Wednesday, February 21, 2018

2/21 PBE Update

[WIP!] [STATUS: PBE is currently offline.]

The PBE has been updated! As we start the 8.5 PBE cycle, today's packed patch includes our newest champion, Kai'Sa, Daughter of the Void, and her release skin, Bullet Angel Kai'Sa, a new skin for Illaoi, and more!

Continue reading for more information!

(Warning: PBE Content is tentative and subject to change - what you see below may not reflect what eventually gets pushed to live servers at the end of the cycle! Manage your expectations accordingly.)

Table of Contents

  • New Champion - Kai'Sa
    • Kai'Sa, Daughter of the Void
    • Stats and Abilities
    • Voiceover
    • Lore
    • Release Skin - Bullet Angel Kai'Sa
  • New Champion Skins
  • New Summoner Icon
  • New Chroma
  • Miscellaneous
  • Balance Changes

New Champion - Kai'Sa

Following her champion reveal, our new champion Kai'Sa, Daughter of the Void, is now on the PBE for testing! PBE Testers can report bugs in [this thread].

Kai'Sa, Daughter of the Void

Stats & Abilities

Second Skin (Passive)
"Kai'Sa's basic attacks stack Caustic Wounds, dealing increasing bonus magic damage. Allies' immobilizing effects help stack Caustic Wounds. Additionally, Kai'Sa's item purchases upgrade her basic spells to have more powerful properties."

Icathian Rain (Q)
"Kai'Sa launches x missiles that split among nearby enemies, each dealing x (+x) (+x) physical damage. Additional hits on a champion or monster deal x% damage (max: x (+x)(+x).
Living Weapon - x Bonus Attack Damage (current: x) - Icathian Rain fires x missiles.
Minions below x% health take x% damage."

Void Seeker (W)
"Kai'Sa fires a Void blast that grants True Sight on the first enemy hit, deals x (+x)(+x) magic damage, and applies x stacks of Plasma.
Living Weapon - x Ability Power (current: x ) - Void Seeker applies x stacks of Plasma and refunds x% cooldown on champion hit."
Supercharge (E)
"Kai'Sa spends x seconds Supercharging her Void Energy. She gains x% Movement Speed during the charge, and x% Attack Speed for x seconds when charged.
Living Weapon - x% Attack Speed (current: x%) - Supercharge grants Invisibility for x seconds
Basic attacks reduce Supercharge's cooldown by x seconds. Supercharge's cast time and Movement Speed improve with Attack Speed."

Killer Instinct (R)
Kai'Sa warps to a location near an enemy champion affected by Plasma, gaining a shield that absorbs x (+x)(+x) damage for x seconds.


Choose VO: "Are you the hunter... or the prey?"
Ban VO: "You wouldn't last a day in the void."


Release Skin - Bullet Angel Kai'Sa

New Champion Skins

A new skin is now on the PBE, Resistance Illaoi

Resistance Illaoi

New Summoner Icon


New Chroma

[Chroma for Battlecast Cho'gath, Resistance Illaoi, and Bullet Angel Kai'Sa]



Balance Changes

NOTE*: The PBE is a testing grounds for new, tentative, & experimental changes. Be aware that what you see below may be relative to other changes earlier this cycle! These are not official notes.

