Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Red Post Collection: Quick Gameplay Thoughts: Oct 24, Karma Gameplay Change Preview & More

Today's red post collection includes Meddler's quick gameplay thoughts for October 24th, a preview of gameplay changes coming for Karma from Riot NeuroCat, a /Dev blog on removing cheaters from LoL, and more!
Continue reading for more information!

Table of Contents

Quick Gameplay Thoughts: October 24

Here's Meddler's quick gameplay thoughts for October 24th, including a look at top lane ViktorLissandra's new passive, and more:
Hi folks, 
Usual Disclaimers 
These posts will often contain talk about future work we're doing, or planning to do, that isn't yet guaranteed to ship. The nature of the work could change or, depending on what we discover, projects mentioned may get delayed or even stopped. If you'd like to see a Tweet whenever a new one of these posts goes up: 
Top Lane Viktor 
Wanted to share some thoughts about top lane Viktor, given we've seen it picking up some popularity and discussion, in particular off usage at Worlds. Our thinking right now: 
  • It's quite strong when picked into the right enemy team and opposing lane (melee that aren't extremely mobile). It's not looking like a good choice so far into other team comps however, so seems pretty risky as a blind pick.
  • It's a different enough playstyle and position for experienced Viktor players that we're expecting it to take a while for strong usage to be common in solo queue. Similarly top laners without much Viktor experience will take a bit to build up the experience needed to play it usefully. Some degree of wait and see as a result.
  • Preseason changes will likely impact top Viktor's effectiveness. Timewarp Tonic and Klepto changes will potentially shift its viability, given both of those are standard picks at present for it. Additionally wider preseason changes, particularly tower plating, will impact all champions to some degree.
  • Finally it's also cool to see a champ getting played in a different way as an evolving reaction to other champs being common/strong. 
Based off all of that we're not looking to make any changes to Viktor specifically at present. We'll see where things end up post 8.23, nothing's currently looking too concerning though. 
Lissandra Passive 
A little while back I mentioned that the Lissandra passive we've been testing (enemy champs killed become frozen statues that slow enemies, then explode) had been running into some issues with reliability. Been testing a range of different ways to address that since and have settled on one that's been really good in testing over the last couple of weeks. Wanted to share an update with you folks as a result:
A few other details to know: 
  • Frozen Thralls start off moving really slowly and get somewhat faster over time.
  • They'll prioritize running at enemy champions over enemy minions.
  • The exact numbers listed here haven't gone through rigorous balance tuning yet (that happens at the end), so could still change. 
Current State of Clash 
A few months back we talked about how we were going to relaunch Clash, with the TLDR being fixing some underlying issues with the platform LoL runs on, then PBE testing, then testing in different regions, then eventually a full launch: 
We're now at the stage where we've been running mini Clash events in some regions. Tests in Oceania, Japan, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia and Taiwan have so far gone well, with a few small issues identified we're working on, but nothing serious. Next up we'll be testing in other regions and increasing the scope of those tests a bit as well. Should have a few more details on exactly what we're doing different in an upcoming Ask Riot post too. We're still a while off a full launch, but have made significant progress and things are looking pretty good so far." 

When asked about Ezreal's VGU and whether we would see more of that scope, Meddler commented:
"I'd personally like to see how it performs over a longer period of time before making an plans for future work. We've also got Morgana's VGU, which is likely to involve around the same level of gameplay change, or potentially even less. That should also help us understand benefit from doing projects like this versus VGU's that involve larger gameplay changes too. 
Happy with how Ezreal's gone so far though certainly, just early days."

Meddler talked more about Lissandra's new passive:
"Hoping for this year. 
Old passive's getting removed. Some people do like playing around it and just wanted a more satisfying passive as well (myself included on both points). Enough other people actively disliked having to consider its timing versus their spell casting that I didn't feel it was the right call to keep it around however. Will be lowering some of her mana costs as a result."

Meddler continued:
"For base Lissandra Thralls will look like the killed champion with a layer of blue ice over the top of them. They'll therefore have the victims model and animations, but the victim's texture will be overridden. Likely we'll change from blue ice to other looks for Lissandra's different skins, haven't had those yet though, been making sure the base and gameplay are right first before committing time that might have to be redone otherwise. 
'Thrall' is an old English/Norse word for slave/captive basically, hence the pairing with subjugation."

Meddler went on:
"Yeah, similar to Maokai saplings, though they slow while moving, rather than on the explosion. Won't be in the next patch. 
Still trying various speed adjustments (start faster, end slower) with Liss E. I've been having some concerns it removes too much response time, especially over walls, recently though, so have been toning the difference down. It's now getting small enough I need to decide whether it's meaningful enough to matter, whether it could afford to go back up a bit etc."

On any extra changes coming with Lissandra's new passive, Meddler noted:
"AA's a bit smoother (mainly visual, small changes to actual timing too though)
Mana costs lowered a bit
E might start a bit faster, decelerate ending a bit slower (around the same time to final destination)
Potentially some damage, CD or other nerfs if needed to pay for the new passive (will depend on final balance testing which hasn't happened yet)"

Meddler provided more details on the numbers of Lissandra's new passive:
"It currently goes from 100 to 520 by level, with a 0.3 AP ratio. Was looking to keep their contributions fairly consistent, rather than very dependent on Liss's gold income, hence the low ratio and high base. Those numbers could well change meaningfully though, they're just what's felt about right in playtesting focused on mechanics rather than numbers. 
I probably won't do any more meaningful individual design like this after this project ships, at least not in the foreseeable, much as I'd love to do more. Only finishing this one off because it was already significantly done when I moved roles and I've always wanted to go back and address satisfaction with Lissandra's passive after not landing it well the first time."

Meddler continued:
"Movement speed while near frozen statues was one of the earlier tests I tried. Satisfaction and appreciability were still really poor, even though I'm pretty sure it was adding noticeable power in team fights in particular. Movement Speed tends to be one of the most noticed stats as well, so if that's not working odds of other stats giving a good ratio of power versus satisfaction are real poor. Moved away from that approach as a result and, after trying a couple of other things, tried the Frozen Thrall version based off some arguments from a designer on the Live Gameplay (balance) team."

Riot Rovient commented on the changes to Dark Harvest in the 10/24 PBE update:
"Correction: it's a late-game execute rune!


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