Thursday, December 21, 2017

Red Post Collection: Quick Gameplay Thoughts: 12/20, Bronze Gods: Making a Monument, & More

Today's red post collection includes Meddler's quick gameplay thoughts for 12/20, a dev blog on the making of the large bronze statue featured at Worlds 2017, a new Ask Riot, & more!
Continue reading for more information!

Table of Contents

Quick Gameplay Thoughts: December 20 

Here's Meddler with his quick gameplay thoughts for 12/20, including thoughts on Evelynn, Tryndamere & Master Yi, Heimerdinger, and more:
"Hi all, 
Usual Disclaimers 
These posts will often contain talk about future work we're doing, or planning to do, that isn't yet guaranteed to ship. The nature of the work could change or, depending on what we discover, projects mentioned may get put delayed or even stopped. If you'd like to see a Tweet whenever a new one of these posts goes up: 
Wanted to talk about a few champs this time that I've seen a lot of questions about who we haven't talked much about recently. Evelynn's the first of those. She got a full VGU just before pre-season and we had some changes on the PBE for her at one point that mainly got reverted. 
At present we think Evelynn's somewhat on the strong side, though not sufficiently so that she needs to be nerfed. A combination of the pre-season changes, and some recent bug fixes, have improved her performance noticeably. She is getting overshadowed in terms of play rate by a lot of other junglers, our suspicion is that she's flying under the radar as a non lethality user there however, and is quite a bit better than she's being given credit for. We'll check in on her again after the break, see where things are at, no changes planned for 8.1 or 8.2 right now though. 
At some point if she ends up weak we would want to reassess a couple of the changes for her we pulled from the PBE a while back (Q CD down with less monster refund, R refunding some CD on kill). Still interested in exploring those further. No guarantees they're necessarily the buffs we'd ship if she needed power, and as above we think she's closer to too strong than too weak. They had some promise though so would want to look at them again. 
Tryndamere and Yi 
Both Trynd and Yi lost some power with the pre-season changes, Trynd more so than Yi. For 7.24b we concluded it was better to put time into a subset of laning fighters (divers generally), working to improve their state, both in terms of kit changes and itemization. We'll be taking a look at Trynd and Yi in 8.2 instead as a result, see if, given the state of the game in January, they need changes, and if so whether that's changes to them specifically or to runes/items they use. No guarantees of anything specific of course, but they're on our list for when we get back. 
For anyone wondering the reason I mention 8.2 there, rather than 8.1, is because we're basically out of time on 8.1 work already. We'll get some late changes into when we get back if there's anything really urgent (micropatching a patch just before it goes out basically). Because we have to lock patches down well in advance, and that we put some time into 7.24b, we've got limited ability to do stuff with 8.1. 
Finally, thought it'd be good to talk about Heimer. We've got a nerf in for Heimer that looks pretty hefty on paper, with his RQ turret's damage dropping from 200-340 (+0.7AP) to 100-180(+0.7AP). It's likely to be pretty hefty in game too, which we feels appropriate given how well Heimer's performing at present, particularly his ability to make it really difficult for many champs to all in him during laning phase. 
Worth noting though that this isn't a halving of his R's power. That's a nerf to the beam damage only, so the R turret's regular shots will still do the same amount of damage as at present. The ratio's unchanged too, so damage later in the game will be less affected. While the RQ is generally Heimer's go to choice of upgrade, other R uses are unchanged so situations where those are good won't be impacted either. It's still possible despite those things that this will hit Heimer too hard of course and we'll give him a look after 8.1 goes out, see if he needs adjustment in 8.2. 
Last post of the year 
We're about to hit the holiday break, so this will be my last of these posts in 2017. I'm planning on starting them up again early January once we're back in the office and have assessed the current state of the game. I hope you've enjoyed reading these posts. I wasn't sure when I started them back in February if they'd work out particularly well. I've felt really good about them personally though as a way talk about a range of things in a pretty casual (and often typo filled!) manner. I've also just really enjoyed doing them as well most days. Looking forward to keeping them rolling next year."

