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Rare Icons Available Now
Here's Bilby with an announcement on rare icons in the store for a limited time:
Pick up the previously-regionally-exclusive Space Day Nautilus, Space Food Zac, H-28G, and Veigar’s Staff icons for 250 RP each before they blast off on August 9, 2018, at 11:59 PM PT!"
Exploring Runeterra | /dev diary - League of Legends
After the release of the new Runeterra Map, a /Dev diary about Exploring Runeterra is now available:"Thermal Kitten and Tahm Hiddleston dive into the new Runeterra map and discuss Ryze, magic, and the world runes."
Quick Gameplay Thoughts: July 25
Here's Meddler's quick gameplay thoughts for July 25th, including thoughts on prototypes, gold funneling, crit item changes, and more:"Hi folks,
Usual Disclaimers
These posts will often contain talk about future work we're doing, or planning to do, that isn't yet guaranteed to ship. The nature of the work could change or, depending on what we discover, projects mentioned may get delayed or even stopped. If you'd like to see a Tweet whenever a new one of these posts goes up:
Something we've been thinking about a lot recently is how we could expose more of our work in progress directly to players. Hope there would be that early feedback on things that are still pretty rough could help us identify and fix problems, or, alternatively if something's really not working, help make the decision to kill it. We've tried such an approach a bit on the PBE this year, with work in progress on Quinn, Rengar, Fizz and LeBlanc exposed for feedback earlier than we normally would. That's gone pretty well. We’re going to try doing a bit more of it as a result, including for projects that aren’t just champion work. We’ll have some details to share next week for anyone interested in that side of things.
Gold Funneling
Since the 8.14 penalty to gold funneling got added jungle items we've been seeing two pain points in particular from it from regular jungle play:
- Regular junglers who get ahead, usually off early kills/assists, who then get punished by it even though they're not the intended target.
- Junglers who often prefer to not finish their jungle items, particularly those that split push later in the game.
We're looking at possible adjustments to the current penalty rules to reduce problems on one or both of those points. Possible there's something in 8.15, not certain yet at time of writing. Given the current penalty itself is a bandaid until pre-season if we do find an adjustment to make it's likely it's also a bandaid that gets removed come preseason when we get a better overall solution in.
Crit Item Changes
We've been continuing to work on crit item changes for 8.15 this week, with some shifts in what's likely to ship versus our thinking last week:
Meddler continued:
- We're keeping Zeal items at 30% crit for now. We do want to address crit overcapping. Cutting Zeal crit amount however without also changing how IE works results in marksmen power curves getting pushed later, with more of a marksman's power coming from the second Zeal item spike. That clashes with one of bigger goals of moving some power from late game to early/mid game. We're keeping the crit overcapping in 8.15 at least as a result. We will address it, but didn't want to do so in a way that traded one cost for a larger one.
- We've added an additional passive to IE, where it gives bonus damage on crits against minions/monsters. Not expecting the power from that to be too high, it does help both to give marksmen a bit of epic monster objective power back and improve satisfaction of a common basic action (AAing minions)
- Not a crit item change, but a related one is that we're also increasing the cost of starting support items by 50g to reduce the number of pots a support brings with them to lane. We're doing that because we're seeing supports able to pressure non supports too hard early game due to the larger health pool they've got access to. Supports with inherent sustain and/or protective abilities (generally tanks and enchanters) are the ones we expect to be least affected by that change, given pots represent a smaller proportion of their available health."
"Couple of other notes since this was written yesterday:
- We've got a modification to the gold funneling penalty in testing now that's likely to ship. It changes the penalty to apply when you have the most CS on the team, rather than the most gold. That removes cases where picking up a number of early kills/assists leaves junglers getting penalized. Split pushing potentially still gets hit later in the game if you're doing really well and not finishing your jungle item. Should be less of an issue too though.
- My schedule's unusual today, so I'm posting this early. I'll have time to respond to one or two things, will come back a bit later in the day."
On Yasuo, Meddler replied:
Any pre-emptive nerfs for yas on their way?Nothing pre-emptive. We'll see where he, along with other crit users, lands, then adjust as needed. Stormrazor changes at least won't impact him, given he's not building it."
Meddler noted they were keeping an eye on Hextech GLP-800:
what does the data say about Hextech GLP-800? i rarely saw it on mages other than aurelion sol and after it no longer built out of catalyst he dropped it as well. personally id like a revert (building it on sona was amazing) but what would replace it as the third chapter item?Yeah, its usage is pretty tiny and satisfaction with it is poor. We'll be trying some changes for a possible ship around pre-season. Likely needs more than just some number tweaks, hence that possible timing."
Meddler elaborated a little more on the topic of Prototypes, as well as something we'll see details on next week:
"Quote:He continued, noting it is not champion related:
About the Prototypes: What do you mean about non-champion work? Something like pre-season changes or overall game system changes? And how do you want to share it? Like the champion changes? So that the result is that you have changes longer on a PBE or do you want to share stats,texts and videos,images etc of testbuilds to test it, but not ruin the testing of different things at the same time?We'll get into a whole bunch of details next week. Basically we're going to try getting one project out there for public feedback when it's still in a pretty early state. See what reaction's like, how we can gather feedback, how interested people are in trying out something that's an unfinished prototype. Won't be in regular games of course, so if you're not interested you won't have to engage with it at all."
"We'll be trying something that isn't a champion project this time."He went on:
"Yeah, we'll probably go with dev corner threads, plus some discussion on other Boards threads, Reddit, Twitter etc as with Runes too."
Meddler noted we should be seeing Quinn changes coming to the PBE for testing soon:
Soooooo, Quinn Nerfs anybody? I love getting killed by Q Auto while having 2.5k HP and 130 Armor.There should be some Quinn nerfs hitting PBE today. We're hitting base Armor (28 instead of 32) and starting passive damage (10 instead of 15) to reduce how well she trades/harasses in lane."
Chum is fum is all i say
On Fizz's state at the moment, Meddler commented:
Hey, Fizz current ult really doesnt make sense with the reverted W. The ult requires him to shoot it from max range, because it was designed when he only needed to get one empowered auto attack off.
Meanwhile his W requires him to stick to his target and auto attack multiple times.
Could we get that changed (ult partially reverted so that it does the same damage at all ranges and applies a 20% magic damage amp like old ult; while high range ults would still get rewarded with more CC and a bigger AOE) or are you done after the buffs next patch?We'll be reducing the difference between different ult ranges in 8.15, bringing the AP ratios closer together (90% to 130%, instead of 60%-120%). We do want to keep some damage differential though so that trying for the riskier ult cases (longer range) still gives solid value when trying to burst down a target. Prior case where it was almost always optimal to point blank it removed a lot of the interest and benefit of the skill being a skillshot in the first place."
Meddler also replied to a question about full 4K support, noting its being worked on:
Hey Meddler. Sorry for going a bit off topic but I wanted to ask whether there are any news about full 4k support? Now that the new cursor has been introduced, the only thing that makes the game unplayable in 4k are the small icons on the minimap. Have you considered going for some kind of a bandaid fix at least? Like upscaling the icons if higher resolution than 1080p is selected? It wouldn't matter if it was blurry. Thank you in advance and keep up the great work.Ok, got some context. It is something that's being worked on, both on the code side and some work on the icons themselves. Can't make any promises about timeframe, but definitely coming."
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