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Quick Gameplay Thoughts: January 12
Here's Meddler with his quick gameplay thoughts for January 12th, including thoughts on the Sightstone changes, vision score, adaptive damage, and more:"Hi folks,
Usual Disclaimers
These posts will often contain talk about future work we're doing, or planning to do, that isn't yet guaranteed to ship. The nature of the work could change or, depending on what we discover, projects mentioned may get put delayed or even stopped. If you'd like to see a Tweet whenever a new one of these posts goes up:
Sightstone Changes
As we mentioned earlier in the week we've got changes coming where the support items will give the Sightstone active as a reward. Goal there's to open up support item choice and flexibility, versus the current degree to which that's locked behind an early sightstone purchase. We've seen a number of concerns expressed about that approach, and while we've talked about that in some threads already visibility's been low and/or our plans have got a bit more concrete since. Some related points below as a result:
Vision Score on the Scoreboard
- Overall power level of supports after this change isn't intended to change. If this ends up being a noticeable buff or nerf to the position as a whole we'll adjust things.
- Goal is that Sightstones should still become available around the same time in lane. Amount of gold needed to complete the quest has been reduced as a result to keep that timing.
- We'll be moving the Frost Queen's and Talisman actives onto new items, with a goal of finding costs and build paths so that they're accessible to both supports and non supports.
- We'll be considering something like Face of the Mountain's active for a new item, though aren't as certain about that one. Certainly possible there's a need for a single target (ish) protective item like that that Knight's Vow, Mikael's, Locket don't meet. Purchase rate of FotM has also historically been quite low (versus Eye of Targon), and use of the active lower again. We're less sure that it makes sense to port the active over just like Frost Queen's/Talisman as a result.
- Active item CDR on an item might come back at some point. It's a decent concept for an item certainly, in terms of what sort of play it enables and the item choices it creates. Would almost certainly need to be paired with a cap on active item CDR though. The lack of an active item CDR cap's an oversight, given until 7.22 there weren't any other sources, and it's leading to issues balancing items.
- The support items won't give the Sightstone active on Twisted Treeline. For now at least they'll continue to have their old rewards on TT instead.
On a somewhat related topic we're planning to add vision score to the tab screen as a field that's shown all the time, not just something visible on trinket mouseover. Goal there is to better reflect how important vision is, and how much individual players are contributing to their team via vision/vision removal. Should be in 8.2 or 8.3. That will be much more awareness of vision score than there's been in the past, so possible this also reveals oddities in how it's calculated (e.g. is it overvaluing deep wards versus their actual contribution, or undervaluing killing wards with red trinkets?). Feedback on that sort of stuff much appreciated, whether off vision score as it is on live or after it goes out on the scoreboard as well.
Adaptive Damage Defaults
We'll be taking a look at each champion in terms of whether they get AP or AD by default from adaptive runes if they don't have any of either stat yet. For most champs that's not a problem, because their starting item either lets them define what they're after or there's one stat that's consistently better for them that they're getting already. For some champs though, particularly tankier ones who may never build any AP or AD, or junglers who'd really like a particular stat for their early clears, the current defaults may be problematic.
Our plan is to look at the list of defaults and, if there are any that aren't the appropriate choice at present, change them. We haven't made a list of champs to be changed yet though and I figured this was a really good question to open up widely. If anyone's got thoughts on champs with the wrong adaptive default would love to hear them in the comments here."
When asked about whether older items would come back to the game, Meddler replied:
So we'll see Twin Shadows and Shurelya's Reverie make a return? Or are you planning on making totally different items with those actives?Not certain yet, just starting to look at that now. Likely to have at least some differences (e.g. build path). How big the differences are will be one of the things that helps decide whether we use the old names or not."
Meddler comtinued:
I hope you still keep whatever the item active is searchable with "spooky ghosts" in the shop.Definitely."
On Ryze, Meddler commented:
Any news about Ryze? Are you guys still planning to rework the ult? or maybe revert the ult and tweaks things around?
And is there any information if this is coming out before or after mid-season?
Still planning to tweak some stuff at some point, no plans to revert to an old ult though. Timing's uncertain, designer who was working on Ryze ended up taking on the later part of Swain's kit development, so he'll be occupied Swain work, both pre and post release, for a bit yet."
When asked for more details on the vision score, Meddler commented:
Will vision score be pingable?It won't be no, in the same way things like KDA and CS aren't."
Meddler went on:
won't it be a problem to make the enemies see your vision score?, they could predict if you have wards or used them while early gamePlan is to make it so you only see your team's vision score once it's on the scoreboard like that.
Vision score is a somewhat delayed calculation as well though, so it's not actually very useful when trying to predict if someone warded really recently."
When asked about possible Zombie ward changes, Meddler replied:
Any nerf to zombie ward planned ?Potentially cutting its duration early game. 60s-180s, scaling by level, in testing right now, versus the 180s previously."
