Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Red Post Collection: Quick Gameplay Thoughts: 3/21, Come play Clash and kill bugs this Wednesday, March 21! & More

Today's red post collection includes Meddler's quick gameplay thoughts for March 21st, a reminder on the Clash test at 6:30 PM PDT on 3/21, a note on a patch 8.6 rollout delay, April sales schedule, and more!
Continue reading for more information!

Table of Contents

Quick Gameplay Thoughts: March 21st

Here's Meddler with his quick gameplay thoughts for March 21st, covering solo snowball vs team snowball, the next Champion roadmap, and more:
"Hi folks, 
Usual Disclaimers 
These posts will often contain talk about future work we're doing, or planning to do, that isn't yet guaranteed to ship. The nature of the work could change or, depending on what we discover, projects mentioned may get put delayed or even stopped. If you'd like to see a Tweet whenever a new one of these posts goes up: 
Solo Snowball versus Team Snowball 
We're going to be looking at how some of the rewards in the game contribute to solo snowball versus team snowball over some upcoming patches. We shifted a few things towards team snowball a while back, aiming to give more agency/impact to roles who needed it (jungle/support at the time) and reduce the degree to which the other positions would sometimes get so individually far ahead they were too hard to deal with. In retrospect we think we went too far in that direction though. That reduced concentration of power makes it harder to get ahead enough to really carry and means that when you're facing an enemy team that's ahead it's a bit too much that they're all ahead and threatening than that there are particular enemies who are really high threat you need to try and play around/shut down. 
We're planning to start by shifting shutdown gold back to going to whoever killed the enemy on a killstreak, rather than being split globally with the team. That's also got the benefit of making it more possible to get back into a losing lane if you can manage to get a kill on someone who's significantly up on kills on you. 
If that shutdown gold changes goes well we'll then look at see whether we should shift any other team rewards back towards solo rewards. Want to make sure we're getting the desired result before doing that though and cautious about swinging back too far in the other direction. 
Next Champion Roadmap 
I've been seeing questions about when we'll have the next Champion roadmap start to crop up quite a bit recently so I checked in with Reav3 (who writes them) yesterday to find out. Current estimate is the next post is likely to in mid to late April, so about a month from now. 
Homestart tuning and invades 
We'll be doing some tuning to the start of game speed boost in an upcoming patch, probably 8.7. Back in pre-season we increased its speed significantly so that we could reduce time until minions spawn without cutting into invade times too much. That's worked well overall, the exact implementation can be a bit too punishing for aggressors though, given they'll sometimes be trying to chase down defenders who haven't yet entered the river and so still have the large speed boost themselves. Looking at adjusting things a bit as a result so defensive positions aren't rewarded quite as much. That's likely to look something like removing the speed after passing the outer towers (instead of the river), reducing the speed buff duration a bit, or making the speed boost start higher but decay."
When asked about Ninja Tabi, as well as Varus, Meddler noted:
"Ninja Tabi - we're looking at them this patch. Goals there include probably bringing them down in power but also ensuring there's some nuance to when you build them that's harder to assess (not just 'do they have more than X auto attackers' or 'does my lane opponent basic attack'). Don't have a specific approach ready to share yet, will mention once we do. 
Varus wise lowering the AS ratio on the passive, at least for minion kills, has been on my mind as a likely candidate if we need to pull power from him. Would depend though on which situations he was too strong in if he's still too strong post Rageblade changes (e.g. lane versus late game, which builds, against which types of opponent etc)"

[We will continue to add discussion throughout the day!]

Come play Clash and kill bugs this Wednesday, March 21! 

