might expect pre update, I'd imagine given how his approach to jungling/counterjungling was actually pretty distinct, even if not mechanically demanding. Curve is steeper now, likely reflecting both the kits previous skill tests and some new execution ones introduced with the update (E and W use). 
For anyone wondering, no, we don't have enough data to look at Neeko yet. Will get that into a post sometime next year though! 
Working on some ranked irregularities before season starts 
We've been seeing a few issues with where some accounts are placed in the new ranked system. More details on that and how we're addressing it to come soon. TLDR for now though is:
  • We want to put genuinely new accounts into Iron because it's a better experience both for those new players and others who previously got matched with them in what ended up being really uneven games
  • Smurfs are currently getting put into Iron but then not climbing really rapidly as intended, so their MMR and rank get desynched pretty badly at times
  • Returning players should be placed based on their MMR, but are currently getting put into Iron sometimes.
  • We're working on a bunch of fixes for the above, plus some other polish, at present. 
What's likely in 8.24b 
Patch 8.24b, our final balance changes of the year, will be out next week. Run down below of what's likely in it. Anything not listed that you're seeing on the PBE is almost certainly a 9.1 change or later. Given this patch will be live for longer than usual and our ability to respond to balance issues is extremely limited during the holiday period we're being careful not to swing too hard on any particular thing, hence a larger number of small to moderate sized changes. 
  • Aurelion Sol
  • Caitlyn
  • Corki
  • Singed
  • Varus
  • Vayne
  • Volibear
  • Warwick
  • Outer Turret MR/Armor post 14 min (40 instead of 0)
  • Forbidden Idol based item buffs (details TBD at time of writing)  
  • Akali (possible changes move to 9.1, targeting 8.24b for now though)
  • Alistar
  • Cassiopeia
  • Kassadin
  • Pyke (focused on mid Pyke)
  • Tiamat
  • Zeke's 
Likely 9.1 buffs
  • Ashe
  • Jinx
  • Kalista
  • Nasus
  • Sejuani
  • Xayah
Some other future work:
  • We'll be working on crit items early next year, not sure on exact patch though yet.
  • For Irelia we'll be looking at mechanics changes as follow up to recent balance adjustments, probably in 9.2.
  • We're still discussing Trist and whether to do something for her in 8.24b, something in 9.1/9.2 or if we should wait crit item changes, given she's probably the champ who rises or falls the most based off changes to crit.
  • Buffs to some enchanters are likely at some point early next year. Would like to get a bit of peel back into the game, though don't want to swing too hard and over correct either, so probably will separate champ changes from Forbidden Idol item buffs."

When asked about Spear of Shojin and Atma's Impaler, Meddler commented:
"We'll look at Shojin's again as a candidate for early next year. Got a version in testing that's been showing some promise, including a Spirit Visage style increased healing gained effect that helps distinguish from other items a bit more. 
No plans for Atma's at this point."

As for Tiamat, Meddler replied:
"Tiamat - bit too strong a spike as a rush item, power of wave clear offered's very high even if not always appreciated. 
Compensation - Potentially. Might mean we buff WW a bit more than we otherwise would for example. Also open to helping any other champs hit hard who shouldn't be brought down a bit power wise anyway."

Ending Support for Windows XP and Vista 

Here's Riot Cactopus with details on ending support for Windows XP and Vista in 2019:
NOTE: If you're using an operating system that's newer than Windows XP or Windows Vista, just ignore this post. Otherwise, read on!

"Hi folks, 
In May 2019 (after patch 9.9), League of Legends is going to stop supporting Windows XP and Windows Vista. 
You've probably got questions! We've got answers below: 
Why is Riot doing this? 
Microsoft itself no longer supports Windows XP or Windows Vista with security updates. It's getting harder every day for us to maintain a secure League of Legends experience for the very small number of League players still using XP, requiring a disproportionate investment from our engineering teams. 
How many players will be affected by this change? 
Usage of Windows XP has been falling rapidly over the last few years. When we most recently pulled data, we found that under 1 percent of players globally are still using XP. Usage of Vista is even lower. And we think that by the time we end support for the operating systems next year, even fewer will be playing. 
When exactly is this going to happen? 
Patch 9.9 will be the last patch that supports Windows XP and Vista. It should roll out on April 30, 2019. When Patch 9.10 hits on May 14, official support will be dropped. 
How are you making sure that XP and Vista users are aware of the change? 
We'll post another reminder about our plans a couple of weeks before we end support. If you're running one of the impacted operating systems, we'll hit you with a pop-up notification in the League client to remind you to upgrade. 
If I'm still playing on XP or Vista, how can I make sure I'll still be able to play League? 
Basically, you'll need to upgrade to a more modern version of Windows. We plan to maintain support for Windows 7, 8, and 10 for the foreseeable future."


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