When asked about Heimerdinger, Meddler commented:
Can I get a update as to how hiemer balance is looking so far this patch? I know I've felt the hit turret diving or being ganked especially and wanted to know if the team was felt any follow up was going to be needed and what it might look like ?From what we've seen so far it hasn't hit Heimer too hard at least. Need a bit more time to assess more though."
On Master Yi, Meddler commented:
Hi Meddler, would you be able to give any insights into what you'll be buffing with Master Yi? Also would you be able to give any father insight into if he'll make 8.2 patch?
Right now Juggernauts stat check him, tanks outduel him (if even with gold, or even from behind if they have tornmail, bramble vest since tanks do disgusting damage with out items right now) and tanky supports can burst him down if you even try to get near the carrys, although I did read resolve was getting nerfed.
That's without the movement creep in the game its hard to catch anyone (zoe's passive gives more movement speed then highlander, frostqueens give 50% movespeend, any lethality adc builds ghost blade make sticking or even trying to catch someone infuriating more often then not especially since yi is probably utilises ghostblade himself as well as jinx and ashe when it comes to damage it gimps it to much to ever be an option.Wouldn't expect Yi or Trynd in 8.2. Hoping for 8.3, haven't yet identified what we'd be looking to buff for each of them though.
In terms of facing juggernauts that's somewhere I'd expect champs like Yi to have some trouble. Mobile champs get a lot more agency over when fights happen and ability to disengage, so juggernauts need to able to just straight up brawl with them well in melee range if that actually happens."
When asked for more info on how the proposed minion aggro changes would effect champions such as Annie, Meddler commented:
Would immobile short ranged champions like Annie get compensation buffs if the targeted spells minion aggro will push through? She already gets bullied in lane and if it pushes through, she might have a harder time.Potentially yeah. A lot of them work AA harass into their trading patterns, so are already getting minion agro a lot of the time, which makes it harder to predict exact impact ahead of time. We'll be making the change and then looking at how it affected a range of champs."
When asked about Leona, Meddler replied:
What are your thoughts on Leona nowadays?
Think you got her into a more decent spot or still got your eye on her?Strong, but Aftershock changes look like the better thing to hit than her directly (same deal, at least for now, as with Blitz and Alistar)."
[OCE] Ocean Week Update
Ocean Week has been an annual event for players on the OCE server. Here's The Hanshmear with more on what was done in the past years for it, as well as plans for the future:
"When we first cooked up the idea for Ocean Week back in 2015, League of Legends was in a very different place. We were all living in the old client, a place where mana potions were still a thing, Galio had rockin’ abs and Nunu was... well, he was still Nunu.
Three years on, and things are looking very different for League of Legends players. Thanks to missions, reward-based events like Ocean Week no longer come once a year, they come often – in all shapes and sizes – providing new game modes that enrich the wider skins universe. And with Clash on its way, players will have the opportunity to play together like never before.
As League of Legends continues to grow, we strive to offer new and exciting experiences to our players, investing energy into the things we think will keep League of Legends growing and evolving. While Ocean Week paved the way for client events, it takes a lot of resources to run, and sadly, these are not unlimited.
For this reason, Ocean Week is being retired, gently sailing into the sunset to join the likes of that flying statue’s rock solid abs.
At its best, the Ocean Week trilogy saw the community pool together time and time again to best any challenge set before them, and – thanks to you – no Ocean Week ended in failure. Whether it was kicking back pool party style, fighting off a giant crab, or defending the wildlife from a tentacled menace, we hope you had as much fun taking part in the festivities as we did making them.
Before we bid Ocean Week farewell, let’s take a look at each year’s goal, updates on their creation, and where they currently stand.
Ocean Week 1: Nautilus Reef
The OG of Oceanic events, the first Ocean Week saw the Nautilus statue sunk in Moreton Bay. The idea was to create a League of Legends-based artificial reef in tribute to those who fought valiantly on the Rift. After the initial drop’s photoshoot, diver Scott Grattan provided the community with photos of the reef to document how the statue looked 11 months into livin’ the reef life.
It’s now 22 months on and he’s paid the big lug another visit, with ol’ Nautilus standing strong – if not, uh, a little sunk in. The new photos reveal the Titan of the Depths playing house to a premade duo of moray eels, while a colourful Nudibranch flaunts its stuff (like a true solo queue hero) across Naut’s outstretched arm.
In his Reddit post, Grattan notes the following:
“The sand has encroached the base of the statue a little but there's definitely some big life around it. With the constant shifting sand it might get completely covered for a while then uncovered again at a later date. Another wreck sunk near by many many years ago by the Underwater Research Group of QLD, an old Brisbane Tram, was covered for a few years before finally being exposed and started brimming with life again.”
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