When asked about Olaf changes, Meddler replied:
Have you got any planned changes to Olaf? You buffed other fighters, but didn't touch him. You were planning buffs but they got reverted.
We'll assess Olaf again in January. As we were investigating possible buffs for him we started to see him do a lot better though as players found ways to be more successful (e.g. use of Sorcery runes) so the buffs looked inappropriate at least right now."

Meddler continued:
But you nerfed Sorcery?
Yep, it was too strong. As above, that's one of the reasons we'll also be reassessing Olaf in January, see what he's using and how he's performing."

As for rune changes coming for 8.1 and 8.2, Meddler commented:
Is there any further news on possible rune changes that may or may not be coming up in 8.1 or 8.2 that aren't already on the PBE?
The only things that might be in 8.1 that aren't on PBE already are urgent changes needed once we get back into the office in January. 
8.2's still open, don't have anything more concrete than what we've previously talked about for possible Runes changes for it yet though."

When asked about the state of the jungle, Meddler replied:
Looking at jungle difficulty in general, doesn't jungle in general became harder to clean ? 
I used to take the old mastery that gave you 2 flat damage reduction, shouldn't all monster have -2 base AD as a result ?
We knocked some monster stats down a bit in pre-season to keep the jungle around the same difficulty level. Not looking to make it meaningfully harder or easier to clear than it was this year. So far not seeing any groups of champs fall out of viability because of difficulty clearing. Inclination is as a result that if we do need to make any changes they're more likely to just be to individual champions. "

Additionally, Reav3 provided some thoughts on Rengar coming up after the holidays:
"We are currently looking into possibly doing a partial revert to him, looking primarily at reverting the Q. Obviously these things aren't always that simple so I can’t say for sure it will ship or when it would ship if it does look promising."

Bronze Gods: Making a Monument 

Here's Dyquill with a dev blog on making the bronze statue seen at Worlds 2017:
"The first time we thought about making a bronze statue was for Riot’s 10-year anniversary in 2016. We’ve had some epic statues built in the past, but in our minds, a bronze sculpture was a little more monumental (no pun intended). 
When we finally made the call to go ahead and build the sculpture, we decided a statue of that size and scope should go where as many players as possible could see it and commemorate the ultimate League experience: Worlds. It was quite a process, so we thought you might like a look at the journey from the spark of an idea to the finished sculpture thousands of players saw in Beijing.
We started with a few rounds of concept art exploring where we could put the statue and what the experience would be like for players who came across it in person. What feeling should that statue evoke? 
One of the early concepts was Garen vs. Darius. While the team was pretty excited by this one, we thought it would be even cooler to connect it to the music video in production at the same time, so we changed the creative direction from a 1v1 into a trio of champs fighting.
We used miniatures to figure out the design of the statue before we actually committed to sculpting. We realized a statue featuring three champions locked in battle presented more of a challenge than one capturing a conflict with two clear sides and a distinct focal point. And when it came to Garen, Ashe, and Lee Sin, we also had to take into consideration three very different fighting styles and weapons. 
We decided to design their fight as a kind of circle, where each champion is facing two rivals from their own angle. No one is at an obvious disadvantage, and visually the sculpture remains balanced. We also thought about the composition in terms of each champion’s visual “weight”: Garen is a big dude with heavy armor, so he grounds the sculpture, whereas Ashe is the smallest and lightest, so we put her at the top. Lee Sin and his ult were used to connect the whole statue together and guide your eye along the circular form. 
Riot doesn’t have any “build a giant bronze statue” roles, so we partnered with Mettle Sculpture Studio to help pull it off. The sculpture began with massive chunk of clay, which they shaped by hand and then supported by welding frames onto it. 
Next, we cast the sculpture in resin, adjusted it for composition, and then separated it into smaller pieces that we cast with bronze. The whole process up to this point took about five months. 

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