Monday, August 27, 2018

Red Post Collection: Quick Gameplay Thoughts: 8/24, August Bundles, Ask Riot, & More

Today's red post collection includes Meddler's quick gameplay thoughts for August 24th, the August bundles, this week's new Ask Riot, details on Riot's presence at PAX West, and more!
Continue reading for more information!

Table of Contents

Quick Gameplay Thoughts: August 24 

Check out Meddler's quick gameplay thoughts for August 24th, including notes on game loading bugs, mastery curvesfor recent champion releases, and more:
"Hi folks, 
Usual Disclaimers 
These posts will often contain talk about future work we're doing, or planning to do, that isn't yet guaranteed to ship. The nature of the work could change or, depending on what we discover, projects mentioned may get delayed or even stopped. If you'd like to see a Tweet whenever a new one of these posts goes up: 
Looking into game loading bugs 
We're looking into some issues with how long it's taking to load into game at present, including a bug where one player won't start loading until everyone else has finished doing so. Not sure on timing or details of a fix yet, but wanted to share that it was being actively worked on. 
When we're prioritizing work bugs get bumped up the priority list if they're really impactful or if they're really common. Things that are both at once, such as this, get prioritized over most things as a result, given the combination's especially bad. 
Mastery Curves for Recent Releases 
Not too much new to talk about today in terms of what we're working on, given a lot of time's going into things like Preseason, Ranked and Nexus Blitz where we've already talked about the details or things aren't yet ready to be shared. Figured it would be a good time to look at some more Mastery Curve graphs as a result. Let us know if data like this is something you're especially interested in and I'll try and include a bit more of it if so. 
For anyone unfamiliar with mastery curves, or wanting to see a few more, they were in a couple of posts earlier this year: 
TLDR is they show how much a champion's winrate increases as a player plays more games on them and they're a useful tool for us when it comes to making balance decisions. 
Looking today at mastery curves for some recent releases with Pyke, Irelia, Kai'Sa and Swain, plus Rengar, Jax, Vayne and Karthus provided as comparison points from similar (ish) champions. This data's taken from games over the last three months, at all MMRs, from most regions. Curves do change a bit at high MMR versus low, but usually not very dramatically (same trends). Aatrox and Akali aren't included here because their updates were recently too recently for us to have enough data to populate these curves well enough (not enough people have reached the 30+ mark in particular).
A few things I think are worth noting: 
  • This is average data over a few months, so doesn't necessarily reflect current power level.
  • Pyke and Rengar make for an interesting comparison. On one hand they're both champs that get quite a lot of benefit from being played a lot, with a 9% climb over 50 games being notably above average. That's fairly common for non tanky melee champs, who tend to have high curves based off the demands on when they go into fights, how they position etc. The contrast in how front loaded Pyke is (lot to learn, but comes quicker) versus Rengar's more steady curve's noteworthy though. Somewhat front loaded curves have tended to be easier to balance, given the discrepancy between moderate and heavy play isn't so high. Rengar's certainly been a balance challenge over the years but, while it's still early days, some suggestion here Pyke might be a bit less of a problem.
  • Irelia and Jax also make for a pretty interesting contrast. From about 15 games onwards their curves are quite similar, ending at around the same power level too. Irelia's starts off low and steep though, assumedly reflecting initial challenges learning how to combo and execute on her abilities, then transitioning into the same sort of mastery that Jax is testing beyond that point (some shift of focus to things like match ups, building timings etc, with less on mechanical execution and kit comprehension)."

On Garen and YorickMeddler commented:
"If either of them ends up absolutely terrible in high MMR we'll look at them for potential follow up buffs. Having said that both have been performing really well even in high MMR recently, so even there we've got some room to cut."