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Context & Notes


1) Here's Riot MEMEMEMEME with a thread on changes coming to the audio engine this PBE cycle:
"Hey Friends, 
We are making a fairly significant update to our audio engine in this patch (8.5), if you want more details we will be posting an article later this week that will go over it, and some other changes on the horizon. Things to be aware of for this PBE Deploy: 
You will be downloading almost every audiobank in the game, be prepared for a large download.
There will be missing sounds, we have been testing this change for a while now, but there will always be bugs that slip through. If you notice any missing sounds/VO while playing on PBE please let me know so we can resolve it asap. 
Types of issues that you may see: 
  • Audio missing on abilities
  • Audio playing two times when it used to play once
  • Missing VO
  • Missing music
  • This will not effect LCU sounds. 
Thank you for your ear time, and patience."
2) Here's Meddler's quick gameplay thoughts for February 21, covering a new Precision keystone, midseason patch size, and more:
"Hey all, 
Usual Disclaimers 
These posts will often contain talk about future work we're doing, or planning to do, that isn't yet guaranteed to ship. The nature of the work could change or, depending on what we discover, projects mentioned may get put delayed or even stopped. If you'd like to see a Tweet whenever a new one of these posts goes up: 
New Keystone 
As previously mentioned we’ve been working on a new keystone to flesh out the Rune system more. It should be on the PBE sometime this week, though will probably be in 8.6, not 8.5. It's intended to offer a combination of sustained damage and target agnosticism (so good at killing tankier enemies) and at present it looks like this: 
  • Triggers the same way Grasp of the Undying does (first auto attack on an enemy champion after being in combat for 4s).
  • When triggered gives AD and cause some of your physical/magic damage to be dealt as true damage instead.
  • Is found in the Precision tree.
  • Fairly short CD. 
Things that still need to be answered:  
  • How to ensure it's not too powerful, or only useable when balanced on ranged champions. We're testing a couple of different approaches here, with buff duration extends when really near (~300 units) an enemy champion and buff duration extends on melee auto attack.
  • Whether to gate when the true damage conversion turns on, or at what rate the conversion happens. We've been trying mechanics like 'Build X AD and Y HP' to activate the conversion, or a scaling ratio on the conversion based off your AD/HP.
  • Whether Precision is the correct tree. We'd previously been trying this in Resolve, on the grounds that it was intended to pair well with long fight times and required being close to the enemy (proximity extension version meant putting yourself in more dangerous spots). That meant there was a lot of synergy with what Resolve offers. That worked ok, and offered really clear distinction between it and other Keystones. Did end up feeling like it blurred the definition of Resolve quite a bit (what do I go there for?). Likely it stays in Precision as a result, unless its functionality changes meaningfully.
  • Whether a True Damage conversion is the way to go here. Dual % Pen would give the same gameplay in almost all circumstances (your damage is stronger against Armor/MR stacking enemies). Using True Damage does make it much clearer what's going on, to both user and target. It also comes with a much stronger emotional reaction, both positive and negative, even if the power's balanced at the same point as the pen would it ('True damage is really powerful, nice' versus 'True Damage is stupid, there's no way to place around this Keystone'). 
Midseason's Size 
Midseason's like to be smaller this year than the last couple of Midseason's have been. The amount of change in the Preseason just been was higher than past Preseasons. As a result we're putting more time into Preseason follow up (balance, game pacing, bug fixing, fleshing out Runes gradually etc), rather than working on new projects as much. Still planning some changes to open up Bot lane champion choice more, fairly likely that's the only major set of gameplay changes though in it (which is probably 8.9). 
Mastery Curves 
Mastery Curves are a thing we consider often when looking at designing new champions or working on existing ones. A Mastery Curve is a representation of how much more effective a player becomes on a champion as they play them more. They look like this:
Mastery Curves are different to how a champion's performance changes by MMR. Aurelion Sol for example does better on average at higher tiers, but even high tier players need a lot of games to climb his mastery curve and reach that performance level.
In terms of goals, we think it's important champions have some steepness to their mastery curves. Putting time into a champion should feel rewarding whether you're a new player, or about to break into Challenger. You should be able to clearly notice how you're getting better at them, both during your first few games and when you're many games in,. If a champion has a really flat curve they can sometimes end up feeling pretty unsatisfying to play. 
Volibear's an example of a champion who suffers from that somewhat. That's not to say that there isn't skill to getting better at Volibear, but the skills Volibear tests aren't unique enough to Volibear himself. You're generally getting better at LoL with things like positioning, map awareness, general game knowledge etc, but no growing in your usage of Volibear’s specific abilities as much. Those general skills translate to other champions you play so on average your performance on a champion like Volibear won't be much higher than your performance on other champs, even if you've played a lot of him. Someone like Singed by contrast, who has a really unusual playstyle, has a really steep mastery curve. There's a lot of unique stuff to learn to play Singed well, those skills often don't translate to other champs though. 
Steeper isn't always better though on mastery curves. While a player should get significantly better as they play a champ we don't want them to start out completely unable to do anything in their initial games. They shouldn't start at 100% effectiveness, but 0% isn't right either. (Launch Azir being an example of a mastery curve that was too punishing in the first few games.)"


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