Tuesday, January 23, 2018

1/23 PBE Update

[Recent News: Account Transfers half off for a limited time / Battlecast Illaoi: Visuals and Sound Effects]

[WIP!] [STATUS: PBE is currently offline.]

The PBE has been updated! As we kick off the 8.3 PBE cycle, today's patch includes the large scope Swain Champion Update and more!

Continue reading for more information!

(Warning: PBE Content is tentative and subject to change - what you see below may not reflect what eventually gets pushed to live servers at the end of the cycle! Manage your expectations accordingly.)

Table of Contents

  • Swain Champion Update
    • Swain the Noxian Grand General
    • Stats & Abilities
    • Voiceover
    • Lore
    • Updated Skins
      • Northern Front Swain
      • Bilgewater Swain
      • Tyrant Swain
  • !

Swain Champion Update

After his teaser and champion reveal, Swain's champion update is now on the PBE for testing -  this is a LARGE scope champion update complete with new gameplay, visuals, updated skins, voiceover, and more!

Swain, the Noxian Grand General

Stats & Abilities

[extra wip!]


Ravenous Flock (Passive)
Swain's ravens collect Soul Fragments that heal him. Swain can right-click an immobilized enemy champions to pull them closer to him, dealing damage and ripping out a Soul Fragment.

Death's Hand (Q)
Swain unleashes x bolts of eldritch power that strike the first enemy they hit and pierce through enemies they kill. Enemies hit take x (+x) magic damage, plus x% per additional bolt. Max Damage: x. 
Each unit killed by Death's Hand restores x Mana (x% max mana).

Vision of Empire (W)
Swain opens a demon eye up to x range away that deals x (+x) magic damage and slows for x% for x seconds. 
Champions hit take double damage, grant Swain a Soul Fragment and are revealed for x seconds.

Nevermove (E)
Swain launches a wave of demonic power, dealing x (+x) magic damage to enemies it passes through. 
Swain then commands the wave to return, detonating it on the first enemy hit. Enemies hit take x (+x) magic damage and are rooted for x seconds.

Demonic Ascension (R)
Swain frees the demon within for x seconds, gaining x health. Every second, he drains the 3 closest enemy champions for x (+x) magic damage, healing him for x (+x) health. After draining x health, Swain gains the ability to cast Demonflare. 
Demonflare: Swain unleashes a nova of soulfire dealing magic damage and ending his transformation. Damage per Soul Fragment: x (+x). 
Current Damage: x 
Max Damage: x 
Swain drains minions if no champions are nearby but heals for 70% less.


Here are Swain's special interactions, clicking in at over 18 minutes:


Swain's short form bio is not yet available! Look for more later this cycle!

Updated Skins

With the update comes visual updates and redesigns for Swain's three previously released skins:

Northern Front Swain

Bilgewater Swain

Tyrant Swain

New and Tweaked Summoner Icons

A new summoner icon is now on the PBE! It looks to be related to the Swain champion update:

An Esports icon is also new to the PBE this cycle:

Three Esports icons were also tweaked (Previous versions here, here and here):



Balance Changes

NOTE*: The PBE is a testing grounds for new, tentative, & experimental changes. Be aware that what you see below may be relative to other changes earlier this cycle! These are not official notes.

Master Yi
  • Alpha Strike (Q) cost lowered from 70/80/90/100/110 to 70/75/80/85/90
  • Meditate (W)
    • Cooldown lowered from 35 to 25
    • Healing per second lowered from 30/50/70/90/110 to [20 - 80]
    • [Removed] No longer amplifies healing based on missing health
    • [New Effect] If full channel succeeds, next 3 attacks restore [30 - 50 (+20% bonus AD)] health and reduce the remaining cooldown of his other abilities by 1 second