Riot Wittrock also commented on Yorick:
"Thanks for the detailed thoughts! 
The intent with this nerf is to reduce the power that Yorick players are getting when their opponents don't understand Mist Walkers' behavior. While higher MMR games do tend to be longer, we believe that the importance of the strength of Mist Walkers at early levels in lower MMRs outweighs those levels being a lower proportion of the game on average. 
The goal with this list isn't to lower his low MMR winrate without effecting his high MMR performance - this will be a nerf; just one that's dis-proportionally impacting low MMR, where his performance is the most out of line. If the result is a Yorick that's crushed in high MMR, it's reasonable that we'd look at buffs that would be more valuable for high MMR, like on E as you suggested. 
We'd need to be careful around how large we make Mist Walkers or their click-box, but I agree that they can feel needlessly difficult to pinpoint. Thought is that that would be a pretty big nerf overall though, and be fairly minimal toward smoothing out his success across MMRs."

Meddler commented on Assassins:
Speaking of mastery curves, I'm curious how the semi-reverted assassins Rengar, Leblanc, and Fizz compare to their assassin class update selves. Is there any data on this or is it not disparate enough to be worth sharing?
I suspect it'll be very similar, that's a really interesting question though. I don't have that data to hand right now, I'll looking at getting it into a post next week though. One thing that might be an issue though is that since a player's number of games aren't reset when the adjustment happens the curve's going to get someone messed up by people being recorded as 50 game players or whatever who, due to the changes, effectively aren't playing at the same level as someone who'd put 50 games into that specific kit. Will see what's there though."

On TryndamereMeddler replied:
Any news about Tryndamere, is he still planned for buff in 8.17 ?
We won't be buffing him in 8.17 at least. Going to let him sit for a bit longer, then reassess, at the least he's not urgently in need of a buff, possible we shouldn't do one in general, not confident enough either way right now."

 Meddler also provided his thoughts on Corrupting Potion:
"Conceptually, I don't think there's anything wrong with ranged champions being able go for a Corrupting start. 
Right now though it's looking like the combination of Corrupting, Dark Seal and Time Warp Tonic might be too potent when combined. We're looking into that at present, though don't have a committed change yet."

It’s time for August bundles! 

Check out the August Bundles from Riot Evaelin:
"Grab these limited-time bundles now through August 30, 2018 at 11:59 PM PT. All bundles include champions as well as skins. 
I Forgot Smite Bundle - 50% off at 1609 RP (3176 RP if you need the champions)
  • Worldbreaker Trundle
  • Pentakill Olaf
  • Definitely Not Udyr
  • Thunder Lord Volibear 
Ooh, Shiny Bundle - 50% off at 2400 RP (4115 RP if you need the champions)
  • Arcade Ahri
  • Star Guardian Lux
  • Queen of Diamonds Syndra
  • Spirit Fire Brand 
Right Click Bundle - 50% off at 2024 RP (3030 RP if you need the champions)
  • Nightmare Tryndamere
  • God Staff Jax
  • Ionia Master Yi
  • Secret Agent Xin Zhao 
Outplayed Bundle - 50% off at 2136 RP (3990 RP if you need the champions)
  • PROJECT: Yasuo
  • Shockblade Zed
  • Battle Bunny Riven
  • Sandstorm Ekko"

Ask Riot: Will Tribunal Return? 

This week's Ask Riot is here, covering the Tribunal, poros, Runeterra, and Face of the Mountain:
"This week, let’s talk about the Tribunal, plus poros, Runeterra, and Face of the Mountain.
Is tribunal ever coming back? 
The tl;dr is Tribunal isn’t coming back any time soon. 
We learned a lot from Tribunal when it was around, and it actually became one of the bases of our current models for abusive chats. A player-voted service like Tribunal comes with two huge drawbacks that are really tough to get around, though: 
  1. It’s slow and inefficient. Manual reviews require pulling those chat logs out to the website, waiting for responses from enough players, and deciding on a penalty from there, while the current automated systems can send out penalties in less than 15 minutes.
  2. It’s sometimes wildly inaccurate (especially when there was an IP reward per “successful” penalty, leading to a super innate bias in the system).
There’s a couple of things Tribunal brought that we know we haven’t tackled in a big way, like more focus on trolling and intentional feeding detection (though we are continuing to iterate on how we detect these) and more agency to make it feel like you’re really having an impact on unsportsmanlike behaviors. 
We’re making a lot of progress with dodgy chat content and the new name filtering service with our automated models, but we do still need you to hit the report button when you see bad shit to help us gather information on what you don’t want to see in League. It really does make a difference. 

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