Here's Draggles with a boards thread on Clash testing on March 21st:
"I’m Draggles, comms guy, and I’m here with MoreChrono, the lead QA on Clash, the upcoming tournament mode for League. 
I’ll cut to the chase: there’s a major bug we’re trying to track down, and we need a crap ton of players to help us find it. You need to be online on PBE this Wednesday, March 21 at 3:30pm PDT to play. To make it worth your while, everyone who participates will receive a 3-win XP boost on their main account. 
Here’s what we need from you:
  • Get 5 players together and create your team in-client (via the Competitive tab) any time from roughly 3:00pm PDT on Tuesday until 3:30pm PDT on Wednesday.
  • If you don’t have 4 friends on PBE, drop by the PBE Discord and pick up your missing members!
  • Get tickets from the PBE store and enter one when joining a team (tickets will be available on Wednesday).
  • Check in 30 minutes before the tournament begins - between 3:30pm and 4:00pm PDT.
  • Play your games like normal (you are guaranteed to play 2 games).
  • Give us feedback in the PBE Discord, or let us know if you encounter any other bugs.
  • If you encounter a situation where champ select has started but you’re not in it, report it in this thread.
That’s it! 
Super important note: as we’re playing on PBE, all skill-based matchmaking will be disabled. The matches will be unbalanced, and won’t be like the full launch. We really want to make sure we track down this bug in particular as early as possible so we can fix it, and that means putting as many people through the same tournament as possible - so be ready for some wild games. 
Draggles + MoreChrono"

[UPDATE] Delay in patch 8.6 rollout due to issues 

Here's Riot Eambo with an update on the Patch 8.6 rollout:
We have tentatively scheduled the patch for +24 hours (22/03/18 - 02:30 GMT for EUW, and 22/03/18 - 00:30 CET for EUNE) 
We will update if there are any further revisions or changes to the scheduled, but right now this is hopefully our final changes :-) 
Hey guys! 
We're working on updating our messaging to reflect this, however patch 8.6 is currently delayed due to issues found in Oceania and Japan as part of the deploy. 
Currently we are working on a fix, however have no solid ETA. We'll update our messaging on the Service Status Pageonce we have a new timeframe, but this will be at least 24 hours, potentially longer. 
Transfers to and from Oceania/Japan to other regions will fail during this time due to mismatched patch versions. 
We hope this doesn't delay your 8.6 hype too much, but wanted to give you guys a heads up as soon as possible!"

April sales schedule

Here's Riot Evaelin with the April Sales Schedule:
"Check out all the champs and skins on sale this April! Like previous sales schedules, we’re not posting the exact dates for each champ and skin, but they’ll all be on sale sometime next month. 
Just a heads up – since we’re publishing these in advance, we won’t offer partial refunds on champs and skins purchased before they go on sale."

Quick Hits

  • With the Irelia champion update now testing on the PBE, VonderHamz explained how some of her gank voicelines worked:
"Okay there's a few things to make this work - This sounds obvious AF, but bear with me: Top lane ganks happen earlier in the game with yourself and an ally around. If it is successful, an enemy champ dies. We can take that info and turn it into conditions to feed the VO system. So We know we have to be in top lane, we need and ally around us and we need to have just killed an enemy. Then we can strap a time constraint on it to make it so it doesn't trigger too late into the game. The time constraint could be something like a top lane tower falling, or literally the in game time. 
We are doing something similar things with an ally pinging OMW and Irelia responding. You have to be top lane, have an ally OMW ping near you, with the ally being in the river/ around scuttle crab (that way bot lane can't ping you and have Irelia talk back) and Irelia will respond to the ping! 
The idea is that with these two VO calls together, we can make her respond to the flow of getting top lane ganks and make that moment really satisfying.... if you get top lane ganks at all"
Over on the boards, they also noted Frostblade Irelia would be getting a recall animation:
"She will be getting a recall, it is still getting animated!"
"We talked about him in patch planning for 8.7, and while we aren't taking him on immediately in lieu of other work, we put him in a "bucket" of champions that we can pull from if we finish up some of our other planned work in the patch/get good progress on some of our stuff slated for the next large patch. 
When we do work on him I can't confirm whether it'd be a buff or small reworky type stuff, but he's definitely not forgotten!"
  • Riot Repertoir noted his thoughts on Malzahar:
"I think a directional shift to where Malz is less reliable but deals more damage could make for a solid champion. I bet a lot of people play him in large part for his reliability, however, so I'd be pretty hesitant to just sign him up for that kind of work. Not many mages have that reliability profile anymore. 
Citing his per game damage relative to other mid laners doesn't seem like a very convincing reason for change tbh. These charts tend to have pretty high correlation to whether the champion deals a bunch of AoE damage rather than single target, as well as whether they have high or low reach. Malz's damage is pretty single target focused and low reach overall (especially when compared to many other mid laners), so I'd expect him to be pretty low on these charts. 
I could buy that Malz would be more satisfying if he traded off some raw ult CC duration power for a bit more damage, but I'm not sure most of his player base would want to see him become much less reliable."

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