Tuesday, March 20, 2018

3/20 PBE Update

[EXREMELY WIP!] [STATUS: PBE is currently offline.]

The PBE has been updated! As we start the 8.7 PBE cycle, today's patch includes the Irelia Champion update and her updated skins, new skins for Wukong and Rumble, and more!

Continue reading for more information!

(Warning: PBE Content is tentative and subject to change - what you see below may not reflect what eventually gets pushed to live servers at the end of the cycle! Manage your expectations accordingly.)

Table of Contents

  • Irelia Champion Update
    • Irelia, the Blade Dancer
    • Stats & Abilities
    • Voiceover
    • Lore
    • Updated Skins
      • Nightblade Irelia
      • Aviator Irelia
      • Infiltrator Irelia
      • Frostblade Irelia
      • Order of the Lotus Irelia
  • New Skins
    • Lancer Stratus Wukong
    • Badlands Baron Rumble
  • New Summoner Icons
  • Miscellaneous
  • Balance Changes
  • Context & Notes

Irelia Champion Update

"I am both the tranquil sea and the tempest." Following multiple teasers and champion reveal, Irelia's champion update is now on the PBE for testing! Just like Swain and Evelynn, this is a LARGE scope champion update complete with new gameplay, visuals, updated skins, voiceover, and more!
Before we get into the sharp details, here's x with x for Irelia:

Irelia, the Blade Dancer

4800 BE / 880 RP

Stats & Abilities


Ionian Fervor (Passive)

Bladesurge (Q)

Defiant Dance (W)

Flawless Duet (E)

Vanguard's Edge (R)



Updated Skins

Nightblade Irelia

Aviator Irelia

Infiltrator Irelia

Frostblade Irelia

Order of the Lotus Irelia

New Skins

Two new skins are now on the PBE - Lancer Stratus Wukong and Badlands Baron Rumble!

Lancer Stratus Wukong

Badlands Baron Rumble

New Summoner Icons

Three new summoner icons are now on the PBE:



Balance Changes

NOTE*: The PBE is a testing grounds for new, tentative, & experimental changes. Be aware that what you see below may be relative to other changes earlier this cycle! These are not official notes.

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Context & Notes


1) Here's an excerpt from Meddler's quick gameplay thoughts for 3/16, with tentative balance changes for 8.7:
"Some possible 8.7 changes 
Some potential 8.7 patch changes below. 8.7's a small patch, particularly since we're approaching midseason so are putting some time into that. It'll be on the lighter side as a result, with a fair bit of it made up from things that didn't make it in time for 8.6. Early on in the 8.7 development cycle we'll also be more focused on systemic changes than champion stuff, a bit of extra champion balance work is likely to make it in later though. 
  • Swain nerf. Most likely candidates are Q CD (might have lowered it too far) and Q damage. Still figuring details out though, nothing solid yet.
  • Rumble buff. Straight Q and R damage buffs from 8.6 were ok but don't think they were targeted enough at Rumble's problems. Trying to do a bit more as a result.
  • Ahri changes (still working on clearer highs and lows, plus general strengths and weaknesses).
  • LB changes. More likely to be in 8.8 at this point because there's some visual effects work still needed that's not on track for an 8.7 release. Possible it still makes it into 8.7 though.
  • Kayn changes that should smooth out transformation point gain over game time. Likely to be a slight buff and should help lane Kayn a bit more than jungle Kayn too. 
  • Manaflow Band nerf/reshape (reduces mana gating too much)
  • Presence of Mind reshape (too strong on its best users, not strong enough on many others)
  • Numbers tuning on some other runes that are just not balanced well enough (e.g. Approach Velocity is weak, Celerity is strong etc) 
  • Still working to make Locket more contextual (good some games, bad others) and probably less effective against single target burst champs
  • Looking at Ninja Tabi, given they're really dominant choices for the boots slot and can have a very large impact on some lanes. Number of things we need to figure out here, including how much they're just too good a general choice, how much they're just too strong, how important they are as a safety valve to AA champs, how much of a safety valve (or excessive counter?) to Lethality, what the right mixture of Armor versus other defensive effects is etc. We're trying to avoid solving a couple of problems only to replace them with other equally large ones."
2) Here's Draggles with a thread on more Clash testing - Come play Clash and kill bugs this Wednesday, March 21!
"I’m Draggles, comms guy, and I’m here with MoreChrono, the lead QA on Clash, the upcoming tournament mode for League. 
I’ll cut to the chase: there’s a major bug we’re trying to track down, and we need a crap ton of players to help us find it. You need to be online on PBE this Wednesday, March 21 at 3:30pm PDT to play. To make it worth your while, everyone who participates will receive a 3-win XP boost on their main account. 
Here’s what we need from you: 
  • Get 5 players together and create your team in-client (via the Competitive tab) any time from roughly 3:00pm PDT on Tuesday until 3:30pm PDT on Wednesday.
  • If you don’t have 4 friends on PBE, drop by the PBE Discord and pick up your missing members!
  • Get tickets from the PBE store and enter one when joining a team (tickets will be available on Wednesday).
  • Check in 30 minutes before the tournament begins - between 3:30pm and 4:00pm PDT.
  • Play your games like normal (you are guaranteed to play 2 games).
  • Give us feedback in the PBE Discord, or let us know if you encounter any other bugs.
  • If you encounter a situation where champ select has started but you’re not in it, report it in this thread.
That’s it! 
Super important note: as we’re playing on PBE, all skill-based matchmaking will be disabled. The matches will be unbalanced, and won’t be like the full launch. We really want to make sure we track down this bug in particular as early as possible so we can fix it, and that means putting as many people through the same tournament as possible - so be ready for some wild games. 
Draggles + MoreChrono"



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