  • Base AD lowered from 68 to 65
  • AD growth increased from 1.5 to 3
  • Unseen Predator (Passive)
    • Bonetooth buff changed from [1/3/7/13/20 flat AD and % bonus AD] to [1/4/9/16/25% bonus AD and AP]
    • Leap distance from target on landing lowered from 100 to 50 
  • Savagery (Q) [Revert/Rework]
    • [New] Active - Rengar’s next attack deals 10/45/80/115/150 (+1.1 TAD) damage
    • [New] Empowered - Rengar’s next attack deals 30-240 (+1.3 TAD) damage and grants + 50-101% AS for 5 seconds.
    • Q grants ferocity and Attack Speed vs. towers, but does not deal bonus damage.
    • Particles and sounds have been added/re-added to support the old Q animation and buffs. This includes stuff for skins.
    • Old icon is back. 
  • Thrill of the Hunt (R)
    • Range at which enemies can sense Rengar lowered from 2000/3000/4000 to 1600
    • Range at which Rengar can track the nearest enemy changed from 2000/3000/4000 to 2500/3000/3500
    • Movement Speed increased from 40% to 40/50/60%
    • Closest enemy leap bonus changed from providing a critical strike to [150/250/350 (+.8 bonus AD, +.8 AP) physical damage.]

  • AD growth increased from 3.2 to 3.7
  • Bloodlust (Q) AD increased from [5 - 25] to [6 - 30]
  • Spinning Slash (E) Bonus AD ratio increased from 120% to 130%

  • !


Context & Notes

when a problem comes a long, you must WIP it. 

1) ricklessabandon provided changelists for his upcoming Master Yi and Tryndamere changes for the 8.3 PBE cycle:
[1] "i think pbe updates for 8.3 are coming soon, so i'll share a quick early preview of where the yi and trynd changes are starting at

[2] trynd stuff is about as straightforward as it comes — hoping to generally increase his output across game time"

[3]" master yi changes aren't as simple, but hopeful that something along these lines can feel natural and help him out a bit"
[4] "and again, these are both starting places — will iterate as needed once we get to play around a bit with them"
[5] "currently the duration is 'infinite' and tbh i don't know that it needs to have a timer/window think the effect as pitched is an example of something that's fine to 'prime' — as long as it feels more like yi is meditating to prepare for combat instead of a chore, it's okay by me "
[6] "they should be included in the first 8.3 update on the pbe which i -believe- is tomorrow (otherwise, soon™) if they show up tomorrow, fair warning that the current pass is -bare bones- so there won't be any visual effects or buff bar icons (apologies in advance)"
[7] "heads up: if master yi ends up on the pbe today, meditate's channeled healing and damage reduction are bugged — hope to have this fixed along with a few other improvements in the -next- update"
2) Riot August provided a context and changelist feedback thread for Rengar:
"We’ve got some Rengar changes coming to the PBE at some point this week and this is the thread to give feedback on them. Target ship date is 8.4 (about 4 weeks from now) 
So what are we trying to achieve here? The overall goal is to change Rengar in a way that makes him more fun to play for Rengar players while retaining the game health gains that he received during the assassin update. I guarantee that we’re not going to give everyone everything that they want (be it Rengar mains or their victims), but the hope is that we can get him into a place that is a net improvement from what is currently on live. 
With that in mind, we’re focusing on the Q and R. We’re reverting the Q to the old AA enhancement spell and testing some changes on the ult that allow Rengar to be sneakier while using it (should be better for dodging wards and ganking solitary targets). 
A secondary goal is to open up some off-builds for him. Currently testing changes for 4 possible builds. There’s a strong possibility that a few of these have game health risks and will need to be iterated away from: 
1. Crit (Phantom Dancer + Infinity Edge) (Critgar) - Rengar with sustained damage, less good at the one shots, more good at murdering the whole team should he figure out how to survive in melee range. Given he now has a cleanse, it may be unreasonable to let him battle tanks.
2. Bruiser (Trinity Force + Tiamat) (Trygar) - An unburstable Rengar that knows how to survive in a fight. Way less damage, way more bolas. Maknoon once showed us why versions of this build are risky.
3. AP (Lichbane + Rabadon's Deathcap) (Cat-in-the-Deathcap) - A spell focused Rengar that wants to hit you with dat DOUBLE ROAR. There’s a question as to whether or not AP Rango is different enough from Lethality to be worth making viable. Not good if it's just an arms race for which build one-shots better.
4. Lethality (Draktharr's Duskblade + Youmuu's Ghostblade) (Stabby


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